Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

 Wednesday, December 27, 2023
Holiday Training

24 X 50 @ 50
6 EZ, 6 K-S, 6 IMO-FR, 6 Pull (3-2-1, 3-2-1 breath per 50)

Main Set
3 X [3 X 25 + 25 EZ] @ 30-90
6 X [50 + 25 EZ] @ 45-45
4 X [25 + 3 X 25 EZ] @ 30-40


D Crew Option:
8 X 75 + 4 X 50 @ 60
6 X 75 + 3 X 50 @ 60
4 X 75 + 2 X 50 @ 60
2 X 75 + 50 @ 60
*30 minutes of strong, consistent effort.

Notes: last day before the team gets back together, main set introduces some speed back into the plan in short amounts so you can do it well in a solo effort or small group. Feel free to mix up strokes and equipment. If you are more inclined for a D-Crew set, there is a 30 minute effort that is along the same lines, shorter repeats, some extra rest on the 50's to keep the quality high.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

 Tuesday, December 26, 2023
Holiday Training Block

2 X 150 Loosen + 2 X 300 Pull + 2 X 150 Kick @ :15R

32 X 25 @ 40-60 skills and drills
16 reverse IMO - pick a drill for each stroke
8 dives or walls working on plunges and streamlines
8 sculling progression

Main Set
6 X 100 FR @ 1:30
4 X 75 @ 1:15 Kick 1st-last 50
6 X 75 FR @ 1:10
4 X 50 Stroke @ 1:15
6 X 50 FR @ 50
4 X 25 FAST @ 1:15

Notes: Slow, long warmup after the Christmas Weekend. Then just some basic general conditioning to get things moving again. Keep a steady effort with good habits in tact throughout.

Friday, December 22, 2023

Friday-Saturday, December 22-23, 2023

 Friday, December 22, 2023
Holiday Training Block

200 + 2 X 150 + 3 X 50 @ 3:30-2:15-50 Getting longer

8 X 25 from blocks or walls working plunges, streamlines, breakouts

32 X 25 @ 40-60
16 reverse IMO - pick one drill per stroke
8 turn sequence
#1 - triangle starting from kick on wall ending with shooter
#2 - 4 shooters
#3 - MP start through turn through 3-4 touches
#4 - MP dolphin dive to 3 touch finish
8 - Odd - Max Speed/tempo; Even - Min Stroke and No Breath

Main Set
3 X 100-200-300 @ 5:00
*Do it Right the first time! Be FAST

1000+ of ez Pulling-swimming-kicking-drilling

Notes: The normal Mon/Fri warmup and then put in 3 good swims, 15 Minutes, do it right the first time and on to the weekend.

Saturday, December 23, 2023
Holiday Training Block

Warmup and Main Set (one hour)
3 X 100 + 6 X 75 + 8 X 50 @ 1:40-1:10-45
*choice of equipment

4 X [3 X 50 + 3 X 25] + @ 50-35
1st 50's are K-S no board, Swim is FR
25's are stroke
Last 50's are FR-Stroke

4 X [3 X 75 + 100] @ 1:20-1:40
75's = descend each group of 3 (last group of 3 is fastest 3)
100 = smooth, lowest stroke count

Notes: just an hour as we try to fit something into the holiday weekend, general conditioning, last part has a nice descending effort to finish.

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Thursday, December 21, 2023

 Thursday, December 21, 2023
Holiday Training Block

16 X 75 @ 1:15
4 EZ, 4 Kick 1st 25, 4 Indy IM, FAST 1st 25-25, Last 25-25
8 X 25 @ 45 sculling progression
6 X 50 @ 1:10
*alt. Max-Min and 1 or 0 breath (Max-Min = Max speed with fewest strokes)

Main Set
24 X HVO @ 70-90 (take your time between reps)
6 wall to far flags
6 flags to flags (dolphin dive start with no wall)
6 MP to turn to 3 touches off breakout (dolphin dive start with no wall)
6 wall to wall - from dive or with FINS

D Crew
6 X [75 + 50 + 75 + 25] @ 60-40-60-40
*hold best avg.

Notes: Get a good warmup, do more if you need to, then hit some high end speeds

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

 Wednesday, December 20, 2023
Holiday Training Block

2 X [2 X 150 + 4 X 75 + 2 X 150] @ :15-30R
slow, quiet swim, choice of equipment

8 X 100 Board Kick @ 2:00 Talking Pace

Main Set
12 X 75 @ 1:40 under bungy (12 1/2 uh2o off every wall)

12 X 75 @ 1:15 Descend 1-4, 5-8, 9-12
FL = alt. 1st/last 50 FL, steady, no descend

30 X 25 @ 40
10 Pull w/ buoy and FINS
10 Pull w/ Fins
10 Swim

12 X 75 @ 1:20-1:30 Descend 1-4, 5-8, 9-12

8 X 100 IM + 4 X 200 FRIM + 4 X 100 IM @ 1:30-3-1:15

Short FR
30 X 25 snorkles and paddles @ 40
10 12 1/2 scull + 12 1/2 superman kick
10 alt. 8 strokes or less w/ 6 touches shoulder driven
10 lose snorkle and no breath

12 X 75 @ 1:15 D1-4, 5-8, 9-12

3 X [2 X 150 + 300 + 3 X 100] @ 2:15-4-1:15
*last 100's are Faster, and each RD is Faster than last.

Notes: Slow, quiet warmup, and then some stroke/event specific sets, pick one (maybe two) and do it well.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

 Tuesday, December 19, 2023
Holiday Training Block

200 EZ + 300 Kick/Swim + 400 Pull + 300 K/S + 4 X 50 (3-2-1-0 Breaths) @ :15-30R

Part I
6 X [2 X 25 + 2 X 50 + 100]
2 Rds's @ 40-40-1:10
2 Rd's @ 30-50-1:10
2 Rd's @ 20-60-1:10
*strong throughout - stay consistent through the the change in rest

Part II
4 X [2 X 50 + 75 + 2 X 50] @ 60
*75 is FR; 50's are choice of Kick, stroke or IM pattern, strong effort throughout

Part III
12 X 25-50-75 @ 1:30
*choose your distance, stroke, and equipment and finish FAST

Notes: Long Warmup followed by 2 rounds of strong repeats, with a few "tight spots" to navigate and keep you honest. Last part, gives you some choice on how to finish, just be FAST. Each part is about 20 minutes.

Monday, December 18, 2023

Monday, December 18, 2023

 Monday, December 18, 2023
Holiday Training Block

2 X 150 + 2 X 75 + 2 X 25 @ 2:30-1:15-45

6 X Dives on own sendoff - any entry and skill from plunge to breakouts

32 X 25 @ 30-45 
16 IMO - pick one drill per stroke
8 Turn/Finish Sequence - 1 - plunge; 2 4 shooters; 3 - MP turn + 45 plunge; 4 dolphin dive to 3 touch finish
8 Variable Sprints

Main Set
3 X: (FREE)
3 X 25 FAST + 50 EZ @ 25-1:45
2 X 50 FAST + 3 X 25 EZ @ 45-30
75 FAST @ 2:00

30 X 25 @ 30 Stroke or Kick
5 Fast - 1 EZ
4 - 2
3 - 3
2 - 2
1 - 5

FINS and Paddles FREE
2 X [75 + 50 + 25 + 50 EZ] @ 1:00-3:00

*D Crew last set
2 X [2 X 150 + 100 EZ] @ 2:00-4:00

Notes: Picking up the a little this week now that exams are finished, Trying to keep the reps on the shorter side as many are swimming in small groups or by yourself. Get a good start to the week. After Warmup, we start with some strong Freestyle, move into some stroke or kick, and then finish with some fins and paddles or a little D crew stuff.

Friday, December 15, 2023

Friday-Saturday, December 15-16, 2023

 Friday, December 15, 2023
Holiday Training Block

3 X 100 EZ + 4 X 75 50 Kick (25Board-25 Back)/25 Swim + 6 X 50 IMO/FR @ 1:40-1:30-60

6 X Dives on own sendoff - any entry and skill from plunge to breakouts

32 X 25 @ 30-45 
16 IMO - pick one drill per stroke
8 Turn/Finish Sequence - 1 - plunge; 2 4 shooters; 3 - MP turn + 45 plunge; 4 dolphin dive to 3 touch finish
8 Variable Sprints

Main Set
Choose ONE and BRING IT!!
3 X 100 @ 5:00
3 X 400 @ 5:00
5 X 150 @ 3:00

1000+ on the house of EZ swimming, pulling, kicking, drilling

Notes: Great way to finish out a Friday, short and sweet, make it count, do it right the 1st time!!

Saturday, December 16, 2023
Holiday Training Block

18 X 50 @ 50
6 EZ, 6 K/S, 3 IMO/FR, 3 FAST 2nd 25

5 X [2 X 75 + 25 + 100 + 25 + 2 X 75] @ 1:10-35-1:10-35-1:10
2 rounds: Kick 1st/last 50 of 75's w/ board; 25's kick not board; 100 is swim; Strong throughout
Middle Round: 1st 2 75's = FL-BK-BR; 25's = BK or FL; 100 = FR; 2nd 2 75's = BK-BR-FR
Last 2 Rd's:

Notes: a short general conditioning set, main set is 35 minutes.

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Thursday, December 14, 2023

 Thursday, December 14, 2023
Holiday Training Block

9 X 100 @ 1:40
12 X 25 @ 40
*1st 8 sculling pattern, last 4 - 8 stroke drill

Main Set
3 X 50 + 75 @ 50-1:10
3 X 50 + 100 @ 50-1:20
3 X 50 + 125 @ 50-1:30
3 X 50 + 150 @ 50-1:40
*Strong throughout - get stronger from 75-150 as sendoff gets smaller

24 X HVO @ 70
6 X Dive to Far Flags - carry speed from blocks
6 X MP dolphin dive + swim to wall + turn and back to 2-4 touches 
6 X BLAST KICK from wall to far flags underwater for FL-BK-BR; superman for FR
6 wall to wall w/ fins

Notes: 1st part of the main set is a 15 minute Freestyle swim with a build as you go from 75-150. Then we transition to 30 minutes of High Velocity Swimming. If you are on campus feel free to do towers - 20 X 25 @ 90 going 5 (8 uh2o dolphin to 3 touches), 5 25's DPS, 10 FAST

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

 Wednesday, December 13, 2023
Holiday Training Block

2 X 150 @ 2:30 EZ
Add Paddles and Buoy
4 X [100 + 50 + 3 X 25 + 50 + 100] @ 1:20-40-40-40-1:40
*smooth, quiet, no breath on the 25's

Main Set
3 X [3 X 75 + 3 X 25] @ 1:20-40
*75's Board Kick; 25's no board on side, bike, or uh2o to fit your events

3 X [3 X 50 + 75 + 100] @ 60-60-2
50's are FL-BK; BK-BR; BR-FR or stroke pattern; 75 is FR; 100 is choice of IM or stroke

4 X [3 X 25 + 50 + 75] @ 40-50-60
FR - Steady effort, controlled descend on 75 1-4

Notes: After two days with a little bit of intensity, today is just steady and controlled as you move through some different types of swimming, a good general conditioning day. Starts with som slow pulling, counting strokes and breath control. Main set consists of 20 minutes of some kicking, 20 minutes of IM or stroke and then 20 minutes of some strong FR with a small descend.

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

 Tuesday, December 12, 2023
Holiday Training Block

300 EZ + 200 Kick + 12 X 25 drills/skills + 200 Kick + 3 X 100 D1-3 @ :15R

Part I
[3 X 50 @ 40] @ 3
[3 X 50 @ 45] @ 3
[3 X 50 @ 50] @ 3
[3 X 50 @ 55] @ 3
[3 X 50 @ 60]
*All FAST - should naturally get faster as you get more space between reps, choice of stroke or kick

Part II
Choose One - Sprint or Distance

10 X 25 @ 1:30

30 X 25 @ 25-30 Best AVG

Part III
Fins & Paddles - kick and stroke count
3 X [50 + 75 + 100 + 125] @ 60-70-80-90(100)

Notes: after warmup, there are 3 15 minute sections, the first two have some intensity, and then part 3 turns the page and works on some efficiency.

Monday, December 11, 2023

Monday, December 11, 2023

 Monday, December 11, 2023
December Training Block

3 X 100 EZ + 4 X 75 50 Kick (25Board-25 Back)/25 Swim + 6 X 50 IMO/FR @ 1:40-1:30-60

6 X Dives on own sendoff - any entry and skill from plunge to breakouts

32 X 25 @ 30-45 
16 IMO - pick one drill per stroke
8 Turn/Finish Sequence - 1 - plunge; 2 4 shooters; 3 - MP turn + 45 plunge; 4 dolphin dive to 3 touch finish
8 Variable Sprints

Main Set
18 X 50 @ 50 Odd - FAST; Even - EZ
6 X 50 @ 70 FAST
9 X 25 @ 30
3 X 50 @ 90 FAST
*choice of strokes or Kick

*B and D group instead of last 3 50's, do a 75 + 100 + 125 @ 1:30 best avg.

Notes: Start the week off by working on some of our skills, an then execute a 31 minute fast EZ set in which you get some active recovery with some shorter intervals with some EZ swimming between the fast efforts and some "just rest" with some longer intervals. Put together some quality swimming. If you have more time and want to stretch it out you can move the repst to 24-12-15-6 which will put you up to the 45 minute range.

Friday, December 8, 2023

Friday-Saturday December 8-9, 2023

 Friday-Saturday December 8-9, 2023
December Training Block

4 X 300 @ 4:30 (pull last 3)
8 X 125 @ 2:15 (kick 1st and last 75 choice of kick style)
6 X 100 @ 1:45 Best AVG. Choice Stroke
4 X 50 @ 3:00 FAST Choice stroke
4 X 300 @ :30R alt. EZ Kick and EZ Swim

Notes: a little over an hours worth of work, meant to be a build up to the 50's and a long stretch swim to close it out. Start slow and efficient on the 300's, start working on the 125's, pick up the effort again on the 100's, and the bring it on the 50's, slow it all back down to close it out. Still not trying to go too far or do too much post invite. Next week will have some additional volume options if you choose.

18 X 50 @ 50
6 EZ, 6 K/S, 3 IMO/FR, 3 F-E

3 X [3 X 75 + 2 X 100 + 3 X 75] @ 60-70(75)-80(90)
*strong and steady throughout

3 X [50 + 2 X 25 + 50 + 3 X 25 + 50 + 4 X 25] @ 50-20-50-25-50-35
*choice of stroke, Kick, intensity and equipment, make a pattern stick to it and swim it well

Notes: Some general conditioning for a Saturday, still about an hour of work, will have some options to add some length and time next week.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Thursday, December 7, 2023

 Thursday, December 7, 2023
December Training Block

2 X 150 + 2 X 75 + 2 X 25 @ 2:30-1:15-30

8 X 25 Dives on your own sendoff - plunges - holding lines, 2-4 touches...

36 X 25 @ 40 your favorite drill playlist, turn sequences, etc....

Main Set
3 X [2 X 50 + 3 X 75 + 2 X 50] @ 60(65) holding stroke and kick count

9 X 100 Kick @ 1:45-2:00
#1 - Board Kick; #2 - 50 FL on BK; 50 FL on Side; #3 - 4 EQUAL uh2o's off each wall + back kick

20 X 25 @ 30-45
*choice of stroke and equipment and what FAST and EZ mean

Notes: use some creativity on the warmup and then Main set has some slow, quiet, efficient swimming. Very doable kick set then push some short speed to close things out.