Friday, April 29, 2016

Friday, April 29, 2016 - Long Course

Friday, April 29, 2016
Fast Friday - Long Course

3 rounds of:
100 EZ
1 X 50 drills and skills
1 X 50 descend 1-3 by round

Main Set
10 X 100 @ 2:00
#1 - 25 FAST - 75 EZ
#2 - 35 FAST - 65 EZ
#3 - 50 FAST - 50 EZ
#4 - 100 FAST
#5 - 100 EZ

Notes: it's all about extending our speed, start each sprint the same and try to maintain effort, tempo, etc... Speed is King!

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Thursday, April 28, 2016

300 loosen
8 X 25 square turns, work on take off from walls
100 strong

Main Set
9 X 200
3 @ 2:30-3:00 (smooth, quiet, stroke limit) may pull
3 K/S @ 2:30-3:00 Kick 1st 50-100-150 from #1-3
3 Move it @ 2:15-2:45

Notes: less than 30 minute set, first 3 are quiet, HR <25, middle 3 add more kicking as you go and start gettin the HR about 25, last 3 move it! HR at or above 30. Control your energy output, control is a good sign of being fit.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Wednesday, April 27, 2016
High Velocity

300 Loosen
6 X 75 desc. 1-3, 4-6 @ :15R
8 X 25 Variable Sprints

Main Set (choose one option)
Short Sprints
4 X 25 @ 90 w/ low water, sub :15 25's
6 X 15M @ 90 add a bucket of water or two
8 X 10M @ 60 add another bucket
4 X 25 @ 90 no bucket, add fins & paddles

Distance Velocity Set
4 rounds:
1 X 75 @ 50
1 X 50 @ 60
1 X 50 @ 70
1 X 50 @ 80
1 X 100 EZ @ 1:40
*75's and 50's done as fast as possible

Notes: Short sprint set is 30 minutes, Distance set is 20 minutes, both are executing the right type of strokes at the right speeds.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

300 loosen
12 X 25 @ 55 alt. K/S, S/K
4 X 25 working on underwaters to 15M

Main Set
3 rounds of:

6 minute Kick
using stretch cord, vert. kick w/ med. ball
2:00 of 15/15
2:00 of 20/20
2:00 of 30/30

2 X 25 Underwater @ 45
1 X 100 Kick @ 2:00 (Odd 25's FAST - Even 25's EZ)
1 X 150 Swim @ 3:00 (1st 75 FAST, 2nd 75 EZ)
*go right back into the 6:00 kick

Notes: Equal parts work to rest, HR should be closer to 30+ than 25 on the Fast efforts

Monday, April 25, 2016

Monday, April 25, 2016

Monday, April 25, 2016
Aerobic Endurance

300 loosen
200 buddy kick
3 X 100 @ :30R w/ good effort
#1-FR, #2 - Kick, #3 - IM

Main Set
3 X 50 Kick @ 45
3 X 100 FR @ 1:20/30
3 X 50 Kick @ 50
3 X 100 FR @ 1:15/20
3 X 50 Kick @ 55
3 X 100 FR @ 1:10/15
3 X 50 Kick @ 60
3 X 100 FR @ 1:05/10

Notes: Nice Kick/Swim set for a Monday. Even though the sendoff's get faster and slower, keep the same effort throughout. Enjoy the rest when it is in your favor, and stay steady when it is not.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Friday, April 22, 2016

Friday, April 22, 2016
Friday Challenge

300 loosen
6 X 100  @ :15R
#1-2: push first 25
#3-4: push first 50
#5-6: sprint last 25

Main Set
15 X 25-100 @ 60
*pick a distance and stroke and go big

Notes: 15 minutes, choose your distance, which will change the feel of the set from sprint to endurance, do it the right way and accumulate 15 minutes of your best effort to end the week.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Thursday, April 21, 2016
Rainbow Day

300 Loosen
12 X 50 @ 50 
use a fast/ez pattern by 25 or 50, start with good swimming in small, managable chunks

Main Set
4 X 200 Pull @ 2:30-3 smooth and quite WHITE, HR <25
6 X 150 K/S @ 2:15-30 PINK
#1-2: kick 1st 50
#3-4: Kick 1st/last 75
#6-6: Kick 1st 100
*pick up effort to HR 25 or better, still short rest.
16 X 50 @ 40-45 RED, HR closer to 30, than 25
*hold best sustained effort

Notes: Rainbow sets are about controlling your energy output and working your timing so that you can finish with your best. Feel free to mix strokes or do IM's, the building effort is the key to the workout.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Wednesday, April 20, 2016
High Velocity

100 loosen, 100 buddy kick, 100 mixed strokes
20 X 25 @ 30
1st 8 descend in groups of 4
last 12, variable sprints, middle 4 kick

Main Set
8 X HVO @ 60
alt. 2 swim to far flags w/ 2 Kicks to Far Flags
1 X 50 @ 3:00 Go for It!
6 X HVO @ 60 w/ fins
alt. 2 swim to far flags w/ 2 Kicks to Far Flags
1 X 50 @ 3:00 w/ fins Go for It!
4 X HVO @ 60 w/ fins & Paddles
alt. 2 swim to far flags w/ 2 Kicks to Far Flags
1 X 50 @ 3:00 w/ fins & Paddles Go for IT!
2 X 25 @ 2:00 from dive

Distance Option: do 50's or 75's for the HVO's @ 60 making the first 25 or last 25 at P200 or better. Stretch the 50 @ 3:00 to 75-300.

Notes: 30-35 minutes, make sure you take the right type of stroke, get up to your highest velocity's. Things are different at top speeds, accumulate some really good speed in small chunks.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

300 loosen
12 X 50 K/S, S/K @ 55

Main Set
400 IM Kick @ :15-30R (start on top or bottom)
4 X 25 underwater @ :45
1 X 100 swim @ 1:30 1st 75 fast, 25 EZ
300 IM Kick @ :15-30R (start on top or bottom)
3 Minutes @ 4 (3 shooters from bottom on tops and bottoms)
1 X 100 swim @ 1:30 1st 50 Fast, 50 EZ
200 IM Kick @ :15-30R (start on top or bottom)
4 X 25 underwater @ 45
1 X 100 swim @ 1:30 1st 25 Fast, 75 EZ
1 X 100 IM Kick bring it home!

Notes: there are some IM kicks, I suggest NOT using a board for the FL/BK, then using a board for the BR/FR, kick with good strong efforts, execute some good skills underwater and from the bottom of the pool, and then take that into a short amount of fast swimming. Keep it moving throughout set.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Monday, April 18, 2016

Monday, April 18, 2016
Aerobic Endurance

300 loosen
3 X's through:
2 X 25 Kick @ 30 2nd faster than 1st
1 X 50 @ 50 limit strokes on 2nd 25
2 X 25 @ 30 1st - sprint, 2nd EZ

Main Set
3 X 50 @ 45
1 X 75 @ 60
1 X 50 @ 45
1:00 Rest
4:00 Kick @ 5:00 :15Vert. Board, :15 Strong

3 X 50 @ 45
1 X 75 @ 60
1 X 50 @ 45
1:00 Rest
4:00 Kick @ 5:00 on stretch cord - :10 second kick every :30

3 X 50 @ 45
1 X 75 @ 60
1 X 50 @ 45
1 X 300 Kick shooting for under 4:00

Notes: 30 minutes, 3 rounds, each round starts with close to 300 yards of strong swimming where the 50's allow you to keep the pace up, you just have to extend it to 75 once, and then you alternate that with some kicking using a vertical board, a stretch cord and just going for it.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Friday, April 15, 2016

Friday, April 15, 2016
Challenge Set

300 loosen
2 X's
1 X 100 Neg. Split @ 1:30
1 X 50 sprint first 25 @ 60
1 X 50 Kick @ 60 2nd 25 faster than first
1 X 100 @ IM @ 1:45

Main Set
30 X 25 @ 30
*pick a stroke, keep it the same, and hold your best effort

Notes: It's Friday! 15 Minutes of your best and don't forget to take advantage of the walls.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Thursday, April 14, 2016
Rainbow Set

18 X 50 @ 50
6 EZ, 6 K/S, S/K, 6 mixed strokes

Main Set
6 X 100 Kick/Swim @ 1:20-30 (White HR 22-24)
8 X 75 @ 65 descend 1-4, 5-8, (White to Red, HR 28+ on 4/8)
8 X 50 @ 75 BLUE (HR 30)

Notes: 30 minute Rainbow Set. Starting off with some comfortable swimming, moving into some descending 75's that will start pushing the comfort zone and finish with some 50's that are very fast, although the Rest starts to help you out.

Do it twice or double it up to make it and hour set.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Wednesday, April 13, 2016
High Velocity

300 loosen
4 X 75 K/S @ :15R
12 X 25 Variable Sprints @ :15R

Sprint HVO's
8 X buckets or bands to 15M @ 60-90
200 EZ
8 X HVO to Far Flags w/ fins & paddles @ 60-90
200 EZ
8 X HVO from block to Far Flags @ 60-90
200 EZ

Distance HVO's
12 X 25 w/ t-shirt @ 45
200 EZ
4 X 50 @ 2:00 2/ fins & paddles
200 EZ
2 X [3 X 50 @ 40] @ 4:00
*1st from a dive
200 EZ

Notes: 30-40 minutes - Sprint - fill your bucket with the right type of strokes, Distance - fill your bucket with 25-50's of the right tempo's & velocity's

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

900 as follows:
100FR - 50K - 50 mixed strokes - 100 K (3 X's)

Main Set
3 X 25 Kick @ 25 FAST
1 X 50 EZ Swim @ 1:15
4 X 25 Kick @ 25 FAST
1 X 50 EZ Swim @ 1:15
5 X 25 Kick @ 25 FAST
1 X 50 EZ Swim

3 X 50 FR @ 40 FAST
1 X 100 EZ @ 2:00
4 X 50 FR @ 45 FAST
1 X 100 EZ @ 2:00
5 X 50 FR @ 50 FAST
1 X 100 EZ

2 X's:
1 X 100 Kick @ 1:30 FAST
1 X 50 EZ @ 1:00
1 X 50 FR @ 45 FAST
1 X 100 Kick/Swim EZ @ 1:45

Notes: Round 1 accumulate some really fast 25's Kick; Round 2 accumulate some really fast 50's FR; Round 3 integrate some fast 100's K w/ some fast 50's swim.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Monday, April 11, 2016

Monday, April 11, 2016
Aerobic Enurance

300 loosen
200 kick, descend effort by 50's
300 Pull sculling every 3rd 25

Main Set
8 X 50 FR @ 45
4 X 100 Kick @ 1:30-45
2 X 200 IM @ 3-3:30
1 X 300 choice @ :30R
2 X 200 FR @ 2:30-3
4 X 100 Kick @ 1:30-45
8 X 50 IMO @ 45

Notes: 35-45 minutes - steady effort - no stopping between lines, keep the HR up the entire set, otherwise it changes the results you get.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Thursday, April 7, 2016
Aerobic Endurance - Mixed Strokes

300 loosen
6 X 100 @ :15r
Alt. Frim w/ IM 

Main Set
12 X 50 @ 50 alt. Fl/FR, FR/fl
6 X 100 bk/br @ 1:40
3 X 200 @ 3
1-IM, 2-FRIM, 3-FR

Notes: 30 minutes, hold strong effort, see if you can get after the 200's

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Wednesday, April 6, 2016
High velocity

300 loosen
3 X 100 @ :15 r 1st 50, 2nd 50, 1st 75 strong
8 X 25 variable sprints

8 minute vert. Kick
:06 streamline blast on tops, 2 shooters from bottom on bottoms
8 X 25 underwater with fins @ 45
8 X 15m bucket sprint @ 60
8 X sprint to far flags @ 60

Notes: 30 minutes, start vertical with some explosive kicks, then take it horizontal with a bigger engine, fins, add some resistance, than get up to full speed to far flags

Distance high velocity
9 minute kick
20/40, 30/30, 40/20 fast/ez
18 X 25 @ 30 holding best avg 
9 X 50 @ 60 fast/ez, ez/fast, all fast

Notes: 27 minutes, all fast swimming and kicking should be as close to p200 as possible, accumulate some good lengths today

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

100 loosen
200 buddy kick
3x100@:15R, kick 1st 25, middle 50, last 75

Main Set
3 X's through
1 X 25 underwater @ 30
3 X 50 @ 50, best avg
3 X 75 @ 1:20, sprint kick 1st 25, 50 ez swim
1 X 100 kick at best @ 1:30
2:00 to do an ez 50 and get kick board to other end

Notes: starts with an underwater kick, feel free to do from a dive, hold best avg. on the 50's, then shift to some explosive 25's with some ez swimming to recover, followed by a 100 in which you should go for it

Monday, April 4, 2016

April 4, 2016

Monday, April 4, 2016
Aerobic Endurance

300 loosen
3 X 25 @ 10r, descend 1-3
3 X 50@ 10R descend 1-3 kick
3 X 75 @ 10r descend 1-3

Main Set
10 X 200 @ 3
1-4 are kick swim start with 50 kick add 50 until number 4 is all kick
5 is ez and use to catch up if you don't make the last 200 under 3
Last 5 hold strong effort throughout, HR 25+

Notes: straight forward, 30 minutes of good effort

Friday, April 1, 2016

Friday, April 1, 2016

Friday, April 1, 2016

300 loosen
3 X 150 Pull @ :15R
3 X 100 @ :30R push last 25, 50, then 75
3 X 50 @ :60R, highest velocity on 1st 25

Main Set
3 X "X" @ 3:00
2 X "Y" @ 3:00
1 X "Z" @ 3:00

X = 25-100 (choose your distance)
Y = 50-200 (choose your distance)
Z = 75-300 (choose your distance)

Notes: 18 minutes - depending on your variablies the set changes quite a bit. If you stay with the shortest option, it becomes 25's, 50's, and a 75 done extremely fast. On the long end it is 100's, 200's and a 300 which is entirely different ball game. Of course you can choose anything in between to fit your fitness level, your mental level or a stroke/event that you are working toward.

*this is a variable of the Dave Salo X-Y-Z Set, so I can't take credit for the idea.