Monday, July 22, 2013

Monday, July 22, 2013

Monday, July 22, 2013

Aerobic Endurance: consistent effort, short rest, no high's or lows.

NOTE: This will be the last post for the summer as I am heading on vacation tomorrow and I feel there are plenty of workouts on this blog that you can start recycling them to get to the school year.

Warmup on your own (1000-1500):

3 X 50 @ 40 FR
3 X 100 @ 1:40-2:00 Kick
3 X 150 IM, no FR @ 2:00-20
3 X 200 FR @ 2:20-40
3 X 50 FR @ 40
3 X 100 @ 1:40-2:00 Kick
3 X 150 IM, no FR @ 2:00-20
3 X 50 @ 40 FR
3 X 100 @ 1:40-2:00 Kick
3 X 50 FR @ 40, see what you got on the last one!


Friday, July 19, 2013

Friday Workout

Friday, July 19, 2013

High Velocity - You have to swim fast, to swim fast!

Warmup on your own (1000-1500):

8 X 10 sec Sprint Kicks from the wall (with or without a board), go for distance and max speed.  1:00 between efforts, you may do some ez kicking or swimming while resting.

200 ez

4 X 25 against stretch cord @ 1:30-2:00

100 EZ

4 X 25 with stretch cord or with fins @ 1:30-2:00

100 EZ

2 rounds of the following progression
2 X 5 yards (start with head under flags) go on whistle, get to wall
2 X 12 1/2 yards (start at mid pool)
2 X 20 yards (start at far flags)
2 X 25
*sendoff is whatever you need to rest about 1:00 between efforts
*work on finishes!


Thursday, July 18, 2013

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Threshold/Quality Swimming:

Warmup on your own (1000-1500):

This is a simple set, very effective, and you will accumulate some very fast swimming:

3 rounds of:
1 X 25 @ 1:00
1 X 50 @ 1:00
1 X 75 @ 1:00
*all swim at max effort, go right from 75 to 25, no extra rest after 75

200 loosen

2 rounds of:
1 X 25 @ 1:00
1 X 50 @ 1:00
1 X 75 @ 1:00
*max effort

200 loosen

1 round:
1 X 25 @ 1:00
1 X 50 @ 1:00
1 X 75 @ 1:00


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Legs (starts with some aerobic kicking, gets into to some powerful efforts in the middle, and finishes with some aerobic kicking to keep you honest)

Warmup on your own (1000-1500):

3 rounds (steady effort throughout):
2 X 25 Kick @ 30
1 X 50 Kick @ 50
2 X 25 Kick @ 30
1 X 100 Kick @ 1:30

10 Minute Kick (more power, bigcontrast in hard/ez efforts):
5 rounds of:
:40 ALL Out, :20 EZ, :20 ALL Out, :40 EZ

3 rounds (steady effort throughoutt):
2 X 25 Kick @ 30
1 X 50 Swim @ 40
2 X 25 Kick @ 30
1 X 100 Kick/Swim @ 1:20


Monday, July 15, 2013

Monday, July 15, 2013

Monday, July 15, 2013

Aerobic Endurance:  Keep it consistent, moving, low rest.

Warmup on your own (1000-1500):

6 X 50 FR @ 40
4 X 100 IM or stroke @ 1:30
6 X 50 FR @ 40
4:00 vertical Kick (6 seconds of all out kicking in streamline position every :30, :20 if you are ambitious), flutter kick with hands on shoulders to recover, no sculling ever
6 X 50 FR @ 40
4 X 100 IM  or stroke @ 1:30
6 X 50 FR @ 40
4:00 Kick (:10 all out vertical board, :20 normal board)
6 X 50 FR @ 40


Friday, July 12, 2013

Friday, July 12, 2013

Friday, July 12, 2013

High Velocity:  short bursts of quality swimming, look like a rock star in small chunks. There are 32 high velocity swims + 4 50's faster than race pace at the end of the set.  Swimming Fast is different than just making intervals, a lot more swimmers can make intervals, than can get themselves to practice at top end speeds.

Warmup on your own (1000-1500):

8 X 50 w/ fins @ 1:00 build speed/tempo by 12 1/2, so last 12 1/2 is race pace/tempo.
*there is a difference between working hard and race pace, make sure you are paying attention to the details.  
8 X 25 @ 60-90 sec. rest, go against stretch cord or parachute
8 X 50 w/ fins @ 1:00 explode to 15M, ez swim the rest
8 X 25 @ 60-90 sec. rest, go against stretch cord or parachute
4 X 50 @ 2:00 w/ fins, go for it!


Thursday, July 11, 2013

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Threshold/Quality Swimming:

Warmup on your own (1000-1500):

Using pace charts below:

8 X 100 @ 90 seconds - 2:00 rest
#1 - FR
#2 - IM
#3 - Kick
#4 - Stroke (pick one, and go for it, don't say it doesn't apply to me)

*you may also choose to do an ez 100-200 swim in between your 100's and use that as your rest.
*use your best 200 time for each of the swims, the kick may need to be your best guess on pace or best effort
*you will accumulate a half mile of very fast swimming, which is a lot more than an average swim practice.

Pace Charts(from Paul Yetter at T2 Aquatics):

200 PR        100 Pace              125 Pace              150 Pace              200 Pace              300 Pace
1:35-1:39      51.5-53.5              1:06.0-1:08.0      1:21.0-123.5        1:48.5-1:151.5    2:49.0-2:53.0   1:40-1:44      54.0-56.0              1:09.0-1:11.0      1:24.0-1:26.5       1:53.5-1:56.5       2:55.0-2:59.0
1:45-1:49      56.5-58.5              1:12.0-1:14.0      127.0-1:29.5        1:58.5-2:01.5      3:01.5-3:05.5
1:50-1:54      59.0-1:01.0           1:15.0-1:17.0      1:31.5-1:34.0      2:03.5-2:06.5      3:10.0-3:14.0
1:55-1:59      1:01.5-1:03.5        1:18.5-1:20.5      1:35.5-1:38.0      2:08.5-2:11.5      3:19.5-3:23.5
2:00-2:04      1:04.0-1:06.0        1:21.5-1:23.5      1:39.0-1:41.5      2:13.5-2:16.5      3:25.0-3:29.0
2:05-2:09      1:06.5-1:08.5        1:24.5-1:26.5      1:42.5-1:45.0      2:18.5-2:21.5      3:32.5-3:36.5
2:10-2:14      1:09.0-1:11.0        1:27.5-1:29.5      1:46.0-1:48.5      2:23.5-2:26.5      3:38.0-3:43.0

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Technique:  Try to get in the mindset of a golfer going to the driving range today.  Not to see how many balls he can hit, but to see how many he can do right, how many different types of shots you can hit, and when something doesn't feel right, go to the drills that you understand and fix the problem.  There should be no right number of repetitions and no pressure for time.  

Warmup (1000)

Start with what you do the most of in practice and racing; Pushing off the Wall!

25's - leave the wall in a straight line(not diagonal like a circle swimmer), toes at 10 or 2, once ft. leave the wall think long body, eliminate resistance, play around with depth, head position, number of kicks
*it is important that there is not pressure to get reps in or make sendoff's, Think, pay attention to the way the water feels around you.

50's - Turns - swim straight in/out of walls if you can to avoid swimming diagonally, 
*Flip Turns - keep head down, use peripheral vision to locate distance from walls, no wasted motion, practicing timing, core, eliminating resistance
*Touch Turns - good timing at wall, the more speed you come into the wall with the more leverage you have to turn, hands and feet leave the wall as you roll to back, BREATH at the end of the turn, not the first thing you do at the wall, put one foot on top of the other to eliminate resistance

75's - K/D/S
*do your favorite drills and strokes, maybe even work on your weakest stroke and learn something new.  You choose your drills as long as you understand what they are trying to accomplish and if your coach was spying on you, they would know what you are working on.
*don't be afraid to do just a couple and do them right the first time.  20 is not necessarily better than 8.

Starts - take your time, figure it out, there are not many swimmers that take the start as seriously as they should.
From the Block - think about foot position, getting to the water fast, the less splash, the less resistance, can you dive with no splash? do you know what if feels like? try it from kneeling position first, enter the water steep, learn to take your speed horizontal, the break out is part of the start!
Backstroke - many do not even know the proper setup, hips back, legs not bent more than 90 degrees, key to great backstroke starts are driving the head back (look to the other side of the pool), and driving the hips up, if the hips don't get up, your legs won't either.


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Warmup on your own (1000-1500):

5 X 100 FR Kick @ 1:30-45 (fastest interval you can make)
1 X 100 K/S @ 2:00 (go for it)
1 X 50 EZ
4 X 100 @ 2:00+ (take as much time as needed to do it right)
*open turns (Square, no pushing off at angles), kick out to 15M off every wall
1 X 100 FL or BK (go for it, push the underwaters) @ 2:00
1 X 50 EZ
3 X 100 BR Kick @ ? (15R) odd 25's are horizontal egg beater, 2nd 25 is fewest kicks possible, work on getting heals back to hips, and last 25 is double pullout for distance.
1 X 100 BR Swim @ 2:00 (effort, technique, and details all have to be the same)
1 X 50 EZ
2 X 100 w/ fins @ 1:30 very strong
1 X 100 K/S w/ fins @ 2:00 go for it!
1 X 50 EZ
1 X 100 FR Kick @ 1:30-45 (same interval as first 5)
1 X 100 K/S (beat time from earlier)


Monday, July 8, 2013

Monday, July 8, 2013

Monday, July 8, 2013

Aerobic Endurance:  This week is probably a chance to get back to a normal rhythm after the week of July 4th.  Remember, solid, consistent effort, with low rest from start to finish.

Warmup on your own (1000-1500):

4 X 25 Kick @ 30 
8 X 50 IMO @ 45
2 X 50 Kick @ 50
4 X 100 FR @ 1:10-20
1 X 100 Kick @ 1:45
2 X 200 IM or stroke @ 3:00
1 X 100 Kick @ 1:45
4 X 100 FR @ 1:10-20
2 X 50 Kick @ 50
8 X 50 IMO @ 45
4 X 25 Kick @ :30


Friday, July 5, 2013

Friday, July 5, 2013

Friday, July 5, 2013

Use as much or as little equipment as you want today, i.e., fins + paddles + snorkle

Warmup on your own (1000-1500):

4 - 6 rounds of:
1 X 25 from Dive @ :45
1 X 25 underwater Kick @ :45
1 X 50 Fast @ :45 
1 X 50 EZ @ 45
1 X 75 Fast @ 45
1 X 75 EZ, take as much time as needed.
*all swims are done for speed, if using a lot of equipment, eliminate dive from first 25


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Technique Day:

Warmup on your own (1000 yards):

let's go into the 4th swimming your best, not necessarily your fastest, but your best!

10 X 25 @ :30-40
4 X 25 drills your choice
10 X 25 @ :30-40
4 X 25 drills your choice
10 X 25 @ :30-40
4 X 25 drills your choice
10 X 25 @ :30-40
4 starts at race speed
4 turns at race speed

Think of this day as 5 minutes at a time of your best swimming.  Just 25's, keep the same amount of kicks off each wall, same distance on pullouts, same stroke count, tempo, and time, no breath off any wall for FR and FL.  Be consistent, do yourself a favor and worry about the stroke itself, not about the time, or the sendoff.

In between each round of 10 X 25's just do 4 really good drills, you can add more if you wish, but I have found you can't focus on one thing for too long.

Have a Great 4th of July, Celebrate your Freedom, and all that comes with it!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Warmup on your own (1000-1500):

6  X 50 over/unders @ 1:30+ swim first 25 ez, relaxed, flip and swim back underwater,  BR do double pullouts
7:30 minute hard-ez Kick going:
15 Fast - 15 EZ
30 Fast - 15 EZ
45 Fast - 15 EZ
60 Fast - 15 EZ
45 Fast - 15 EZ
30 - 15
15 - 15

8 rounds of 3 shooters from bottom of pool, do 3 every 20-30 seconds, aim for 5+ kicks, add dumbell if you have one.

7:30 minute hard-ez Kick, same as above, alternate stroke or do it vertical kick

6 X 50 Kick, your stroke, all out @ 1:00-30, roughly equal work:rest ratio


Monday, July 1, 2013

Monday, July 1, 2013

Monday, July 1, 2013

Aerobic Endurance:  Steady, Consistent effort from start to finish.

Warmup on your own (1000-1500):

4 X 125 FR @ 1:30-45
4 X 75 stroke @ 1:00-10
1 X 100 Kick @ 1:30-45
3 X 125 FR @ 1:30-45
3 X 75 stroke @ 1:00-10
1 X 100 Kick @ 1:30-45
2 X 125 FR @ 1:30-45
2 X 75 stroke @ 1:00-10
1 X 100 Kick @ 1:30-45
1 X 125 FR @ 1:30-45
1 X 75 stroke @ 1:00-10
1 X 100 Kick @ 1:30-45

*maintain same sendoff's throughout, should be getting :15 or less rest with steady effort during entire set

Friday, June 28, 2013

Friday, June 28, 2013

Friday, June 28, 2013

High Velocity Day:  Swimming very fast is small chunks.

Warmup on your own (1000-1500):

12 X 25 @ 45 (sprint to 15M)
200 EZ
8 X 25 Kick against a cord AO to :10 seconds
200 EZ
8 X 25 from mid pool, sprint 5 strokes in out of turns.  Race turns are very different than workout turns
200 EZ
12 X 25 @ 45  w/ fins and Paddles build to 12 1/2, the finish at full speed

40 total high velocity effort


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Threshold/Quality Swimming Today:  Rest is on your side, but you have to keep up the effort.

Warmup on your own (1000-1500)

T-shirt set:  we do this fairly often and find that it gives a little resistance, but the swimmer is still able to maintain fast swimming and tempo.

8 X 50 @ 2:00 wearing t-shirt, goal is to be within P200+1
200 EZ
2 X 100 @ 2:00 no shirt, do first 100 from dive, keep 2nd 100 within :03 seconds of first, get as close to best 200 time as possible
200 EZ
8 X 25 @ :30 FR/FL/BK under 13-15, pick a number that is closest to P200 and stay under,
* BR sub 15-17
200 EZ

by the end of the workout you will accumulate 800 yards of very solid swimming

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Wednesday, June 16, 2013

Wednesday, June 16, 2013

Techinque Day:  Today should be our driving range day, driven by getting faster by doing things better, not farther.

Warmup on your own (1000-1500):

Freestyle Drills:
2 rounds:
4 X 25 Balance Drill: start away from wall, head down, pull bellybutton up to spine, take 4-6 strokes, keeping head down or with snorkel, keep head down, each stroke counts, good shoulder and hip rotation.
6 X 50 @ as much time as you need.  Work on the 3 different ways to swim freestyle.  1st 25 swim hip driven free style, 4-6 strokes of shoulder driven freestyle, take a few ez strokes and then go to body driven freestyle.
3 X 100 @ as much time as you need.  see if you can execute swimming 3 strokes shoulder driven free in/out of every wall, hip driven through the middle of each length, and the finish with body driven.  It is not all out, do it right.

Starts (nobody ever practices starts enough, but when you get to the "big meet" everyone always wishes they could start better, not swim further):
do as many rounds in 10-15 minutes as you can, but not in a rush.
1.  Leaning or Kneeling Dive, execute no splash entry, extend streamline as far as you can across pool.  Do not reach hands out past the head.  To many over reach on the dive and leave themselves too horizontal to get through a small hole on the entry, bring the head down to the arms instead
2.  Running Start, learn to get in the water clean and fast, and control your body position.
3.  Competitive Start

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Kick Day:

Warmup on your own (1000-1500):

1 X 100 Kick All Out

1 X 6:00 Kick:  Alt. :30strong/:30 deep kick (exaggerate the depth of kick slow legs, no splash) 
*keep track of distance and know how far you get in :30
2 X 50 Kick All Out @ 1:00
1 X 6:00 Kick: Alt. 1:00strong/1:00 deep kick
*keep track of distance and know how far you get in 1:00
4 X 25 Kick All Out @ 1:00
1 X 6:00 Kick 2:00 strong/1:00 deep Kick
*keep track of distance and know how far you get in 2:00

*Try to double up distance as you kick from :30 up to 2:00

200 loosen

1 X 100 fast, emphasize legs, make good decisions off walls, and do it right the first time.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Monday, June 24, 2013

Monday, June 24, 2013

Aerobic Endurance:  Consistent Effort, control the speed (fast and slow), make a sendoff here and there, limit the rest.  

Warmup on your own: (1000-1500)

3 X 100 FR @ 1:10-20 (#3 has to be fastest)
6 X 75 Kick @ 1:15-30 (even's 5 sec faster than odd's)
3 X 100 IM/stroke @ 1:20-30 (#3 has to be fastest)
9 X 100 Pull @ 1:15-30 (drop buoy on 2nd 50 of 3-6-9 and add 6 beat kick)
3 X 100 IM/stroke @ 1:20-30 (#3 has to be fastest)
6 X 75 Kick @ 1:15-30 (even's 5 sec faster than odd's)
3 X 100 FR @ 1:10-20 (#3 has to be fastest)


Friday, June 21, 2013

Friday, June 21, 2013

Friday, June 21, 2013

High Velocity in small Chunks!

Warmup on your own (1000-1500):

8 X 25 w/ stretch cord or power rack @ 1:00 sprint 1st 8 strokes for FR/BK, 1st 4 for BR/FL, don't go all the way across.
200 Loosen
8 X 25 Kick @ 1:00+ AO against vertical board for first 10 seconds
200 Loosen
8 X 25 from mid pool @ 1:00 get in ready position, AO from first stroke (water polo style), and finish to the wall, swim ez back to mid pool.
200 Loosen
8 X 50 @ ? do shooter from the bottom, take :05, then take that effort horizontal and go from wall, maintain speed through 3-5 strokes and swim ez the remaining 50
200 Loosen
8 X 25 with fins @ 1:00 sprint 1st 10 seconds off each wall (can u make it 25 yards?)
200 loosen

Total 40 High Velocity Swims that last :10 or less, swim at top speed or faster in small chunks!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Threshold/Fast-EZ - or however you want to describe it today.  Today is to cater a little more to my distance friends, although a sprinter needs some yards every once in a while too!

Warmup on your own (1000-1500):

1 X 500 (sprint every 5th)
1 X 400 (sprint every 4th)
1 X 300 (sprint every 3rd)
1 X 200 (sprint every other)
1 X 100 what do you got!
*rest should be :30 seconds between swims, try to be in control of your fast swims AND your ez swims, don't fall apart on the ez swimming.

6 X 150 @ 2:30 Pull
100 strong, breathing 5's + :10R + 50 paddles only, w/ 6 beat kick

Finish with 3 rounds of:
1 X 25 @ 1:00
1 X 50 @ 1:00
1 X 75 @ 1:00
100 EZ
*try to double and triple up your 25 times!
*do one round FR, one round Kick, one round stroke


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

I apologize for not posting a Monday workout, I am in the middle of swim camps here at Calvin and just completely forgot.  I hope you can forgive me.

Legs Today!

Warmup on your own (1000-1500):

Endurance Ladder Kick/Swim set
50 Kick - 100 Swim
75 Kick - 100 Swim
100 Kick - 100 Swim
100 Kick - 100 Swim
75 Kick - 100 Swim
50 Kick - 100 Swim
*effort on the Kick should be solid, swim, think long strokes, minimize resistance, quiet swimming.

8 X 25 Kick @ 1:00 very Fast
6 X 50 @ 1:00 (1st 25 Kick very fast, no board, 2nd 25 EZ swim)
4 X 75 Kick @ 1:30 (25 head up free kick, 25 fly kick on back, sprint 1st 12 1/2 of last 25 your stroke)
2 X 100 @ 2:00 Rest, go for it, first normal, 2nd with fins.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Friday, June 14, 2013

Friday, June 14, 2013

High Velocity Today:  Short Chunks of very high speed and don't forget quality.

Warmup on your own (1000-1500):

40 X 50 @ 1:00 or so
#1 - sprint 1st 15M from dive
#3 - sprint 1st 25 from dive
#5 - build last 25 (last 10 yards at race speed)
#7 - sprint last 25
EVENS - all ez, long strongs

feel free to change up stroke, kick, add/subtract equipment as desired


Thursday, June 13, 2013

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Quality Swimming/Threshold:  Hold yourself accountable to some standards, put yourself in your uncomfortable zone.  The rest shouldn't be the hard part, it should be your effort.

Warmup on your own (1000-1500):

2 rounds, do one FR, one stroke, do it right the first time:

1 X 100 @ 1:30 Fast, use charts below
1 X 200 EZ @ 4:00
1 X 150 @ 2:15 Fast, use charts below
1 X 150 EZ @ 3:00
1 X 200 @ 3:00 Fast, use charts below
1 X 100 EZ


Pace Charts:

200 PR        100 Pace              125 Pace              150 Pace              200 Pace              300 Pace
1:35-1:39      51.5-53.5              1:06.0-1:08.0      1:21.0-123.5        1:48.5-1:151.5    2:49.0-2:53.0   1:40-1:44      54.0-56.0              1:09.0-1:11.0      1:24.0-1:26.5       1:53.5-1:56.5       2:55.0-2:59.0
1:45-1:49      56.5-58.5              1:12.0-1:14.0      127.0-1:29.5        1:58.5-2:01.5      3:01.5-3:05.5
1:50-1:54      59.0-1:01.0           1:15.0-1:17.0      1:31.5-1:34.0      2:03.5-2:06.5      3:10.0-3:14.0
1:55-1:59      1:01.5-1:03.5        1:18.5-1:20.5      1:35.5-1:38.0      2:08.5-2:11.5      3:19.5-3:23.5
2:00-2:04      1:04.0-1:06.0        1:21.5-1:23.5      1:39.0-1:41.5      2:13.5-2:16.5      3:25.0-3:29.0
2:05-2:09      1:06.5-1:08.5        1:24.5-1:26.5      1:42.5-1:45.0      2:18.5-2:21.5      3:32.5-3:36.5
2:10-2:14      1:09.0-1:11.0        1:27.5-1:29.5      1:46.0-1:48.5      2:23.5-2:26.5      3:38.0-3:43.0

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Technique: Backstroke

Warmup on your own (1000):

Here are some good video's to use for drills and start demonstrations:

16 X 25 Kick @ ?
#2 - streamline at surface
#3 - roller coaster (see first video)
#4 - arms at 90 degree, straight to ceiling

12 X 75 @ ?  Odd's drill, even build by tempo
25 double arm back
25 3 right/3left
25 2 right/2left

5 X 100 @ 1:00R
Kick 4-6-8-10 off each wall

10 starts, I have linked a great video of the starts.

I always talk about leaving the legs alone until the hips get to the top and then pushing off with the legs.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Legs Today!

Warmup on your own (1000-1500):

3 rounds of 12 minute Kick sets as follows:

Round 1:  12 Minute Kick/Swim going 25 kick w/ board, 25 kick on back, 25 swim, do as many rounds as you can in 12 minutes.  

200 EZ

Round 2:  12 minutes vertical kick with 10lb. dumbell or diving brick going 4 minutes with dumbell under chin w/ fly kick, middle 4 minutes do 1 shooter off bottom every 15 seconds (BR - do egg beater with hands dumbell over head, last 4 minutes, build kick tempo from ez, 80-90-100% every 15 seconds each minute.

200 EZ

Round 3:  8 X 100 Kick @ 1:30 adjust as necessary, but I'd rather have you accumulate 800 yards at sub 1:30 pace than just make the interval slower and kick slower, for example, take more rest, but each 100 has to be under 1:30, or 50's under 45 or 25's under 22.


Monday, June 10, 2013

Monday, June 10, 2013

Monday, June 10, 2013

Aerobic Endurance:  Nice Solid Effort from start to finish, limit the rest, no swim should be a deal breaker, stay in the zone.  For those that think that you need to accumulate the time and yards, here is a good read for you.  A short, sharp practice done at a world class effort can be way better than 4 hours of boring, less than enthusiastic hours a day.

Warmup on your own (1000): if done with out breaks, the set will take 45 minutes or less

1 X 100 FR @ 1:10-15
2 X 100 Kick @ 1:30-45
3 X 100 stroke/IM @ 1:30-45
4 X 100 FR @ 1:10-15
2 X 50 FR @ 40
4 X 50 Kick @ 45-50
6 X 50 stroke/IMO @ 45/50
8 X 50 FR @ 40
1 X 100 FR @ 1:10-15
2 X 100 Kick @ 1:30-45
3 X 100 Stroke/IM @ 1:30-45
4 X 100 FR @ 1:10-15

Friday, June 7, 2013

Friday, June 7, 2013

Friday, June 7, 2013

Speed!  We want to accumlate around 40 HVO's (High Velocity Overloads) today, which are short 5-10 second burst of speed.  So again, you will look like your championship self for small chunks.

Warmup on your own: (1000-1500)

8 X 25 no equipment @ 1:00 (streamline & 1st 2-4 strokes are AO)
200 with right paddle, left fin
8 X 50 w/ fins @ 1:00+ sendoff shouldn't be issue (build last 25 so last 10 yards, 3-6 strokes are AO)
200 with left paddle, right fin
8 X 75 @ ?  do first turn for form, do 2nd turn at race pace, including 3 strokes in/out, go in/out of turn square, not at an angle, or circle swim mode
8 X 100 w/ fins + paddles @ ? (1st 15M at race speed/tempo + :10R + 50 6 beat kick + :10R + build last 25 to big finish, last 10 yards or :05 seconds at race speeds and tempo's
8 X 25 with resistance @ 1:00 12 1/2 (5-10 sec efforts against resistence, i.e., schute, cordz, vertical kick board, bucket, power rack


Thursday, June 6, 2013

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Quality Swim Day:  Today is going to revolve around 3 10 minute efforts, I want you to do one FR, one stroke or IM, and one Kick.  Hold yourself accountable for how fast your are swimming, use the chart below.  These efforts don't last forever, don't wimp out:)

Warmup on your own: (1000-1500)

Round 1:
12 X 50 FR with 1 @ 30/35, 2 @ 40, 3 @ 50
*hold best average all the way through, hold yourself accountable, use 100 pace below minus 1-2 seconds as goal.

200-500 loosen

Round 2:
5 X 100 stroke/IM @ 2:00 see what you can hold, use chart below

200-500 loosen

Round 3:
10 X 50 Kick @ 1:00 see what you can hold


200 PR        100 Pace              125 Pace              150 Pace              200 Pace              300 Pace
1:35-1:39      51.5-53.5              1:06.0-1:08.0      1:21.0-123.5        1:48.5-1:151.5    2:49.0-2:53.0   1:40-1:44      54.0-56.0              1:09.0-1:11.0      1:24.0-1:26.5       1:53.5-1:56.5       2:55.0-2:59.0
1:45-1:49      56.5-58.5              1:12.0-1:14.0      127.0-1:29.5        1:58.5-2:01.5      3:01.5-3:05.5
1:50-1:54      59.0-1:01.0           1:15.0-1:17.0      1:31.5-1:34.0      2:03.5-2:06.5      3:10.0-3:14.0
1:55-1:59      1:01.5-1:03.5        1:18.5-1:20.5      1:35.5-1:38.0      2:08.5-2:11.5      3:19.5-3:23.5
2:00-2:04      1:04.0-1:06.0        1:21.5-1:23.5      1:39.0-1:41.5      2:13.5-2:16.5      3:25.0-3:29.0
2:05-2:09      1:06.5-1:08.5        1:24.5-1:26.5      1:42.5-1:45.0      2:18.5-2:21.5      3:32.5-3:36.5
2:10-2:14      1:09.0-1:11.0        1:27.5-1:29.5      1:46.0-1:48.5      2:23.5-2:26.5      3:38.0-3:43.0

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Wedneseday, June 5, 2013

Technique: FLY Today!  I have chosen this video as it's hard not to use the best butterfly-er in the world to demonstrate his stroke.  This is probably a classic video from Michael Phelps and Coach Bowman that will take you through a great build of the butterfly stroke.

Warmup on your own (1000 yards):

You may add or subtract fins at any point during this drill progression.

5-10 X 100 Kick @ 30R (25 on left side, 25 on right side, 25 on back hands extended, 25 on back with hands at side)  *all these are seen in the video.
10 Shooters with your own body weight
10 Shooters with a weight bell or dumbell
*try to get 2-3 kicks at the peak of the shooter

8-12 X 75 drill progression:  feel free to use any combination from the video, I would choose this:
Odd's - 25 single arm (half straight, half bent), 25 3's, 25 2 right/2left
Even's - 25 single/double, 25 triple kick, 25 swim
*pay attention to the timing of the kicks, there is a kick when the hands enter the water, and a big kick when hands exit the water.

16 X 25 streamline underwater @ 1:00R 
#1 - distance per kick, as few kicks as possible
#2 - small, fast kicks, high tempo
#3 - somewhere in the middle, stay relaxed, not all out
#4  - all out, go for time.


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Legs!  The fast kicks are mixed in with the set, so you will have to manage your energy wisely, and plan accordingly when to use your best efforts.  Otherwise, keep moving through the set, no long changeovers between lines.

Warmup on your own: (1000-1500)

1 X 100 Kick AO @ 2:00 (get going right off the bat)
8 X 75 w/ fins and paddles @ 1:00 (25 head up Kick, use paddles as kick board, 25 FL on BK, 25 6 beat kick)
8 X 25 @ 1:00 (FL/BK, do streamlines add :30 to rest if need it, important to go all the way underwater, BR do double pullouts for distance, FR do Kick with Board)
4 X 150 S/K/S @ 2:15-30 
8 X 25 @ :30 main stroke, hold best average, should add up to fastest 200 Kick or better
8 X 75 w/ fins and paddles @ 1:00 (same as above, or go 4-6-8 kicks off each 25)
1 X 100 Kick AO, see if you can better your first time


Friday, May 31, 2013

Friday, May 31, 2013

Friday, May 31, 2013

High Velocity Overload: Today we want to swim up at race speeds or faster for 3-5 strokes at a time or maybe up to 12 1/2 yards  with underwaters.  Even though it is summer, you should be able to put together small chunks of your best form.  You will accumulate 54 HVO's (High Velocity Overload) today, none should last more than :10 seconds, all should be done at race pace and tempo or faster.  Feel free to ADD rest as needed.  Remember, swimming fast is different than swimming far and we get awards for swimming fast, not far!

Warmup on your own (1000-1500):

Main Set
24 X 50 @ 1:00 (you are going to want rest so feel free to add)
#1 - sprint first 3-5 strokes, depending on stroke, go from dive if able
#2 - sprint 2-3 strokes in and out of turn, remember to go into and out of wall square, not circle swimming
#3 - sprint last 3-5 strokes into wall
#4 - EZ, low stroke count

Vertical Kick (8 Minutes)
On the 30's, go 6 sec. all out kick in streamline position, shoot for 18+ fly kicks or 30+ FR kicks
On the 60's, if have deep enough pool, do 3 shooters, aka, streamline push from bottom, going for height.  Fight gravity at the top for a few kicks if you can, if in shallow pool, just stick with the 6 sec. bursts.
Hands on shoulders, slow FR kick between efforts

10 X 25 Kick @ 1:00+ 
Odd - :10 seconds kick all out with a vertical board, note how far you get
Even - :10 seconds kick all out normal board or underwater, note how far you get, 
10 X 25 Swim @ 1:00+
Use chute, stretch cord, t-shirt, 1st 5 sprint 1st 3-5 strokes, last 5 with no resistance.

*longer swimmers(200-1650's):  feel free to do 100's instead of 50's, and make a similar pattern where you are putting together small chunks of 500 or 1650 pace.  The Vertical kick is still good for distance swimmers, then do 20 X 25 @ 30 at the end at P500 or better instead of resistance.


Thursday, May 30, 2013

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Quality Swim Day:  Let's get some quality swims in today! Don't be intimidated by seeing fast swimming with plenty of rest.  This is part of the equation, and swimming fast is not the same as just putting in the yards.  The easy way out is to just swim an extra 1000, not swim :10 faster.  Even if you are not in mid-season form, see what you can do.

Warmup on your own (1000-1500):

Short version (200's and less):

Do 1 X 75 Fast + 1 X 150 EZ for 6 rounds @ 5:00 total

Long Version (200's and longer):

Do 1 X 150 Fast + 300 EZ for 4 rounds @ 8:00 total

Warmdown as needed

Shorter swimmers will accumulate 450 yards of very good swimming
Longer swimmers will accumulate 600 yards of very good swimming

Post results if you would like!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Technique Day:  I have put some BR work in here today.  Don't ignore this if you are not a Breaststroker, you can always learn something from working with different strokes, and if you are stubborn, you can insert some of your favorite drills and strokes into the progression.  I will cover all 4 strokes and more over the course of the summer.

Warmup on your own:

8 X 75 BR Kick, do a 25 on your BK with no board, 25 egg beater with fast ft. and 25 normal kick work on getting heals up to hips.  Sendoff is up to you.

4 rounds of :20 of pull against stretch cord with buoy + 3 full strokes with kick

4 rounds of the following:  each of these two video's has two drills I want you to rotate through Video1, Video2

4-6 X 25 of drill (one drill each round)
4-6 X 50 drill/swim of same drill

4 pullouts for distance from a dive.  Keep track of how far you can get, in order to go far, you have to pay attention to eliminating resistance and the dive has to be clean

4 turns, keep head low, come into wall fast, bring knees inside shoulders, not out to the side.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Combo Day:  After coming off the holiday weekend, we will combine our normal Mon-Tues. workouts which means we will be doing a healthy dose of solid sendoff's, short rest, and a good amount of work with the legs.  You don't have to be a super hero today, just a nice, solid, steady effort from start to finish with a couple faster swims thrown in there to keep you honest.  No highs or lows today.

Warmup on your own (1000-1500):

1 X 300 @ 4:30-5 (middle 100 kick, last 100 swim :10 faster than 1st)
2 X 100 IM @ 1:30 (2nd faster than first)
2 X 200 FR @ 2:30-45
8 X 50 Kick @ 1:00 variable sprints (get after #4 &8)
12 X 25 @ 30 best stroke other than FR
8 X 50 Kick different kick than previous 8 @ 1:00 variable sprints (get after #4&8)
2 X 200 FR @ 2:30-45
2 X 100 IM @ 1:30 (2nd faster than first)
1 X 300 @ 4:30-5 (middle 100 Kick, last 100 swim :10 faster than first)

Warm down as needed

Friday, May 24, 2013

Friday, May 24, 2013

Friday, May 24, 2013

High End Speed Day: Very Fast Swimming in Small Chunks today!

Warmup on your own (1000-1500):

Main Set:
8 X 25 @ 1:00 (1st 15M AO, race pace, you can also do this against resistance aka, stretch cord or power rack or parachute)
200 ez swim to loosen up
3 X 25 from a dive, swim back ez
6 X 75 Kick as follows (6 second Kick against the wall, AO, shoot for 30+ FR kicks or 18+ FL kicks, 25 ez, build last 10 yards to turn, AO underwater to 15M, ez swim to wall, grab kick board, Kick 1st 10 seconds of 25 AO, see how far you can get) @ 1:00 Rest
200 ez swom to loosen up
1 X broken 200 as follows: (see if you can beat best time)
1 X 100 w/ fins @ 2:00
1 X 50 no fins from push @ 2:00
1 X 50 from dive

Post times from any of the set!

Warmdown as much as you need (15-20 minutes of ez swimming)

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Threshold/Cruise Speed Day:  There are some very strong efforts today that will be driven by time and effort, not sendoff.  Feel free to mix in strokes or IM's as you wish, but give full attention to the faster swims.

Warmup on your own (1000-1500):

Main Set:
1 X 50 @ 45
2 X 50 @ 50
3 X 50 @ 55
4 X 50 @ 60
*1st 50 on each sendoff is at P200+2 or better, the following 50's are ez, so you get more rest as you go.
1 X 100 @ 1:30
2 X 100 @ 1:45
3 X 100 @ 2:00
*1st 100 on each sendoff is at cruise speed (see below), the 2nd fast 100 will be the toughest
1 X 150 @ 3:00
2 X 150 @ 3:00
*1st 150 on each sendoff is at cruise speed (see below)
1 X 200 at cruise speed

This is a little more speed than last Thursday, do it well, make sure you warmdown.

Cruise Speed Chart (from Paul Yetter, T2 Aquatics)

200 PR        100 Pace              125 Pace              150 Pace              200 Pace              300 Pace
1:35-1:39      51.5-53.5              1:06.0-1:08.0      1:21.0-123.5        1:48.5-1:151.5    2:49.0-2:53.0   1:40-1:44      54.0-56.0              1:09.0-1:11.0      1:24.0-1:26.5       1:53.5-1:56.5       2:55.0-2:59.0
1:45-1:49      56.5-58.5              1:12.0-1:14.0      127.0-1:29.5        1:58.5-2:01.5      3:01.5-3:05.5
1:50-1:54      59.0-1:01.0           1:15.0-1:17.0      1:31.5-1:34.0      2:03.5-2:06.5      3:10.0-3:14.0
1:55-1:59      1:01.5-1:03.5        1:18.5-1:20.5      1:35.5-1:38.0      2:08.5-2:11.5      3:19.5-3:23.5
2:00-2:04      1:04.0-1:06.0        1:21.5-1:23.5      1:39.0-1:41.5      2:13.5-2:16.5      3:25.0-3:29.0
2:05-2:09      1:06.5-1:08.5        1:24.5-1:26.5      1:42.5-1:45.0      2:18.5-2:21.5      3:32.5-3:36.5
2:10-2:14      1:09.0-1:11.0        1:27.5-1:29.5      1:46.0-1:48.5      2:23.5-2:26.5      3:38.0-3:43.0

2:15-2:19          1:11.5-1:13.5              1:30.5-1:32.5          1:49.5-1:52.0         2:28.5-2:31.5           3:45.5-3:52.5

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Technique, Technique, Technique:  This is a learn something new day, think how you move through the water.  I have linked some good video's of some things you should be thinking about and they will also explain how to do the drills.  The above picture is what I want you to be thinking about as you swim today.  Today is freestyle, although we will rotate through other strokes in future weeks.

Warmup on your own (1000)

Part 1:
3 rounds of:
6 X 25 Body Position (Hand on Pullbuoy) as seen in this video.  Alt. hand. in front by 25
2 X 75 swim @ :15R long stroke, work on keeping the hand still (no sculling)
*many swimmers don't keep the front arm still before the "pull" which adds unwanted resistance.

2 rounds of :
4 X 25 Body Roll as seen in this video
3 X 50 swim @ :15R work on using the hips and keeping the head in line

1 round of:
16 X 25 
#1 - Side Kick, Hand on Pullbuoy
#2 - alternating Hand on Pullbuoy (think catchup stroke)
#3 - Body Roll
#4 - Swim

Part 2 (breath control):
3 rounds of 6 X 25 all no breath, not fast, relaxed!
Round 1 - 8 exhales at each wall
Round 2 - 6 exhales at each wall
Round 3 - 4 exhales at each wall
*scale back and do 10,8,6, or 12,10,8 if you need to.

Part 3 (turn drill)
8 turns doing "plant, Pause, pushoff" drill as seen in this video
*you can also do flip turns with this drill
4 turns at full speed including breakouts

I hope you learned something and did something better today!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

This is a Kick Day.  The 1st 3rd is meant to be an steady aerobic effort, followed by some stroke specific kicking, and finishing with a few big efforts.  All the swimming is meant to be moderate at best.

Warmup on your own: (some ez kicking should be in store for part of it)

Part 1: short rest, steady effort!
3 X 25 @ 30 (stay under 20-22)
3 X 50 @ 50 (descend 1-3, to about 90%)
1 X 100 Swim @ 1:30
3 X 25 @ 30 (stay under 20-22)
3 X 75 @ 1:20 (descend 1-3, to about 90%)
1 X 100 Swim @ 1:30
3 X 25 @ 30 *stay under 20-22)
3 X 100 @ 1:40 (descend 1-3, to about 90%)

Part 2 (choose what fits your events best)
FL/BK: 5 X 100 @ 2:00? + 1 X 200 (set a standard of 15M, mid-pool, 8 kicks and maintain that off every wall on every swim.  Take rest as needed, Swim can be stroke specific or just FR
BR: 8 X 25 double pullouts for distance @ 1:00? + 8 X 50 @ 1:00? eggbeater on first 25, BR kick 2nd 25
FR: 12 X 50 @ 1:00 (odd - 1st 25 *deep kick, 2nd 25 high tempo, even kick 12 1/2 on front, right, left, back with no board)
*deep kick is exaggerated depth of kick, low tempo, no splash with board

Part 3 (finish with a big effort, burn the legs out)
3 X 25 Kick @ 1:00 AO
1 X 50 Kick @ 1:00 AO
1 X 75 Kick @ 1:30 AO
1 X 100 Swim

*just do it once and do it well, try to double up, and triple up your kick times from 25-75, and then see what you have left for your last 100 swim.  We are not doing it 10 times through, just do it the best you can today and do it well.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Monday, May 20, 2013

Monday, May 20, 2013

Monday is an aerobic endurance day.  See my first entry of this blog to look at the pattern for the week.  This should be a very consistent day.  Sendoff's should be short, but doable, effort should be solid, but able to maintain through the entire set.  Just find your groove, and be consistent.  This is also a good day to substitute today's workout with a run or bike or something else if you wish.

Warmup on your own (1000 yards):

*6 X 75 FR @ 1:00-10
8 X 25 Kick @ 30
4 X 125 FR @ 1:30-45
8 X 25 Kick underwater@ 45-60
*2 X 225 FR @ 3:00-15
8 X 25 Kick @ 30
4 X 125 FR @ 1:30-45
8 X 25 Kick underwater @ 45-60
*6 X 75 FR @ 1:00-10

*IM's do the 75's 50stroke/25FR and do best stroke for 1st round, do weak stroke for last 6 and do the 1st 225 IM doing 75 of best stroke, 2nd 225 do 75 of weak stroke. Keep the 125's FR and work hard.
*stroke - feel free to add stroke on 75's and 225's as much or as little as needed.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Friday 5-17-13

Friday 5-17-13

Creative Speed Day:  We want to work some very high end speed for short amounts of time today, or HVO's (High Velocity Overloads).  These are the hardest workouts for coaches to trust their swimmers to perform because if not done correctly, and precisely there is not much getting accomplished.


Warmup on your own (1000-1500)

3 rounds of 6 X 25 @ :45 
EZ 100 between rounds
Round 1 w/ no equpment, streamline and sprint first 3-5 strokes off wall depending on stroke and length of streamline
Round 2 add fins, switch it into high gear on last 3-5 strokes depending on stroke into the wall
Round 3 fins and paddles Odd's done as round 1, even's done as round 2
*focus on tempo, body position, if you have a tempo trainer, use it, those 3-5 strokes need to look like you are racing, not just increased effort, there is a difference.

9 Minute Kick - last :15 of every 90 seconds is AO, see how close you can get to getting 25 yd/15sec.

200 to loosen your arms up.

3 X's 15M, 25, or 37 1/2 from dive (ez 25-50 between)
1 X's 25, 50 or 75 from dive
*choose distance to suit your events, but make it very fast

Warmdown, have a great weekend!

Thursday, 5/16

Thursday, 5/16
Threshold, active recovery

Warmup on your own: (1000-1500)

Today we want you to swim at some speeds that will put you in your uncomfortable zone, there should be a healthy dose of rest, and we want you to achieve the speeds in the pace chart below.

Main Set
8 X 50 @ 50
*descend down to cruise speed on the even's, Odd's EZ, use half of 100 Pace or faster
4 X 100 @ 1:45
descend 1-4: +9, +6, +3, cruise speed
5 X 200 @ 3:00/4:00 - #1 - Kick, #2 - Swim, #3 - cruise speed, #4 - Swim, #5 - Kick
#1,2,4,5 are moderate to ez
4 X 100 @ 1:45 (may choose different stroke)
descend 1-4: +9, +6, +3, cruise speed
8 X 50 @ 1:00
Odd - EZ
Even - Cruise Speed (half of 100 cruise speed or faster)

Pace Chart:(credit to T2 Aquatic Club for Pace Chart

200 PR        100 Pace              125 Pace              150 Pace              200 Pace              300 Pace
1:35-1:39      51.5-53.5              1:06.0-1:08.0      1:21.0-123.5        1:48.5-1:151.5    2:49.0-2:53.0   1:40-1:44      54.0-56.0              1:09.0-1:11.0      1:24.0-1:26.5       1:53.5-1:56.5       2:55.0-2:59.0
1:45-1:49      56.5-58.5              1:12.0-1:14.0      127.0-1:29.5        1:58.5-2:01.5      3:01.5-3:05.5
1:50-1:54      59.0-1:01.0           1:15.0-1:17.0      1:31.5-1:34.0      2:03.5-2:06.5      3:10.0-3:14.0
1:55-1:59      1:01.5-1:03.5        1:18.5-1:20.5      1:35.5-1:38.0      2:08.5-2:11.5      3:19.5-3:23.5
2:00-2:04      1:04.0-1:06.0        1:21.5-1:23.5      1:39.0-1:41.5      2:13.5-2:16.5      3:25.0-3:29.0
2:05-2:09      1:06.5-1:08.5        1:24.5-1:26.5      1:42.5-1:45.0      2:18.5-2:21.5      3:32.5-3:36.5
2:10-2:14      1:09.0-1:11.0        1:27.5-1:29.5      1:46.0-1:48.5      2:23.5-2:26.5      3:38.0-3:43.0
2:15-2:19          1:11.5-1:13.5              1:30.5-1:32.5          1:49.5-1:52.0         2:28.5-2:31.5           3:45.5-3:52.5

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Warmup on your own:

Main Set (think today!, don't just put time in)
Start off with some Freestyle Work(try these drills from Mike Bottom)
3 rounds of:
2 X 75 @ :15R Drill
3 X 50 @ :15R Drill
4 X 25 @ :15R Drill
*have some fun with these drills, add some of your own, 

12 X 50 stroke (hopefully not FR) @ your own sendoff
*rotate K/S, Drill/Swim, Swim, for Drill do as many different drills as you can, do them slow, and do them correctly, too many swimmers don't take drills seriously, if you don't know what your are trying to accomplish with each drill, ask your coach.

12 X 25 streamlines @ 1:00+ rest
#1 - as few body dolphins as possible
#2 - as many body dolphins as possible
#3 - your kick count + breakout at moderate speed, things to think about: streamline posistion, using both sides of the legs for the kick, and keep the head down, neck long on the breakout

3 Rounds of the Start Progression
#1 - Using med balls or dumbells, track start on deck, use med balls/dumbells as handles, launch your self forward on deck.  I will try to find video of this drill, but the idea is to get used to using your arms to get off the block as well.
#2 - kneeling/leaning dive from side or block, enter water clean, no splash, carry into streamline
#3 - start
*Here is a good video for some start explanation from Dave Durden

*feel free to add comments or achievements during workouts.  It's good to get feedback


This Blog is meant to help college swimmers (especially my own) train over the summer.  I know club coaches will cringe at this, however, I have swimmers doing anything and everything over the summer.  Some  are working at camps, some are working 60+ hours a week, some are traveling, taking classes, and only a select few have the time to train with a club.  In fact, I have had very successful swimmers (Division III All-Americans) who have swam like crazy all summer and some that stayed in shape on their own or even a little cross training.

I will post workouts Monday - Friday.  Each day, the main set will be meant to take about 45-60 minutes, and I will leave the warmup and cooldown for you.  The weekly schedule will look like this:

Monday: Aerobic Endurance - steady effort, making sendoff's, low rest, some decent yardage, good blend of free, kick, and stroke:
Tuesday: Legs/Speed Work:  some good work with the legs, all types of kicks, and a few kicks for time and maybe a timed swim
Wednesday: Technique Day - I will try to throw some drills and idea's at you, even post some video to show you what I'm talking about.  Keep HR low, should be a fun, exploratory day
Thursday: Threshold - Equal part work to rest day, solid effort, more rest than Monday, but assigned to times.  I use the pace charts from T2 aquatics.
Friday: Speed Work - creative sets to maximize speed and end the week on a positive note.

*Feel free to do some cross training from time to time on Monday's and Thursday's.  Some Running/Biking/Hiking is what the summer is all about.
*Lift weights on a regular basis
*feel free to up the yardage or adjust sendoff's/equipment/reps to fit to your time and facility
*Be consistent, it will pay off, there is no off-season for an athlete.