Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Warmup: 5 minutes of med balls + 200 EZ + 12 X 50 @ 55 alt. K/S, S/K

Main Set
4 X 25 Kick @ 30 Very Fast (w/ or w/o board, underwater?)
4 X 50 Kick @ 45-55 w/ board FL or FR
4 X 75 Swim @ 1:15 (1st 25 AO, emphasis on wall + underwater, last 50 EZ
4 X 25 @ 30 Very Fast (2/ or w/o board, underwater?)
4 X 75 Kick @ 1:05-15 w/ board FL/ or FR
3 X 100 Swim @ 1:15 (1st 50 AO, emphasis on walls + underwaters, last 50 EZ
4 X 25 Kick @ 30 Very Fast (w/ or w/o board, underwater?)
4 X 100 Kick @ 1:30-45 w/ board FL or FR
2 X 200 Swim @ 3:00 (1st 100 AO, emphasis on walls + underwater, last 100 EZ)


4 X 25 are very fast, FL and BK should do underwater, they are with low rest and are meant to be fast and get the HR way up. The 4 X 50-100's are meant to be more endurance, I want you to use a board so you can breath, and make the fastest interval you can make.  The 4 X 75-200 are meant to combine a really good effort off the walls and carry it into some strokes, along with time to loosen up before the next round.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Warmup: 5 minutes of med balls, 400 choice, 200 Kick, 8 X 50 variable sprints

Main Set
16 X 25 @ 30 Fast
200 EZ
1 X 50 Fast
200 EZ
12 X 25 @ 30 FAst
200 EZ
1 X 100 Fast
200 EZ
8 X 25 @ 30 FAst
200 EZ
1 X 150 Fast
200 EZ
4 X 25 @ 30 Fast
1 X 200 Fast

Get a good Warmdown

Monday, April 28, 2014

Monday, April 28, 2014

Monday, April 28, 2014
Aerobic Endurance


Main Set
Sendoff's are average, I want you to contol your speed today.  The more fit you are the more gears you have in your arsenal.
Here is a guide to gears:
1st Gear - ez, float, warmup
2nd Gear - smooth, slow, quiet, long
3rd Gear - Working Hard, in control, on the brink of uncomfortable
4th Gear - moving, uncomfortable, yet still one gear to go.
5th Gear - Your Best.....

10 X 200,300, or 400's @ 1:30/100 interval
#1 - 1st 1/2 2nd Gear, 2nd 1/2 4th gear
#2 - 3rd Gear
#3 - descend 2nd - 5th
#4 - 3rd Gear
#5 - 1st 4th - 5th Gear, then 1st Gear
#6 - 3rd Gear
#7 - alt. 2nd/4th Gear by 25 or 50
#8 - 3rd Gear
#9 - last 25 of every 100 - 5th gear
#10 - 4th Gear until last 25-50, then 5th gear


Friday, April 25, 2014

Friday, April 25, 2014

Friday, April 25, 2014
Challenge Day

Warmup : 300choice, 300 FR (K/D/S), 300 Pull, 300 IM (K/D/S), 12 X 25 variable sprints

Main Set:
complete 500 yards as fast as you can as follows (may do 400IM too):

25's @ :10 seconds rest exactly
50's @ :20 seconds rest exactly
6 X 75 + 1 X 50 + :30 seconds rest exactly

Can you go under your best 500 time? Keep track of your total time and subtract the rest to figure out your 500 time.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Thursday, April 24, 2014
Aerobic Endurance

Warmup: 400choice-300pull-200kick-100 as variable sprints

Main Set
4 X 25 @ 40
4 X 50 @ 40
4 X 75 @ 1:10
4 X 100 @ 1:10
4 X 125 @ 1:45
4 X 150 @ 1:45

3 X 300 Pull @ 4 smooth and quiet

4 X 150 @ 1:45
4 X 125 @ 1:45
4 X 100 @ 1:10
4 X 75 @ 1:10
4 X 50 @ 40
4 X 25 @ 40

*maintain best avg. throughout, adjust intervals if needed, but you get the picture.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

12 X 50 K/S, S/K @ 55
12 X 25 variable sprints @ 30

Main Set
1 X 25 sprint kick @ :30
1 X 100 @ 1:30 Kick maintain speed
100 EZ
2 X 25 sprint kick @ :30
1 X 200 @ 3:00 Kick maintain speed
200 EZ
3 X 25 sprint kick @ :30
1 X 300 @ 4:30 Kick maintain speed
300 EZ
4 X 25 sprint kick @ :30
1 X 400 @ 6:00
400 EZ

Get the HR, Tempo, and speed up on the 25's and then extend it into the 100-400's

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Pace Charts/VO2/Fast-EZ

Warmup on your own: 5 minutes on land, 15 in the water

Main Set
3 X 25 @ 30 Fast
3 X 25 EZ @ 45
3 X 50 @ 40 Fast
3 X 50 @ 60 EZ
3 X 75 @ 60 Fast
3 X 75 EZ @ 1:15

1 X 400 @ 6 sprint every 4th 25
1 X 300 @ 4:30 sprint every 3rd
1 X 200 @ 3:00 sprint every other
1 X 100 Fast

Monday, April 21, 2014

Monday, April 21, 2014

Monday, April 21, 2014
Aerobic Endurance

Warmup on your own: 5 minutes on land, 15 in the water

Main Set
3 rounds (FR, Kick, Stroke)
*adjust sendoff's as needed so that effort can remain strong and consistent, with the rest interval between 10-15 seconds, very important to buiding aerobic endurance!

4 X (1 X 25 + 1 X 50 + 1 X 75) @ 20/40/60
1 X 100 
1 X 200
1 X 300
1:15/100 for FR, 1:40/100 for Kick, 1:20-30/100 stroke

*start strong with short repeats, and then extend those efforts into the 100-200-300
*mix stroke pattern as needed

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Thursday, April 17, 2014
A little volume

Warmup on your own: 5 minutes on land, 15 in the water

Keep the effort steady, let the length of the workout do the work.
12 X 200,300, or 400's @ 1:15-30 pace
Odd - break into 50's, 75's or 100's and alternate K/S or IM/Stroke
Even's - strong FR

Sometimes you have to go further than you want!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Kick Set

Warmup on your own: 5 minutes on land, 15 in the water

Main Set
3 rounds of:
6 minutes
15 Fast - 45 EZ
30 Fast - 30 EZ
45 Fast - 15 EZ
3 X 100 Free @ 1:20 smooth quiet swimming
12 X 25 @ 1:00 Fast/underwater/no board (BR do egg beater)
2 X 100 FR @ 1:20 smooth quiet swimming
8 walls as follows @ 45-60
5 seconds kick against the wall + turn/flip to feet + kick out & breakout to 15M mark
1 X 100 @ 1:20 smooth quiet swimming

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Tuesday, April 15, 2014
VO2, Pace Charts, Fast/EZ

Warmup on your own: 5 minutes on land, 15 in the water

Main Set
4 X 50 @ 40 FAST
4 X 50 EZ @ 60
4 X 75 @ 60 FAST
4 X 75 EZ @ :20Rest
4 X 100 @ 1:10-20 FAST
4 X 100 EZ @ :30Rest
4 X 75 @ 60 FAST
4 X 75 EZ @ 20Rest
4 X 50 @ 40 FAST
4 X 50 EZ WArmdown

*FAST - HR needs to be higher than aerobic endurance, so over 160.  You should be swimming faster and slower than an aerobic endurance training day.  Different speeds trigger different responses and reactions in training.  You will start at about 2 1/2 minutes of fast swimming and extend it up to about 5 minutes in the middle.  Simple, yet great set.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Monday, April 14, 2014

Monday, April 14, 2014
Aerobic Endurance

Warmup: on your own, 5 minutes out of the water, 15 in the water

Main Set
It is important that to note that to build aerobic endurance, the rest has to be kept at a minimum.  We still need rest, but is has to be short, so the the HR doesn't have a chance to come down, so 10-15 seconds is ideal.

12 X 50 @ 50 alt. K/S, S/K
6 X 100 FR @ 1:10-20
12 X 50 stroke @ 40-50(use pattern as needed)
6 X 100 FRIM @ 1:20-30 (IM w/ no FL)
12 X 50 @ 50 FL/FR

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Friday, April 11, 2014

Friday, April 11, 2014
Challenge Friday

Warmup on your own

Main set
100 swim on 60
100 kick on 90
200 swim
200 kick
300 swim
300 kick
400 swim
400 kick
And then back down

Rules - choose fastest interval possible as long as the kick interval stays :30 from swim interval, for example, 60/90 or 1:10/1:40 for the 100's, good set to keep track of your intervals and try it faster in a few weeks

Should result in 35-45 minutes of very solid swimming and kicking

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Warmup on your own: 5 minutes on land, 15 in the water

Main Set:
6 minute kick (40 fast, 40ez)
4 X 25 kick for time @ 60
6 minute kick (30 fast, 30ez)
4 x 25 swim @ 60 (start under flags, no wall, use legs first to get momentum)
6 minute kick (20 fast, 20ez)
4 X 25 @ 60 with fins, under :10?
6 minute kick (10 fast, 10ez)
1 X 100 swim no walls, flip once head crosses flags, as usual, be fast

Monday, April 7, 2014

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Threshold, Pace charts, Fast-EZ

Warmup on your own

Main Set
4 X 25 @ 30 FAST
100 ez
3 X 25 @ 30 + 1 X 50 all fast
125 ez
2X 25 + 2 X 50 @ 40 all fast
150 ez
1 X 25 + 3 X 50 @ 40 all fast
175 ez
4 X 50 @ 40 all fast
200 ez

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Monday, April 7, 2014

Monday, April 7, 2014

Aerobic Endurance

Warmup on your own: 5 minutes on land, 15 in the water

Main Set

3 rounds(one kick, one FR, one IM/Stroke)

1 X 25 @ 20 
1 X 50 @ 40
1 X 75 @ 60
3 X 150 @ 60
1 X 25 @ 30
1 X 50 @ 50
1 X 75  best

- adjust send offs for stroke/kick if needed, meant to start off strong with first reps, maintain effort through middle as swims are longer, then pick it up a touch as you get a little more rest down the stretch

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Friday, April 4, 2014

Friday, April 4, 2014
Challenge Set!

Warmup on your own: get yourself ready for something big to finish the week off with!

3 X's through:
1 X 25 @ 60 + 1 X 50 @ 60 + 1 X 75 @ 60
*go right into the 2nd and 3rd time through
200+ EZ swimming
2 X's through:
1 X 25 @ 60 + 1 X 50 @ 60 + 1 X 75 @ 60
200+ EZ swimming
1 X through
1 X 25 @ 60 + 1 X 50 @ 60 + 1 X 75 @ 60
200+ ez swimming

*25-50-75 are swum as fast as possible, your choice of stroke and/or equipment
*go big or go home on Friday!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Thursday, April 3, 2014
Aerobic Endurance - kick emphasis

Warmup on your own: 5 minutes on land, 15 in the water

Main Set
4 X 50 Kick @ 40
1 X 100 EZ swim @ 2:00
1 X 400 Kick w/ fins @ 6:00 alt. 50 FR w/ board, 50 FL on BK
1 X 100 EZ swim @ 2:00
4 X 50 Kick @ 45
1 X 100 EZ swim @ 2:00
1 X 300 Kick with fins @ 4:30 same as above
1 X 100 EZ swim @ 2:00
4  X 50 Kick @ 50
1 X 100 EZ swim @ 2:00
1 X 200 Kick w/ fins @ 3:00 same as above
1 X 100 EZ swim @ 2:00
4 X 50 Kick @ 60
1 X 100 EZ Swim @ 2:00
1 X 100 Kick w/ fins as fast as possible
1 X 100 EZ 

*all kicking is done to the best of your ability!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Wednesday, April 2, 2014
High Velocity/Distance option

Warmup on your own: 5 minutes on land, 15 in the water

Main Set
40 X 50 @ 1:00
All Even's are EZ
#2 - Sprint to 15M from dive
#4 - sprint to 15M from push
#6 - sprint 1st 15M of 2nd 25 from turn
#8 - sprint last 25
*repeat, add equipment and switch strokes as needed

Distance Option
Maintain pace and consistent effort for entire set:
4 X 75 @ 55-65
4 X 50 @ 40-45
1 X 400 @ 5-6
3 X 75 @ 55-65
3 X 50 @ 40-45
1 X 300 @ 3:45-4
2 X 75 @ 55-65
2 X 50 @ 40-45
1 X 200 @ 2:30/40
1 X 75 @ 55-65
1 X 50 @ 40-45
1 X 100 as usual finish with a little extra

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Tuesday, 4/1/14

Tuesday, April 1, 2014
VO2, speed charts, EZ-Fast

Goal:  Good training needs to change and give your body new parameters to respond to.  Today is geared toward some good strong swimming with about equal parts work to rest.  Use the charts below to hold yourself accountable.  Remember, swimming fast is different than swimming far.

Warmup on your own: 5 minutes stretching on land, 15 minutes in the water

Main Set(may mix in stroke and kick as you wish)
20 X 25
alt 2 @ 20 FAST w/ 2 @ 30 EZ

12 X 50
1 FAST @ 40 (45 for stroke/kick)
1 EZ @ 60
2 FAST @ 40 (45 for stroke/kick)
2 EZ @ 60
3 FAST @ 40 (45 for stroke/kick)
3 EZ @ 60

8 X 75
Even's are all EZ @ 90
#1 - 3 X 25 @ 20
#3 - 1 X 25 @ 30 + 1 X 50 @ 40
#5 - 1 X 50 @ 40 + 1 X 25 @ 30
#7 - 1 X 75

Complimentary lifting session:
Set of 12 - 8 - 4 increase weights with each set
Set of 12-8-4 increase weight with each set
30 walking lunges with 25-45 lb. held over head
Dumbell Bench Press
3 sets of 20
20 total
Metebolic lift:
3 minutes of biking 20 max power, 20 EZ