Monday, July 22, 2013

Monday, July 22, 2013

Monday, July 22, 2013

Aerobic Endurance: consistent effort, short rest, no high's or lows.

NOTE: This will be the last post for the summer as I am heading on vacation tomorrow and I feel there are plenty of workouts on this blog that you can start recycling them to get to the school year.

Warmup on your own (1000-1500):

3 X 50 @ 40 FR
3 X 100 @ 1:40-2:00 Kick
3 X 150 IM, no FR @ 2:00-20
3 X 200 FR @ 2:20-40
3 X 50 FR @ 40
3 X 100 @ 1:40-2:00 Kick
3 X 150 IM, no FR @ 2:00-20
3 X 50 @ 40 FR
3 X 100 @ 1:40-2:00 Kick
3 X 50 FR @ 40, see what you got on the last one!


Friday, July 19, 2013

Friday Workout

Friday, July 19, 2013

High Velocity - You have to swim fast, to swim fast!

Warmup on your own (1000-1500):

8 X 10 sec Sprint Kicks from the wall (with or without a board), go for distance and max speed.  1:00 between efforts, you may do some ez kicking or swimming while resting.

200 ez

4 X 25 against stretch cord @ 1:30-2:00

100 EZ

4 X 25 with stretch cord or with fins @ 1:30-2:00

100 EZ

2 rounds of the following progression
2 X 5 yards (start with head under flags) go on whistle, get to wall
2 X 12 1/2 yards (start at mid pool)
2 X 20 yards (start at far flags)
2 X 25
*sendoff is whatever you need to rest about 1:00 between efforts
*work on finishes!


Thursday, July 18, 2013

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Threshold/Quality Swimming:

Warmup on your own (1000-1500):

This is a simple set, very effective, and you will accumulate some very fast swimming:

3 rounds of:
1 X 25 @ 1:00
1 X 50 @ 1:00
1 X 75 @ 1:00
*all swim at max effort, go right from 75 to 25, no extra rest after 75

200 loosen

2 rounds of:
1 X 25 @ 1:00
1 X 50 @ 1:00
1 X 75 @ 1:00
*max effort

200 loosen

1 round:
1 X 25 @ 1:00
1 X 50 @ 1:00
1 X 75 @ 1:00


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Legs (starts with some aerobic kicking, gets into to some powerful efforts in the middle, and finishes with some aerobic kicking to keep you honest)

Warmup on your own (1000-1500):

3 rounds (steady effort throughout):
2 X 25 Kick @ 30
1 X 50 Kick @ 50
2 X 25 Kick @ 30
1 X 100 Kick @ 1:30

10 Minute Kick (more power, bigcontrast in hard/ez efforts):
5 rounds of:
:40 ALL Out, :20 EZ, :20 ALL Out, :40 EZ

3 rounds (steady effort throughoutt):
2 X 25 Kick @ 30
1 X 50 Swim @ 40
2 X 25 Kick @ 30
1 X 100 Kick/Swim @ 1:20


Monday, July 15, 2013

Monday, July 15, 2013

Monday, July 15, 2013

Aerobic Endurance:  Keep it consistent, moving, low rest.

Warmup on your own (1000-1500):

6 X 50 FR @ 40
4 X 100 IM or stroke @ 1:30
6 X 50 FR @ 40
4:00 vertical Kick (6 seconds of all out kicking in streamline position every :30, :20 if you are ambitious), flutter kick with hands on shoulders to recover, no sculling ever
6 X 50 FR @ 40
4 X 100 IM  or stroke @ 1:30
6 X 50 FR @ 40
4:00 Kick (:10 all out vertical board, :20 normal board)
6 X 50 FR @ 40


Friday, July 12, 2013

Friday, July 12, 2013

Friday, July 12, 2013

High Velocity:  short bursts of quality swimming, look like a rock star in small chunks. There are 32 high velocity swims + 4 50's faster than race pace at the end of the set.  Swimming Fast is different than just making intervals, a lot more swimmers can make intervals, than can get themselves to practice at top end speeds.

Warmup on your own (1000-1500):

8 X 50 w/ fins @ 1:00 build speed/tempo by 12 1/2, so last 12 1/2 is race pace/tempo.
*there is a difference between working hard and race pace, make sure you are paying attention to the details.  
8 X 25 @ 60-90 sec. rest, go against stretch cord or parachute
8 X 50 w/ fins @ 1:00 explode to 15M, ez swim the rest
8 X 25 @ 60-90 sec. rest, go against stretch cord or parachute
4 X 50 @ 2:00 w/ fins, go for it!


Thursday, July 11, 2013

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Threshold/Quality Swimming:

Warmup on your own (1000-1500):

Using pace charts below:

8 X 100 @ 90 seconds - 2:00 rest
#1 - FR
#2 - IM
#3 - Kick
#4 - Stroke (pick one, and go for it, don't say it doesn't apply to me)

*you may also choose to do an ez 100-200 swim in between your 100's and use that as your rest.
*use your best 200 time for each of the swims, the kick may need to be your best guess on pace or best effort
*you will accumulate a half mile of very fast swimming, which is a lot more than an average swim practice.

Pace Charts(from Paul Yetter at T2 Aquatics):

200 PR        100 Pace              125 Pace              150 Pace              200 Pace              300 Pace
1:35-1:39      51.5-53.5              1:06.0-1:08.0      1:21.0-123.5        1:48.5-1:151.5    2:49.0-2:53.0   1:40-1:44      54.0-56.0              1:09.0-1:11.0      1:24.0-1:26.5       1:53.5-1:56.5       2:55.0-2:59.0
1:45-1:49      56.5-58.5              1:12.0-1:14.0      127.0-1:29.5        1:58.5-2:01.5      3:01.5-3:05.5
1:50-1:54      59.0-1:01.0           1:15.0-1:17.0      1:31.5-1:34.0      2:03.5-2:06.5      3:10.0-3:14.0
1:55-1:59      1:01.5-1:03.5        1:18.5-1:20.5      1:35.5-1:38.0      2:08.5-2:11.5      3:19.5-3:23.5
2:00-2:04      1:04.0-1:06.0        1:21.5-1:23.5      1:39.0-1:41.5      2:13.5-2:16.5      3:25.0-3:29.0
2:05-2:09      1:06.5-1:08.5        1:24.5-1:26.5      1:42.5-1:45.0      2:18.5-2:21.5      3:32.5-3:36.5
2:10-2:14      1:09.0-1:11.0        1:27.5-1:29.5      1:46.0-1:48.5      2:23.5-2:26.5      3:38.0-3:43.0

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Technique:  Try to get in the mindset of a golfer going to the driving range today.  Not to see how many balls he can hit, but to see how many he can do right, how many different types of shots you can hit, and when something doesn't feel right, go to the drills that you understand and fix the problem.  There should be no right number of repetitions and no pressure for time.  

Warmup (1000)

Start with what you do the most of in practice and racing; Pushing off the Wall!

25's - leave the wall in a straight line(not diagonal like a circle swimmer), toes at 10 or 2, once ft. leave the wall think long body, eliminate resistance, play around with depth, head position, number of kicks
*it is important that there is not pressure to get reps in or make sendoff's, Think, pay attention to the way the water feels around you.

50's - Turns - swim straight in/out of walls if you can to avoid swimming diagonally, 
*Flip Turns - keep head down, use peripheral vision to locate distance from walls, no wasted motion, practicing timing, core, eliminating resistance
*Touch Turns - good timing at wall, the more speed you come into the wall with the more leverage you have to turn, hands and feet leave the wall as you roll to back, BREATH at the end of the turn, not the first thing you do at the wall, put one foot on top of the other to eliminate resistance

75's - K/D/S
*do your favorite drills and strokes, maybe even work on your weakest stroke and learn something new.  You choose your drills as long as you understand what they are trying to accomplish and if your coach was spying on you, they would know what you are working on.
*don't be afraid to do just a couple and do them right the first time.  20 is not necessarily better than 8.

Starts - take your time, figure it out, there are not many swimmers that take the start as seriously as they should.
From the Block - think about foot position, getting to the water fast, the less splash, the less resistance, can you dive with no splash? do you know what if feels like? try it from kneeling position first, enter the water steep, learn to take your speed horizontal, the break out is part of the start!
Backstroke - many do not even know the proper setup, hips back, legs not bent more than 90 degrees, key to great backstroke starts are driving the head back (look to the other side of the pool), and driving the hips up, if the hips don't get up, your legs won't either.


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Warmup on your own (1000-1500):

5 X 100 FR Kick @ 1:30-45 (fastest interval you can make)
1 X 100 K/S @ 2:00 (go for it)
1 X 50 EZ
4 X 100 @ 2:00+ (take as much time as needed to do it right)
*open turns (Square, no pushing off at angles), kick out to 15M off every wall
1 X 100 FL or BK (go for it, push the underwaters) @ 2:00
1 X 50 EZ
3 X 100 BR Kick @ ? (15R) odd 25's are horizontal egg beater, 2nd 25 is fewest kicks possible, work on getting heals back to hips, and last 25 is double pullout for distance.
1 X 100 BR Swim @ 2:00 (effort, technique, and details all have to be the same)
1 X 50 EZ
2 X 100 w/ fins @ 1:30 very strong
1 X 100 K/S w/ fins @ 2:00 go for it!
1 X 50 EZ
1 X 100 FR Kick @ 1:30-45 (same interval as first 5)
1 X 100 K/S (beat time from earlier)


Monday, July 8, 2013

Monday, July 8, 2013

Monday, July 8, 2013

Aerobic Endurance:  This week is probably a chance to get back to a normal rhythm after the week of July 4th.  Remember, solid, consistent effort, with low rest from start to finish.

Warmup on your own (1000-1500):

4 X 25 Kick @ 30 
8 X 50 IMO @ 45
2 X 50 Kick @ 50
4 X 100 FR @ 1:10-20
1 X 100 Kick @ 1:45
2 X 200 IM or stroke @ 3:00
1 X 100 Kick @ 1:45
4 X 100 FR @ 1:10-20
2 X 50 Kick @ 50
8 X 50 IMO @ 45
4 X 25 Kick @ :30


Friday, July 5, 2013

Friday, July 5, 2013

Friday, July 5, 2013

Use as much or as little equipment as you want today, i.e., fins + paddles + snorkle

Warmup on your own (1000-1500):

4 - 6 rounds of:
1 X 25 from Dive @ :45
1 X 25 underwater Kick @ :45
1 X 50 Fast @ :45 
1 X 50 EZ @ 45
1 X 75 Fast @ 45
1 X 75 EZ, take as much time as needed.
*all swims are done for speed, if using a lot of equipment, eliminate dive from first 25


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Technique Day:

Warmup on your own (1000 yards):

let's go into the 4th swimming your best, not necessarily your fastest, but your best!

10 X 25 @ :30-40
4 X 25 drills your choice
10 X 25 @ :30-40
4 X 25 drills your choice
10 X 25 @ :30-40
4 X 25 drills your choice
10 X 25 @ :30-40
4 starts at race speed
4 turns at race speed

Think of this day as 5 minutes at a time of your best swimming.  Just 25's, keep the same amount of kicks off each wall, same distance on pullouts, same stroke count, tempo, and time, no breath off any wall for FR and FL.  Be consistent, do yourself a favor and worry about the stroke itself, not about the time, or the sendoff.

In between each round of 10 X 25's just do 4 really good drills, you can add more if you wish, but I have found you can't focus on one thing for too long.

Have a Great 4th of July, Celebrate your Freedom, and all that comes with it!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Warmup on your own (1000-1500):

6  X 50 over/unders @ 1:30+ swim first 25 ez, relaxed, flip and swim back underwater,  BR do double pullouts
7:30 minute hard-ez Kick going:
15 Fast - 15 EZ
30 Fast - 15 EZ
45 Fast - 15 EZ
60 Fast - 15 EZ
45 Fast - 15 EZ
30 - 15
15 - 15

8 rounds of 3 shooters from bottom of pool, do 3 every 20-30 seconds, aim for 5+ kicks, add dumbell if you have one.

7:30 minute hard-ez Kick, same as above, alternate stroke or do it vertical kick

6 X 50 Kick, your stroke, all out @ 1:00-30, roughly equal work:rest ratio


Monday, July 1, 2013

Monday, July 1, 2013

Monday, July 1, 2013

Aerobic Endurance:  Steady, Consistent effort from start to finish.

Warmup on your own (1000-1500):

4 X 125 FR @ 1:30-45
4 X 75 stroke @ 1:00-10
1 X 100 Kick @ 1:30-45
3 X 125 FR @ 1:30-45
3 X 75 stroke @ 1:00-10
1 X 100 Kick @ 1:30-45
2 X 125 FR @ 1:30-45
2 X 75 stroke @ 1:00-10
1 X 100 Kick @ 1:30-45
1 X 125 FR @ 1:30-45
1 X 75 stroke @ 1:00-10
1 X 100 Kick @ 1:30-45

*maintain same sendoff's throughout, should be getting :15 or less rest with steady effort during entire set