Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Wednesday, August 31, 2016
High Velocity

300 loosen
12 X 25 drills/skills
8 X 25 variable sprints

Main Set
12 X 50 @ 90
#1 - sprint to far flags
#2 - sprint from 15M to wall and back out to 1/2 pool
#3 - sprint from 1/2 pool into wall to finish

12 X 25 @ 60
#1-4 start under flags, sprint to far flags
#5-8 from wall to far flags
#9-12 add fins & paddles, or use starting block

Notes: working on taking the right type of strokes today, no trying hard, get up to your highest swimming velocity, that is why the rest is there. Your body and the water act differently at these speeds.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

300 loosen
4 X 75 Kick 1st/last 50
6 X 25 underater

Main Set
6 minute kick - :30 on/ :30 off
4 X 25 @ 30 underwater to 15M
6 Minute Kick - build every :15, reset every minute
4 X 25 @ 30 underwater to 15M
6 Minute Kick - :15 FAST - 15 EZ
1 X 100 @ 2:00 blast 1st 50 kick, 50 EZ swim
1 X 200 @ 3:00 blast 1st 100 Kick, 100 EZ swim
1 X 300 - blast 1st 200 Kick, 100 EZ swim

Monday, August 29, 2016

Monday, August 29, 2016

Monday, August 29, 2016
Aerobic Endurance - Sustained Effort

300 loosen
3 X 100 mixed strokes
6 X 100 mixed speeds (variable, fast/ez, descend,....)

Main Set
6 X 50 FR @ 50 strong/steady
60 rest
6 X 50 IMO @ 50 strong/steady
60 rest
6 X 50 Kick @ 50 strong/steady
60 rest
12 X 25 @ 25 (as much time under water as possible)
60 rest
6 X 50 Kick @ 50 strong/steady
60 rest
6 X 50 IMO @ 50 strong/steady
60 rest
6 X 50 FR @ 50 strong/steady

Notes: 5 minutes of strong swimming at a time. For the 25's work the walls and hold yourself accountable by trying to get the same distance or # of kicks off every wall.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Friday, August 26, 2016

Friday, August 26, 2016
Short and Sweet

300 loosen
4 X 125
strong 1st 50-75-100, then sprint last 25

Main Set
5 Big Swims @ 3:00
Choose a distance and a stroke and go for it, Distance can be anything from 50-300, choose what you do best, and finish the week with 15 Minutes of meaningful swimming!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Thursday, August 25, 2016

300 loosen
12 X 25 drills/skills
6 X 50 fast/ez, ez/fast

Main Set
12 X 25
2 Fast @ 20, 2 EZ @ 30
50 EZ @ 90
12 X 25
3 fast @ 20, 1 ez @ 40
50 EZ  @ 90
12 X 25
4 fast @ 20, 2 ez @ 40
50 EZ  @ 90
3 fast @ 20, 1 ez @ 40
50 EZ @ 990
12 X 25
2 Fast @ 20, 2 EZ @ 30

Notes: Two extremes, nothing in between!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

300 loosen
12 X 50 alt. k/s, s/k

Main Set
2 X's:
1 X 200 Kick @ 3-3:30 (strong, but patient)
1 X 150 @ 2:30 (BLAST 1st 100 Kick, 50 ez swim)
3 X's:
1 X 150 Kick @ 2:15-45 (strong, but patient)
1 X 100 @ 1:45 (BLAST 1st 50 Kick, 50 ez swim)
4 X's:
1 X 100 Kick @ 1:30-45 (strong, but patient)
1 X 50 @ 90 (BLAST 1st 25 underwater, 25 ez swim)

Notes: similar theme throughout, every round starts with a strong kick, but I want you to be patient so that you can take it to another level on the following effort before and ez swim to loosen up.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Monday, August 22, 2016

Monday, August 22, 2016
Aerobic Endurance - Sustained Effort

300 loosen
6 X 50 mixed strokes
4 X 75 descend 1-3, 4 is skills and drills

Main Set
5 X 50 Kick @ 50
4 X 75 IM or stroke@ 1:10-20
3 X 50 Kick @ 50
2 X 100 FR @ 1:10-30
1 X 50 Kick @ 50
1 X 300-500 @ :30R (change speeds, neg. split)
1 X 50 Kick @ 50
2 X 100 FR @ 1:10-30
3 X 50 Kick @ 50
4 X 75 IM or stroke @ 1:10-20
5 X 50 Kick @ 50

Notes: stay in control from start to finish, rotating through different modes of transportation, with a little longer swim hiding in the middle of the set.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Friday, August, 19, 2016

Friday, August 19, 2016
Fast Friday!

300 loosen
12 X 25 skills/drills
4 X 75
#1-2 = strong last 50
#3-4 = sprint 1st 25

Main Set
40 X 25 done as follows:
1 @ 20
2 @ 25
3 @ 30
4 @ 45
*all done as fast and well as possible!

Notes: you are going to have to keep it together and put 6 good ones on a row with short amounts of rest, and then you will get 4 that are still fast, but the sendoff will allow you catch up on your oxygen.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Thursday, August 18, 2016
Mixed Bag

8 X 125 @ :15R
2 - loosen, 6 pull - slow, quiet, limit strokes

Main Set
4 X INDY 500 as follows:
1 X 25 BLAST @ :30
3 X 50 Kick @ 45-50 desc. 1-3
3 X 75 IM, no FR OR STROKE @ 1:10-15 steady effort
1 X 100 @ 2:00
*Blast 1st 25 on round1, 1st 50 on round2, 1st 75 on round3, and finish with one big 100 on last round.

Notes: You will accumlate some short sprints, some controlled kicking, steady strokes, and then a big finish that gets longer with each round.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

300 loosen
12 X 50 alt K/S, S/K

Main Set
12 Minute Kick Pyramid
6 X 2:00
#1 - 20 BLAST, #2 - 40 BLAST, #3 - 60 BLAST, #4 - 80 BLAST, #5 - 100 BLAST, #6 - 2:00 BLAST
12 X 25 underwater @ 60
4 with as few kicks as possible (distance per kick)
4 fast
4 add fins
12 Minute Kick Pyramid
*same as above

Notes: For the pyramid, the first 20-40-60... is all out/BLAST, the rest of the time is spent kicking ez, but keep track of time and end up at a wall with about :10 seconds before the next BLAST kick. Obviously, the rest gets less and less, a good goal would be to double-triple-quadruple the distance you can kick as you add 20 seconds. On the 25's, underwater kicking is a skill, an art, so spend some time underwater and pay attention to what moves you forward and what doesn't.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Monday, August 15, 2016

Monday, August 15, 2016
Aerobic Endurance - Controlled Speed and Effort

300 loosen
4 X 75 mixed strokes
6 X 50 descend in groups of two

Main Set
4 X 50 FR @ 45 (2nd 25 :05 faster)
1 X 50 EZ @ 60
4 X 50 Kick/Swim @ 45
1 X 50 EZ @ 60
6 X 25 @ 30 stroke
1 X 50 EZ @ 60
1 X 250 @ 3:00
1 X 50 EZ @ 60
6 X 25 @ 30 Stroke
1 X 50 EZ @ 60
4 X 50 K/S @ 45
1 X 50 EZ @ 60
4 X 50 FR @ 45 (2nd 25 :05 faster)

Notes: working in 3 minute chunks, with one minute between with an ez 50. Work every 3 minute set with best effort, use the 50 ez for quality control and don't stop once you start main set.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Thursday, August 11, 2016
Rainbow - Build

One Set from start to finish
300 loosen
4 X 150 Pull @ :15R (long, quiet, lowest stroke count, no extra moving)
Above is all HR at 22 or below

16 X 25 @ 30 (400IMO) HR 25
12 X 75 K/S @ 1:10-30 HR 25-28
4 - kick 1st 25
4 - kick alt. 1st/last 50
4 - kick full 75
6 X100 FR @ 1:15-30 (HR 28-30)
4 X 50 choice of stroke @ 60 (HR 30+)

Notes: build through the workout from start to finish, work on staying in control and timing your effort to execute the game plan.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Wednesday, August 10, 2016
High Velocity - accumulate meaningful swimming strokes

300 loosen
12 X 25 drills/skills
12 X 25 variable sprints

Main Set
32 X 50 @ 60
4 rounds of 8:
ALL Even's long, slow, quiet, lowest stroke count, not just ez, floppy swimming
#1 - sprint to far flags
#3 - sprint from 1/2 pool through turn through breakout
#5 - sprint from opposite wall to far flags
#7 - sprint last 1/2 pool to finish

Notes: just 16 High velocity efforts today, do them with full attention to details. Swimming fast is much different than making sendoff's.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

300 loosen
12 X 50 alt. K/S, S/K

Main Set
1 X 25 Kick BLAST @ :30
4 X 100 Kick @ 1:30-50 
5 X 25 @ 45 strong, emphasize leaving wall, underwater kicking and connecting kick to stroke
1 X 50 Kick BLAST @ 45
4 X 75 Kick @ 1:15-45
4 X 25 @ 45 same as above
1 X 75 Kick BLAST @ 1:15
4 X 50 Kick @ 45/50
3 X 25 @ 45 same as above
1 X 100 Kick BLAST
4 X 25 @ 45 same as above

Notes: rotating through a progression that starts with a single BLAST kick to spike the HR up to above 30, then you settle into some strong, consistent kicks, followed by some 25's where you will get some rest so that you can execute a good wall, underwater kicking, and connecting the kick to the arms.

Feel free to kick w/ no board or kick your stroke

Monday, August 8, 2016

Monday, August 8, 2016

Monday, August 8, 2016
Aerobic Endurance

300 loosen
12 X 25 drills/Skills
12 X 25 descend by 3's

Main Set
8 X 75 FR @ 55-65
8 X 50 IMO @ 50
8 X 25 Kick @ 30
8 X 25 FR @ 30
8 X 50 stroke/FR @ 50
8 X 75 Kick @ 75-90

Notes: looking for sustained effort from start to finish, find a groove, pick a sendoff that works, and maintain same effort from start to finish.