Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Legs Today!
Warmup on your own (1000-1500):
3 rounds of 12 minute Kick sets as follows:
Round 1: 12 Minute Kick/Swim going 25 kick w/ board, 25 kick on back, 25 swim, do as many rounds as you can in 12 minutes.
200 EZ
Round 2: 12 minutes vertical kick with 10lb. dumbell or diving brick going 4 minutes with dumbell under chin w/ fly kick, middle 4 minutes do 1 shooter off bottom every 15 seconds (BR - do egg beater with hands dumbell over head, last 4 minutes, build kick tempo from ez, 80-90-100% every 15 seconds each minute.
200 EZ
Round 3: 8 X 100 Kick @ 1:30 adjust as necessary, but I'd rather have you accumulate 800 yards at sub 1:30 pace than just make the interval slower and kick slower, for example, take more rest, but each 100 has to be under 1:30, or 50's under 45 or 25's under 22.
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