Monday, April 30, 2018

Monday, April 30, 2018

Monday, April 30, 2018

10 minutes of dry dynamic warmup
200 Loosen
24 X 25 @ 30
6 Fewest strokes, 6 Kick, 6 IMO fewest strokes, 6 desc. 1-3, 4-6

Main Set
50 + 100 Kick @ 50/1:40
50 + 8 X 25 IMO @ 50/30
50 + 4 X 75 Kick @ 50/1:20
50 + 300 @ 50/4
50 + 5 X 100 Kick/Swim @ 50/1:30
50 + 300 @ 50/4
50 + 4 X 75 Kick @ 50/1:20
50 + 8 X 25 IMO @ 50/30
50 + 100 Kick @ 50/1:40

Notes: There is a lot of change in this workout so make sure you look it over and find the pattern before you start so you don't have to stop. There is change in speed, stroke, and distance. The 50's are all best avg., so start of strong and hold yourself accountable to your standards. You will always return to that 50 as you navigate your way through the other swims. On the right side of the workout are various repeats that make you use your leg, switch up the strokes, and even a couple longer swims. 

Friday, April 27, 2018

Friday, April 27, 2018

Friday, April 27, 2018
Aerobic Endurance

10 minute dry dynamic warmup
200 Loosen
3 X 200 Pull @ :15R

Main Set
3 X 75 + 3 X 25 + 2 X 50 @ 1:05/35/40(45)-60
3 X 75 + 3 X 25 + 4 X 50 @ 1:05/35/40(45)-60
3 X 75 + 3 X 25 + 6 X 50 @ 1:05/35/40(45)-60
3 X 75 + 3 X 25 + 8 X 50 @ 1:05/35/40(45)-60

Notes: Nice set to finish the week, go back down with 6-4-2 50's will add another 1500 yards. Descend the 75's 1-3 FR, the 25's are FAST Stroke or Kick, the 50's are best avg. FR, the last 50 is always on 60 and is EZ. Overall, control your speed, throw in some stroke/kick, and accumulate some best avg. swimming will allow you to finish the week feeling successful.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Thursday, April 26, 2018
Speed & Distance Options

10 minute dry dynamic warmup
200 loosen
6 X 100 @ :15R 3 pull, 3 push 1st 25-50-75

Sprint Option
24 X 50 @ 1:15
6 Kick - BLAST to far flags
12 Swim - alt. BLAST to far flags, BLAST last 12 1/2
6 w/ Fins and Paddles - 2 sprint 1st 25, 2 sprint 1st 37 1/2, 2 sprint 50

Distance Option
1 X 500 @ 7:00 (SPRINT every 5th)
2 X 400 @ 5:30 (SPRINT every 4th)
3 X 300 @ 4 (SPRINT every 3rd)
4 X 200 @ 3 (SPRINT every other)
5 X 100 @ 2 SPRINT

Notes: Both options should allow you to accumulate race velocity and tempo's in small doses. Distance should be thinking P500 on the sprint

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Aerobic Endurance - Legs

10 minute dry dynamic warmup
200 Loosen
8 X 75 @ :15R (25K/50S)

Main Set
200 Kick + 3 X 25 underwater @ 3:30/40
400 Kick + 3 X 25 underwater @ 6:30/40
600 Kick + 3 X 25 underwater @ 9:30/40
Add Fins (quick change):
100 Kick + 3 X 25 Swim @ 2/40
100 Kick + 4 X 25 Swim @ 2/30
100 Kick + 6 X 25 Swim @ 2/25
*full 15M underwater on the 25's swim

Distance Option - do the following instead of the 25's
3 X 50 @ 50
4 X 75 @ 60
3 X 100 @ 70
4 X 75 @ 50
6 X 50 @ 40
8 X 25 @ 30
*best avg.

Notes: Get through the hump day relying on the legs. The first 200-400-600 kicks should be some good steady state kicking, with some underwater work thrown in there. Quickly Add your fins and then blast out some 100's kick with some 25's spending 15M underwater off every round. Distance swimmers will alternate kicking and best avg. swimming.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Fast/EZ - Threshold

10 minute dry dynamic warmup
200 loosen
12 X 50 @ 55 
3 K/S, 3 stroke/FR, 3 square turns w/ underwaters, 3 desc. 1-3

Main Set
18 X 50 @ 50
18 X 25 @ 30
*same pattern
18 X 50 @ 50
*same pattern

Notes: One of my favorite FAST/EZ patterns. I have seen swimmers get great results. If you want to add some volume do this as 100's on 1:45 or 200's @ 3:00. It will be hard, but you will get the results you want. Finally, feel free to Kick any part of this set or do your stroke.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Monday, April 23, 2018

Monday, April 23, 2018
Aerobic Endurance

10 minutes of dry dynamic warmup
200 Loosen
24 X 25 @ 30
6 - good take off's, 6 kick, 6 strokes, 6 desc. 1-3, 4-6

Main Set
3 X 300 pull @ 4:00
6 X 125 K/S @ 2:00 (Kick 1st/last 50 on 1st 3, Kick 1st 75 on last 3)
6 X [75 + 2 X 25] @ 60/30 (75 = FR, 25 = Stroke)

Notes: think of this as 3 rounds of 12 minutes. This would be easy to extend or lengthen by adding reps. Keep the same, strong effort from start to finish as you move through some pulling, kicking, and strokes.

Friday, April 20, 2018

Friday, April 20, 2018

Friday, April 20, 2018
Long Course - Speed

10 minutes dry dynamic stretch
200 loosen
12 X 50 @ :15R alt. Kick, Stroke, FR

Main Set
Sprint Option
30 X 50 @ 1:15
#1 - Sprint 1st 25M
#2 - Sprint Last 15M
#3 - Sprint 1st 35M
#4 - Fewest Strokes
#5 - 50M Sprint
#6 - EZ

Mid-Distance Option
2 X 50 + 2 X 100 + 2 X 150 + 2 X 200 @ 50-1:30-2:10-2:50
2 X 50 + 2 X 100 + 2 X 150 @ 45-1:25-2:05
2 X 50 + 2 X 100 @ 40-1:20
2 X 50 @ 35

Notes: Two different options to close out the week. Both will get the job done if done the right way. 

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Thursday, April 19, 2018
Go the distance

10 minute dry dynamic warmup
200 loosen
3 X 50 Kick + 2 X 100 IM + 1 X 150 @ :15R

Main Set
3 X 50 + 150 @ 50/2:10-20
2 X 50 + 2 X 150 @ 50/2:00-10
1 X 50 + 3 X 150 @ 50/1:50-2
3 X 50 K + 150 @ 50/2:00-10
2 X 50 K + 2 X 150 @ 50/1:55-2:05
1 X 50 K + 3 X 150 @ 1:50-2
3 X 50 FL + 150 BK-BR-FR @ 55/2:15
2 X 50 FL/BK + 2 X 150 BK-BR-FR @ 55/2:15
1 X 50 FL + 3 X 150 (1st BK, 2nd BR, 3rd FR) @ 55/2:15

Notes: Good volume today. Goal should be same effort throughout set from start to finish. The pattern stays the same, but you will change the theme of each round.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Aerobic Endurance - Legs

10 minutes of dry dynamic stretching
200 loosen
12 X 50 @ 55 K/S, S/K

Main Set
7 minute Kick Pattern as follows:
2 X [30F/30E]
1 X [45F/15E]
1:00 FAST
1 X [15E/45F]
2 X [30E/30F]

4 X 25 underwater @ 60

8 minute Kick Pattern as follows:
2 X [30F/30E]
1 X [45F/15E]
2:00 FAST
1 X [15E/45F]
2 X [30E/30F]

4 X 25 underwater from running dive @ 60

9 minute Kick Pattern as follows:
2 X [30F/30E]
1 X [45F/15E]
3:00 FAST
1 X [15E/45F]
2 X [30E/30F]

4 X 25 Kick @ 60 As FAST AS Possible!!

Notes: Kicking based on the clock today. Each 7-8-9 minute kick progressions starts and ends the same and builds to a 3 minute kick on the last round, goal is to accumulate some  great sustained kick efforts. Work on your underwaters and finish with some all out 25's BLAST!

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Fast/Slow, High/Low Tempo

10 minute dry dynamic warmup (pole, body, med. ball...)
200 Loosen
12 X 50 @ 55
3 Kick/Swim, 3 Kick, 3 stroke/FR IMO, 3 F/E, E/F, F

Main Set
4 X's through:
2 X 25 FAST @ 25
1 X 50 @ 50 lowest stroke count
1 X 100 @ 1:30 FAST 1st 25-50-75-100 by round
1 X 50 @ 50 lowest stroke count
2 X 25 FAST @ 25
1 X 100 EZ @ 2:10 

Notes: Great chance to accumulate some fast 25's and extend it up to 100 on the last round. THE 50's ARE NOT JUST EZ! WORK ON LENGTHENING YOUR STROKE, WHILE YOUR HR IS UP. Feel free to add equipment if you want, strokes work well or even turn it into a kick set.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Monday, April 16, 2018

Monday, April 16, 2018
Aerobic Endurance

10 minutes of dry dynamic warmup
200 loosen
8 X 75 @ :15R
1st 4 K/S, 2nd 4 pull

Main Set
100 + 6 X 25 @ 1:20/25 (E-E-F-E-E-F)
200 + 6 X 25 @ 2:40/25 (E-F-E-E-F-E)
300 + 6 X 25 @ 4:00/25(F-E-F-E-F-E)
400 + 6 X 25 @ 5:20/25(F-F-E-E-F-F)
300 + 6 X 25 @ 4:00/25(E-F-F-F-F-E)
200 + 3 X 50 @ 2:40/50(F-E-F)
100 + 3 X 50 + 1:20/50(F-F-F)

Notes: Continuous swimming set in which changing your speed will be the main stressor. Swim the 100-400-100 smooth and steady, pick up the pace on the 25's and eventually the 50's when asked to.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Friday, April 13, 2018

Friday, April 13, 2018
Aerobic Endurance

10 Minutes of dry dynamic warmup
200 loosen
300-200-100 Pull @ :15R fewest strokes

Main Set
[3 X 25 + 100 + 50] @ 25/1:15/1:15-30
[3 X 25 + 200 + 100] @ 25/2:30/1:30-45
[3 X 25 + 300 + 150] @ 25/3:45/1:45-2:00
[3 X 25 + 400 + 200 @ 25/5:00/2:00-2:15
*Best Avg.

Notes: 1800 yard set. Each round starts with some 25's so you can reinforce good habits. The middle swim gets longer, while the interval stays the same per 100 and then the 50-200 should be swum with the best effort as the interval gets harder to make. If you go back down and make it a pyramid, you'll add another 1100 yards.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Thursday, April 12, 2018

10 minutes of dry dynamic stretching
200 Loosen
24 X 25 @ 30
8 Kick, 8 strokes, 8 variable sprints

Main Set
8 X :10 second Kick BLAST @ 60
6 X SWIM BLAST to far flags @ 1:15
4 X 25 BLAST w/ Fins @ 1:30
4 X 25 @ 30 BEST AVG. AFAP

200-500 EZ

Notes: Good Day for some Speed, The legs are always a good place to start, take it to some swims, add some equipment, and the top it off with a broken 100.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Aerobic Endurance - Legs

10 minutes of dry dynamic stretching (poles/body/med balls...)
200 loosen
300-200-100 Pull @ :15R Hold lowest stroke count

Main Set
1 X 400 Kick @ 7:00
4 X 150 @ 2:15 (kick 1st 50)
6 X 100 @ 1:30 (kick 1st 50)
8 X 50 @ 40/45/50 kick on fastest enterval
1:00 Rest
100 Kick for Time (400 for distance swimmers)

Notes: this should be a building/descending effort set. The first 400 should be done at a moderate effort. The 50's Kick in the 150-100-50's are all done as best avg. The swim is ez swimming with long strokes (active recovery). So you will start with some time between the 50's kick and then bring it down to 8 straight 50's. Take a minute and then you have one last finishing effort. Remember your average kick times so you have something to compare at a later date.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

10 minutes of dry dynamic stretching(poles/med.ball/body weight...)
200 Loosen
6 X 100 @ 1:30
Push 1st 25-50-75, last 75-50-25

Main Set
6 X 25 + 2 X 100 @ 40/1:30
6 X 25 + 2 X 100 @ 35/1:30
6 X 25 + 2 X 100 @ 30/1:30
2 X 100 + 6 X 25 @ 1:30/25
2 X 100 + 6 X 25 @ 1:20/25
2 X 100 + 6 X 25 @ 1:10/25
6 X 25 + 200 @ 30/3:00
6 X 25 + 200 @ 35/3:00
6 X 25 + 200 @ 40/--
*1st 3 rounds, FAST 25's, EZ 100's
*2nd 3 rounds, EZ 25's, FAST 100's
*last 3 rounds FAST 25's, FAST 100-150-200 of last 3 200's

Notes: Time for some meaningful strokes. You should be able to start and end with some very successful 25's at your top end speed, while you stretch it out on the 100's and the 200's at the end. For the middle round, you will bring it on the 100's while you will do an active recovery on the 25's. Feel free to mix in stroke/IM or kick to your liking and/or change the intervals if needed to make it faster or slower.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Monday, April 9, 2018

Monday, April 9, 2018
Aerobic Endurance - A little bit of Everything

10 minutes of dry, dynamic stretching on deck (poles, med-balls, bodyweight...)
200 loosen
12 X 50 @ 55
3 K/S, 3 Stroke/FR IMO, 3 underwater to 15M, 3 desc. 1-3

Main Set
4 X 50 FR @ 45
3 X 75 Kick @ 1:20
2 X 175 IM @ 2:30 (only do 25 FL)
4 X 25 @ 30 Sprint to far Flags
3 X 50 @ 60 FAST 1st 25
1 X 300 @ 4
3 X 50 @ 60 FAST 1st 25
4 X 25 @ 30 Sprint to far flags
2 X 175 IM @ 2:30 (only do 25 FL)
3 X 75 Kick @ 1:20
4 X 50 FR @ 45

Notes: Great 38 minute set that will cover everything! Make sure you know the pattern so you can go straight through. The first and last 12 minutes is best avg. swimming and kicking, the middle 14 minutes gives you some contrast as you get to do some short fast things along with a 300 right in the middle.

Get your Monday started the right way with some work that will leave you feeling great!

Friday, April 6, 2018

Friday, April 6, 2018

Friday, April 6, 2018
Aerobic Endurance

10 minutes of dry dynamic warmup (poles, med balls, stretching)
200 loosen
3 X 25 @ 30
3 X 50 @ 50
3 X 75 @ 70
3 X 100 @ 1:30
*start short, and slowly extend the length

Main Set
3 X's through:
3 X 25 + 100 @ 20/1:30 (40)
3 X 25 + 200 @ 25/2:30 (40)
3 X 25 + 300 @ 30/3:30 (40)
*round 1 = FR
*Round 2  = Fins, Kick 25's
*round 3 = Stroke (adjust intervals if needed)

Notes: good set to rotate between short doable reps (25's) with some longer swims. Keep same effort throughout.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Wednesday, April 5, 2018

Wednesday, April 5, 2018
High Velocity

10 minutes of dry dynamic warmup (poles, bands, med-ball)
200 loosen
4 X 125 @ 15R (Indy IM, middle 25 Kick)
8 X 25 Variable Sprints @ 45

Main Set
16 X 25 @ 45 (BLAST to Far Flags)
*add fins on last 6

Stroke Specific
12 X 25 @ 45 (BLAST to Far Flags)

Freestyle with Fins & Paddles
8 X 25 @ 60 (BLAST full 25's)

Notes: Be FAST today, touch your high end swimming velocity in short, doable doses.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Wednesday, April 4, 2018
Aerobic Endurance (legs)

10 minutes of dry dynamic warmup
200 Loosen
6 X 100 @ 1:40
2 - Kick 1st 50, 2 Kick last 50, 2 Kick 100

Main Set
6 Minute Kick (60 FAST, 60 Casual)
4 X 100 IM Kick @ 1:45 (1st 50 w/o board, 2nd 50 w/ a kick)
5 Minute Kick (45 FAST, 15 Casual)
6 X 25 Kick @ 40 Underwater as far as possible
4 Minute Kick (30 FAST, 15 Casual)
4 X 100 IM Kick @ 1:45 (1st 50 w/o board, 2nd 50 w/ a kick)
3 Minute Kick (15 FAST, 15 Casual)
6 X 25 @ 40 underwater as far as possible
150 Kick Max Effort (shoot for under 2:00)

Notes: Great Kick Set is an understatement. The backbone of the set is a 6-5-4-3-2 minutes of Fast EZ Kicking Intervals. It starts with some 60 second efforts, and then the length of the repeats get shorter so you can maintain your effort until the very last Kick in which you have to buckle up and go for a 150 (sub 2:00). The 100IM's kick and the 25's are a way to kick in different ways and in different positions.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

10 minutes of dry dynamic warmup
200 Loosen
12 X 50 @ 55
4 K/S, 4 Strokes, 4 variable sprint pattern

Main Set
6 X 50 @ 50 Best Avg.
200 EZ @ 4:00
5 X 50 @ 45 Best Avg.
150 EZ @ 3:00
4 X 50 @ 40 Best Avg.
100 EZ @ 2:00
3 X 50 @ 35 Best Avg.
50 EZ @ 1:00
100 Best

Notes: Accumulate 1000 yards of best avg. 50's with a big 100 at the end to put an explanation mark on it. You can easily do this set stroke or kick as well. Depending on stroke or kicking ability start first round of 50's on 55 and keep same pattern.

Monday, April 2, 2018

Monday, April 2, 2018

Monday, April 2, 2018
Aerobic Endurance

10 minutes of dynamic dry warmup
200 Loosen
20 X 25 @ 30
5 Kick, 5 drills, 5 strokes, 5 F-E-F-E-F

Main Set (36 minutes)
[8 X 25 @ 25] @ 4
[5 X 50 @ 45] @ 4
[4 X 75 @ 65] @ 4
2 X 125 Kick @ 2
1 X 300 @ 4
2 X 125 Kick @ 2
[4 X 75 @ 65] @ 4
[5 X 50 @ 45] @ 4
[8 X 25 @ 25] @ 4

Notes: Goal is to accumulate some good, steady efforts, with quality strokes from start to finish. The reason behind the pattern is to let you get a little extra rest at the end of every 4 minutes. I would suggest you keeping the set to freestyle so that you can start the week with a nice effort, uninterrupted by changes in stroke.