Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Warmup: 400 + 12 X 50 alt. K/S, S/K

Main Set
4 rounds of 8 X 50's:
Odd - Descend 1-3-5-7 by :03 seconds each @ 60
#2 - 2 X 25 @ 45 underwater
#4 - Vertical Kick - 4 - 6 second bursts w/ hands in streamline on :15
#6 - horizontal eggbeater w/ kick board or paddles as kick board @ 90
#8 - :10 second burst of power, how far can you get, your choice of kick and equipment, kick the rest ez

swim and EZ 100-200 between each round

Notes: Follow directions, make sure you know what is coming up next, and work hard!  This will touch on several keys to good kicking.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Warmup: 400 + 4 X 100 alt. K/S, D/S + 4 X 50 variable sprints

Main Set:
9 X 25 Stroke @ 30 Odd - Fast, Even EZ
8 X 50 Kick @ 60 Odd - Fast, Even EZ
7 X 75 FR @ 90 - Odd - Fast, Even EZ
6 X 25 Stroke @ 30
5 X 50 Kick @ 60
4 X 75 FR @ 90
4 X 25 Stroke @ 30
3 X 50 Kick @ 60
2 X 75 FR @ 90

Notes: Keep the same pattern of odd's Fast, Even's EZ throughout, GO for it the FAST swims, recover on the EZ swims, HR should be 25-30+ on the Fast Swims.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Monday, July 28, 2014

Monday, July 28, 2014
Aerobic Endurance

Warmup: 400choice + 300pull + 200Kick + 100IM

Main Set:
3 X 200 FR @ 2:30....
4 X 75 Kick @ 1:15....
6 X 100IM @ 1:20.....
4 X 75 Kick @ 1:15....
6 X 100 Fast/EZ @ 1:30.... (1st 50, step on it, 2nd 50 ez)
4 X 75 Kick @ 1:15....
3 X 200 FR @ 2:20.....

Notes: Choose a sendoff that gives you 10-20 seconds rest keeping your HR between 22-26.  I want you to increase your HR to 25+ on the 1st 50 of the 2nd round of 100's and the last 3 200's.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Friday, July 18, 2014

Friday, July 18, 2014

Warmup: 400 + 4 X 100 alt. K/S, D/S + 4 X 50 variable sprints

Main Set
20 X 50 @ :30 rest
on a running clock, swim 20 50's as fast as you can, take exactly 30 seconds between 50's so if you come in on the 27, you leave on the 57. Keep track of your total time and subract 9 1/2 minutes to get your 1000 time.  Swimming FAST is much different than swimming FAR!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Thursday, July 17, 2014
Aerobic Endurance

400 Choice + 300 Pull + 200 Kick + 100 IM

Main Set
45 Minutes of Hard Work (choose your path):
15 X 200 @ 3
#1 - 100K/100S
#2 - Stroke or IM
#3 - FR


10 X 300 @ 4:00-30
Odd - Kick middle 100
Even - Choose 300IM, 150Stroke/150FR, or FR, your specialty


8 X 400
3 IM @ 6
2 Kick @ 6:30
3 FR @ 5

Notes: Nothing flashy our ground breaking today, work hard, put your HR between 22-25 and keep it there.  If it occasionally goes above 25, no problem.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Warmup: 400 + 12 X 50 alt. K/S, S/K

Main Set:
Rounds of 4 Minutes:
1st Minute - 45 seconds as far as you can go, :15 sec. ez to closest wall
2nd Minute - 2 X 25's underwater @ 30
3rd Minute  - 1 X 25 Kick w/ vertical board
4th Minute - 30 second vertical Kick all out, hold 10 lb. dumbell if you want, :30 to get ready for next round

1 round
1 X 100 EZ swim @ 2:00
2 rounds straight through
1 X 200 EZ swim @ 3:00
3 rounds straight through
1 X 300 EZ @ 5:00
1 round

Notes: A little different style of set.  you will go 4, 8, 12 minutes of kicking with an ez swim in between followed by 1 last round, all kicks are to be done fast, best effort.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Warmup: 400 + 4 X 100 alt. K/S, D/S, 4 X 50 variable sprints

Main Set:
4 rounds:
3 X 25 @ 30 FAST
3 X 25 EZ @ 45
2 X 50 @ 30 FAST
2 X 50 EZ @ 60
1 X 75 FAST @ 60
1 X 75 EZ @ 90

Notes: Pretty Simple - Make the fast, FAST!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Monday, July 14, 2014

Monday, July 14, 2014
Aerobic Endurance

Warmup: 400choice-300pull-200kick-100IM

Main Set:
12 X 100 @ 1:20-45
rotate FR-Stroke/FR-IM by 100 sendoff's give you 10-15R
3 X 100 Kick @ 1:30-45
3 X 100 FR @ 1:10 (fastest interval)
2 X 100 Kick @ 1:30-45
4 X 100 FR @ 1:10 (fastest interval)
1 X 100 Kick @ 1:30-45
5 X 100 FR @ 1:10 (fastest interval)

Notes:  Start off the first 12 X 100's nice and strong and consistent, get the HR in the 22-25 zone, use sendoff's that give you 10-15R, the 3-2-1 Kicks and 3-4-5 swims, we want you to finish strong, HR at 25+. 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Warmup: 400 + 12 X 50 alt. K/S, S/K

Main Set
3 minute Kick Fast/EZ with big efforts
10 Fast - 10 EZ
10 Fast - 20 EZ
10 Fast - 30 EZ
10 Fast - 10 EZ
20 Fast -10 EZ
30 Fast - 10 EZ
6 X 100 Kick/Swim @ 1:30
3 minute Kick Fast/EZ same as above
12 X 75 w/ fins & pads @ 1:00
25 head up, 25 fl kick on bk, 25 fr w/ 6 beat kick
3 minute Kick Fast/EZ same as above
6 X 100 K/Swim @ 1:30
3 Minute kick Fast/EZ same as above

Notes: keep moving through the workout with little rest.  Follow directions and work hard!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Warmup: 400 + 4 X 100 alt. K/S, D/S + 4 X 50 variable sprints

Main Set:
10 X 25 Very Fast!
4 @ 20, 3 @ 30, 3 @ 40
1 X 250 EZ @ 4:00
5 X 50 Very Fast!
2 @ 40, 2 @ 50, 1 @ 60
1 X 250 EZ @ 4:00
3 X 75 Very Fast
1 @ 50, 1 @ 60, 1 @ 70
1 X 225 EZ @ 4
2 X 125 @ 1:30 Very Fast
1 X 250 EZ

Notes: Each Round is the same distance (250 yards), but you have to hold your speed longer each time.  The sendoff also changes throughout the fast swims as well, so pay attention.  Add/subtract equipment as needed.  Swimming Fast is much different than swimming Far.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Monday, July 7, 2014

Monday, July 7, 2014
Aerobic Endurance

Warmup: 400 choice, 300 pull, 200Kick, 100 IM

Main Set:
3 rounds of:
1 X 300 FR @ 4:00
1 X 100 Kick @ 1:30
6 rounds of
1 X 200 FR @ 2:30-45
1 X 100 IM @ 1:15-30
9 rounds of:
1 X 100 FR @ 1:20
1 X 100 Kick-Stroke-IM @ 1:30

Notes: The 300's, 200's and 100's FR are smooth and strong (HR 22-25), the 100's Kick-IM-Stroke I want you to push it a little bit (HR 25-28).

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Thursday, July 3, 2014
Challenge Day

Warmup: 400 + 4 X 100 alt. K/S, D/S + 4 X 50 variable Sprint

Main Set
5 Swims @ 3:00
Choose from 50's all the way to 300's.


Notes: Choose your distance and be as fast as you possibly can for 15 minutes.  How well can you swim for 15 minutes.  Finish the short week, going into the 4th of July with some fireworks!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Warmup: 400 + 12 X 50 alt. K/S, S/K

Main Set
6 X 100 @ 1:45 alt. ez/Fast by 25
9 minute kick/swim w/ fins
*kick is done on back or side
6 X 100 @ 1:45
*build by 25
9 minute kick/swim w/ fins
*25 underwater, 25 fl kick on back, 25 FR w/ 6 beat kick, 25 EZ
6 X 100 @ 2:00
25 sprint - 75 EZ
50 sprint - 50 EZ
75 sprint - 25 EZ

Notes: never have to do the same thing twice, follow the patterns, and directions, control your energy output and your speed. Work Hard!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Warmup: 400 + 4 X 100 alt. K/S, D/S + 4 X 50 variable sprints

Main Set
6 X 25 @ 20 FAST!
3 X 50 @ 1:00 EZ
6 X 25 @ 25 FAST!
3 X 50 @ 1:00 EZ
6 X 25 @ 30 FAST!
3 X 50 @ 1:00 EZ
3 X 50 @ 40 FAST!
6 X 25 @ 40 EZ
3 X 50 @ 45 FAST!
6 X 25 @ 40 EZ
3 X 50 @ 50 FAST!
6 X 25 @ 40 EZ

Notes: 6 rounds of 150 yards of very fast swimming.  If you are in good form, you should see P200 on the clock, if not, go by HR, where you want your HR 30+ for :10 during the Fast Swims.  Remember, your speed starts from the push off the wall!  Push from an athletic foot position on the wall.