Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Warmup to be fast and swim with high intensity.

Main Set
8 Rounds of:
3 X 25 FAST @ 20
3 X 25 EZ @ 30

1 X 300 EZ @ 5

4 Rounds of:
4 X 50 Fast @ 45
1 X 200 EZ @ 3

1 X 300 EZ @ 5

8 Rounds of:
1 X 75 FAST @ 60
1 X 75 EZ @ 1:30

1 X 300 EZ Warmdown

Notes: Swim the fast swims with high intensity, the right tempo, and with enthusiasm. Take competitive strokes! Swimming Fast is different than swimming Far.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Monday, March 30, 2015

Monday, March 30, 2015
Aerobic Endurance

Warmup for a good, consistent, strong effort from start to finish:

Main Set
4 X 50 Kick/Swim @ 50 (1st 25 underwater)
3 X 50 Swim/Kick @ 50 (2nd 25 underwater)
2 X 50 Kick/Swim @ 50 (sprint 1st 25, may use a board)
1 X 50 Kick @ 50 best effort
take 1:00
1 X 150 @ 1:30
2 X 125 @ 1:30
3 X 100 @ 1:30
4 X 75 @ 1:30
3 X 100 @ 1:30
2 X 125 @ 1:30
1 X 150 @ 1:30
take 1:00
1 X 50 kick/Swim @ 50 (1st 25 underwater)
2 X 50 swim/Kick @ 50 (2nd 25 underwater)
3 X 50 kick/Swim @ 50 (sprint 1st 25)
4 X 50 Kick @ 50 Finish with Best!

Notes: Follow the directions, adjust sendoff's for ability. The workout starts and ends with kicking, most of it underwater, the middle of the set should be swum holding your best sustained effort throughout. HR should average 25 for :10 with a few spikes to 30+

Friday, March 27, 2015

Friday, March 27, 2015

Friday, March 27
Challenge Day

Warmup to be fast and do something you are proud of!

Main Set
30 X 25 @ 30 hold best you can

Distance Challenge
5 X 200-300 @ 3:00 hold the best you can (keep same distance throughout)

Notes: 15 minutes of your best swimming to finish the week. Take the right type of strokes on the 25's and put a premium on your underwaters.  How close are your to P200? P100? faster? There is no going too fast.

Choose a distance between 200-300 for the distance alternative, the sendoff remains 3:00, crank out your best 15 minutes of the week!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Wednesday, March 26, 2015

Wednesday, March 26, 2015
Aerobic Endurance

Warmup for a good strong effort

Main Set
1 X 300 IM or stroke @ 4:00
24 X 25 IM or stroke @ 30 best avg.
1 X 300 Kick @ 5
12 X 50 Kick @ 60 alt. 1st/last 25 Kick underwater
1 X 300 FR @ 3:30
6 X 100 @ 1:10

Notes: Adjust sendoff's according to ability, steady, strong, consistent effort from start to finish. No breaks between lines. HR should be around 25 +\- throughout set.

Tomorrow - Challenge Set

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Warmup to use your legs:

Main Set
6 X 100 Kick @ 1:30-2:00, descend 1-3, 4-6, choice of stroke and method of kicking
6 Minute Kick - using vertical board/wall as resistance (try shoes?)
8 walls @ 30-45 seconds (minimum 15M underwater, BR=double pullouts)
6 Minute Vertical Kick/Shooters
*on 60's to :06 seconds AO, hands in streamline position
*on 30's - 3 shooters from bottom
8 walls from running dive @ your own sendoff
*enter water faster and keep speed

4 X 25 + 3 X 50 + 2 X 75 + 1 X 100 swim @ own sendoff
*take as much time as you need so you can make EVERY wall done the right way.

Notes: Great 30-40 minutes of legs and walls. Every time you push off the wall, enter the water from a dive, or come out of a turn, do it very intentionally so you get better. Nobody brags about how far they swam. Freestylers need to work their walls too!

Tomorrow = Aerobic Endurance
Friday = Challenge Day

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Warmup to be fast:

Main Set
3 X 25 @ 20
1 X 50 @ 40
1 X 25 @ 20
1 X 200 EZ @ 4
3 X 25 @ 20
1 X 50 @ 40
1 X 50 @ 60
1 X 300 EZ @ 5
3 X 25 @ 20
1 X 50 @ 40
1 X 75 @ 60
1 X 400 EZ @ 6
3 X 25 @ 20
1 X 50 @ 40
1 X 100 @ 90
1 X 500 EZ @ 7

Notes: the 3 X 25's through the 25-100 is all done as fast as possible. Try to take out the 25's courageously each time and then extend that effort a little further each time. Feel free to adjust intervals for different strokes or different abilities, but the rest should be no more than 15 during the fast swimming.

Swimming Fast if much different than swimming Far!!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Monday 3-23-15

Monday, March 23, 2015
Aerobic Endurance

Warmup on your own:

Main Set
6 X 50 FR @ 40
3 X 25 Kick underwater @ 40
4 X 75 Kick @ 1:15
3:00 vertical kick
5 X 100 IM or stroke/FR @ 1:20-40
5 rounds of 3 shooters from bottom of pool
5 X 100 FR @ 1:15
3:00 Vertical Kick
4 X 75 Kick @ 1:15
3 X 25 Kick underwater @ 40
6 X 50 stroke @ 45

Notes: steady effort, strong swimming, keep breaks to minimum,