Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Tuesday, March 31, 2020 - COVID19 Training Block

Warmup - Dynamic Stretching
Your Go To Routine, look to past blogs if need idea's

Move It and Mobility
Choose your method of moving:
Walk as if in a hurry (60+ minutes, walking is great, but you have to be in a hurry and you have to put in the time)
Run (30-45 minutes)
Bike (45-90 minutes, also have to put in a little more time than running)
Move differently around a track (skip, bkwd, shuffle, grapevine, FAST...)
Play games that keep you moving 

15-20 minutes of stretching and mobility
Mobility Exercises:
1. Squat with rotational reach: 6-10x ea
2. Mountain climber stretch: 6-10x ea
3. PVC (pole) shoulder drills: 10x ea
4. Prone pec mobilization (scorpion): 5x10s hold ea
5. Open Book Stretch: 5x10s holds ea
6. Kneeling thoracic rotation (hand behind head) 6-10x ea
7. Child's Pose (2 arm or Single Arm) 5x10s hold
8. Downward Dog: 5x10s hold
9. Cobra/Press-up: 5x10-15s holds
10. Cat/Cow: 5x5s holds ea
11. Banded Lat Stretch: 5x10s hold
12. Rolling Hamstring Stretch- roll onto back, come forward into a seated ham stretch
13. Inch-worm: 6-10x
14. Half Kneeling Stretch (Hip flexors/quads): 6-10x 5s hold
15. Half Kneeling Stretch (extend front foot forward-hamstring/calves) 6x 10s hold
16. Pigeon Pose: 3x20s holds
17. Pigeon Pose with Rotation: 6-10x ea
18. 90-90 seated exercise (hips) 6-8x ea
19. Shoulder CARs: 3x ea
20. Hip CARs: 3x ea

Monday, March 30, 2020

Monday, March 30, 2020

Monday, March 20, 2020 - COVID19 training Block

2 X's:
50 High Knees
40 Jumping Jacks
30 Military Situps
20 Shuffle Squats
10 Burpees

Main Workout - Back to some basics
Part I - 3-4 X's (15 minutes)
Squats - 10-50 depending on if you have weights or just body
Pushups - accumulate 100 in doable doses (10-25 at at time)
Pullups/Rows (reps as needed)
flutter kicks (:45)

Part II - 3-4 X's (15 minutes)
Lateral Lunges - 10 each leg, use hands to touch ground on both sides of outside foot
Explosive Pushups - from knee's (anchor ft.), fall to floor, catch yourself, and explode back up to kneeling position
Shaddow Boxing (Hooks) - :60
Lemon Squeezes

Part III - 3-4 X's (15 Minutes)
Weighted jumps or Bench Jumps
Squat to Bear to Squat to Cobra (did these on training trip)
Shadow Boxing (Upper Cuts ) - :60
Bicycle Situps :45

3 minutes of 5 pushups + 20 high knees

Friday, March 27, 2020

Friday, March 27, 2020

Friday, March 27, 2020 - COVID19 training Block

2 X's:
50 Jumping Jacks
40 High Knees
30 Steam Engines (standing Knees to Elbows)
20 Speed Skaters
10 Burpees

Find a Playground with a bar to do some pull-ups, a bench to do some step ups and a swing set to do some TRX work:
Super Set #1 (3-4 X's)
TRX Pistol (8-10 each leg) *swing set
Pullups (5-10)
TRX Atomic Pushups *swing set (10 +/-)

Super Set #2 (3-4 X's)
TRX suspended leg lunge (8-10 each leg) *swing set
Pushups (20+)
TRX Row 10 +/- *swing set

Super Set #3 (3-4 X's)
Power step up on bench 8 each leg
Hot Lizard (20-30 touches)
Hanging knee raises 10 +/-

3 minutes
20 seconds Man Climber - 20 seconds hollow body hold

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Thursday, March 26, 2020

    Thursday, March 26, 2020 - COVID19 Training Block

Here is a nice workout from our training Daniel, he brings you a new type of workout with links to all the moves. Enjoy.

Killer Lower Body Workout!

If there were ever a time to slow down, it would be now. Most of us aren't under time constraints, so take your time with this workout and try to FEEL your muscles working. Remember:
- Don't blow through every exercise at a lightning-fast pace (unless instructed to)
- Plant your feet and push them into the ground during every rep. Consider going barefoot to get a better grip on the floor.
- Shorten your range of motion (ROM) if you're experiencing pain. - Deepen your range of motion if things get too easy!!
- Add weights/bands where necessary.
Good luck!

Rest as needed, but try to do this first tri-set 3 times through:
1. Quadriceps Isometrics
a. Do 2 reps per side. Hold each contraction for 5 seconds. Try not to move
anything else. You should feel your quad firing up!
b. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=17&v=CEYQuEaZ834&feature=

2. Hamstrings Isometrics
a. Do 2 reps per side. Hold each contraction for 5 seconds. Try not to move anything else. You should feel your hamstring and nothing else.
b. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UWNJAAgRN4&feature=emb_title

3. Glute
a. Hold and squeeze the top of a glute bridge for a 5 count. Do this 6 times.
b. Make sure you're squeezing your glutes as hard as you can.
c. Brace your abs to ensure your lower back doesn't move.
d. Drive through your heels (not the balls of your feet)


Rest for 60s between each tri-set. Complete this tri-set 4 times!
1. Kneeling Hamstring Curl
a. 4setsof5repsperside.Dothesameside5timesinarow.Trytosqueezea
little bit harder each time.
b. Try to hold each contraction for a 5 count
c. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-GWQPta9tA&feature=emb_title

2. Rear Foot Elevated Squat + Hinge: 4x8 ea leg
a. Use dumbbells as needed (one in each hand)
b. Load your lead leg; do a squat, then a hinge (RDL)= 1 rep
c. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHAH87lVBe8

3. Frog Pump: 4 sets of 30 reps. Last set, do the last 20 reps for speed (GO FAST)
a. You can set a dumbbell or weight across your lap for more resistance b. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUOb_c-edGE&feature=emb_title

Rest for 60s between each full tri-set. Complete this tri-set 4 times!
1. Split Squat
a. 4 sets of 30 seconds per side. Do not stop moving. Do not pause at the top.

2. One and a Quarter Goblet Squat
a. 4 sets of 10 reps
b. Squat all the way down, up one quarter, back down, all the way back up=1

3. Wall Sit
a. 4setsofa40shold
b. Add marches for more of a challenge
c. Keep back against the wall

Finisher: Complete as fast as you can- 3x through!
1. Jumping Lunges: 12 (6 ea alternating)
2. Squat Jumps: 6
3. Single leg bridges each: 10 ea

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Wednesday, March 25, 2020 - COVID 19 Training Block

Dynamic Stretch
Same as Monday-Tuesday

Main Workout (interval training blocks) (45 on/15 off), walk or ride bike to playground is best.

1. Jumping Jacks
2. High Knees
3. Forward/backward Hops
4. Speed Skaters
5. Drea Roll
1:00 Rest

2-3 X's Upper Body (3 pushes, 3 pulls)
1. Pushups - UP - 2 - 3 - 4 - Down (slow)
2. Pullups/inverted Row (Down - 2 - 3 - 4 - Up) (slow)
3. Dips on Chair or Bench
4. TRX Row - use swings
5. Rotational Pushups (line up shoulders/elbows between pushups)
6. Upper Cuts (Boxing)
1:00 Rest

2 - 3 X Core/Legs
1. Shuffle Squats
2. Hollow Body Hold
3. Step Up Lunges (chair or bench)
4. Flutter Kicks
5. Tuck Jumps
6. Tuckups or V-ups

5 pushups - 5 squats
4 pushups - 4 squats
3 pushups - 3 squats
2 pushups - 2 squats
1 pushup - 1 squat

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Tuesday, March 24, 2020 - COVID-19 training block
"I think God sometimes uses the completely inexplicable events in our lives to point us towards Him. We get to decide each time whether we will lean in towards what is unfolding and say yes or back away." - Love Does

same as Monday, be consistent with the start of your workout, treat it with respect

Move and Mobility Day
Use the following ways to move:
60+ Minute Walk/Hike (in a hurry)
30-45 minute run
45-90 minute Bike
60 minutes of Active Play (soccer, basketball....)
*within your time pick 5 spots to do a :15-20 second sprint

15-20 minutes of stretching and mobility
Mobility Exercises:
1. Squat with rotational reach: 6-10x ea
2. Mountain climber stretch: 6-10x ea
3. PVC (pole) shoulder drills: 10x ea
4. Prone pec mobilization (scorpion): 5x10s hold ea
5. Open Book Stretch: 5x10s holds ea
6. Kneeling thoracic rotation (hand behind head) 6-10x ea
7. Child's Pose (2 arm or Single Arm) 5x10s hold
8. Downward Dog: 5x10s hold
9. Cobra/Press-up: 5x10-15s holds
10. Cat/Cow: 5x5s holds ea
11. Banded Lat Stretch: 5x10s hold
12. Rolling Hamstring Stretch- roll onto back, come forward into a seated ham stretch
13. Inch-worm: 6-10x
14. Half Kneeling Stretch (Hip flexors/quads): 6-10x 5s hold
15. Half Kneeling Stretch (extend front foot forward-hamstring/calves) 6x 10s hold
16. Pigeon Pose: 3x20s holds
17. Pigeon Pose with Rotation: 6-10x ea
18. 90-90 seated exercise (hips) 6-8x ea
19. Shoulder CARs: 3x ea
20. Hip CARs: 3x ea

Monday, March 23, 2020

Monday, March 23, 2020

Monday, March 23, 2020 COVID - 19 Training Block

Warmup (this will stay the same all week)
5-10 minutes of:
light jogging, jumping jacks, jump rope, dynamic stretching
Some great dynamic stretches include:
High knee pull
Standing quad stretch (pull foot to butt)
Hamstring stretch (place right heal forward, opposite hand to opposite toe, switch)
Arm circles
monkey arms/Michael Phelps arms
Thoracic mobility (on hands and knees, line elbows and shoulders up)
many more.......

Main Workout (back to some body weight strength, playground would be a good place to go)

Part I - super set (4 X's through or 15 minutes)
:30 wall sit + 30 Squats
Pushups to Failure w/ both hands and feet on floor
Kris - cross (abs) :30-:45

Part II - super set (4 X's through or 15 minutes)
Step up lunges (8 each leg)
Pushups to Failure w/ feet on floor, hands on bench/chair
alt. V-ups (:30-:45)

Part III - super set (4 X's through or 15 minutes)
Drea Rolls 10-15 reps
Pushups to Failure w/ feet on chair, hands on floor
Pullups or reverse row to failure

Finisher - 1:00 Burpees AMRAP

Friday, March 20, 2020

Friday, March 20, 2020

Friday, March 20, 2020
If panic is helpful, of course you should bring it on. But it rarely is.
Curate your incoming.
Stay off Twitter.
Do the work instead. Whatever needs doing most is better than panic.
Being up-to-date on the news is a trap and a scam. Five minutes a day is all you need.

Move and Mobility Day:
Part I - Spend some time moving today, there are many opportunities:
60+ minute walk, as if in a hurry (walking is excellent, but you have to put in the time and keep up the pace)
30-45 minute jog (3-5 miles)
45-90 minute bike (15-30 miles)
A couple hours of yard work, basketball, golf, just keep moving....

Part II - Take the extra time to improve mobility

15-20 minutes of stretching and mobility 
Pick and choose or add your own mobility exercises:
1. Squat with rotational reach: 6-10x ea
2. Mountain climber stretch: 6-10x ea
3. PVC (pole) shoulder drills: 10x ea
4. Prone pec mobilization (scorpion): 5x10s hold ea
5. Open Book Stretch: 5x10s holds ea
6. Kneeling thoracic rotation (hand behind head) 6-10x ea
7. Child's Pose (2 arm or Single Arm) 5x10s hold
8. Downward Dog: 5x10s hold
9. Cobra/Press-up: 5x10-15s holds
10. Cat/Cow: 5x5s holds ea
11. Banded Lat Stretch: 5x10s hold
12. Rolling Hamstring Stretch- roll onto back, come forward into a seated ham stretch
13. Inch-worm: 6-10x
14. Half Kneeling Stretch (Hip flexors/quads): 6-10x 5s hold
15. Half Kneeling Stretch (extend front foot forward-hamstring/calves) 6x 10s hold
16. Pigeon Pose: 3x20s holds
17. Pigeon Pose with Rotation: 6-10x ea
18. 90-90 seated exercise (hips) 6-8x ea
19. Shoulder CARs: 3x ea
20. Hip CARs: 3x ea

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Thursday, March 19, 2020 COVID-19 training Block

same as yesterday, find a common routine

Main Set
Some upperbody strength today(when all said and done, you will accumulate 100 of each):

20 Pushups
20 Situps - tuckups
20 Squats or Burpees
15 rotational pushups
15 Situps - your choice, alt. V - ups
15 Squats or Burpees
10 Pushups - Down - 2 - 3 - 4 - UP
10 Squats or Burpees
10 Situps - bicycle situps
5 Pushups - clap
5 Squats or Burpees
5 Situps - V-up

15 rotational pushups
15 Situps - your choice, alt. V - ups
15 Squats or Burpees
10 Pushups - Down - 2 - 3 - 4 - UP
10 Squats or Burpees
10 Situps - bicycle situps
5 Pushups - clap
5 Squats or Burpees
5 Situps - V-up

10 Squats or Burpees
10 Situps - bicycle situps
5 Pushups - clap
5 Squats or Burpees
5 Situps - V-up

5 Pushups - clap
5 Squats or Burpees
5 Situps - V-up

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Sometimes God lets us lose hope for a moment, so we'll retrace our steps and find Him all over again. - Bob Goff

Warmup (same as yesterday, find a pattern that works for you)
5-10 minutes of:
light jogging, jumping jacks, jump rope, dynamic stretching
Some great dynamic stretches include:
High knee pull
Standing quad stretch (pull foot to butt)
Hamstring stretch (place right heal forward, opposite hand to opposite toe, switch)
Arm circles
monkey arms/Michael Phelps arms
Thoracic mobility (on hands and knees, line elbows and shoulders up)
many more.......

Main Workout
Yesterday was a body weight strength day, today is some aerobic activity plus some mobility.
Choose One of the following:
20-30 minutes of running: 3-4 miles
60 minute strong walk
45-90 minute bike (10-20 miles)
30 minutes on the track - run backwards (good for kicking) on the straightaways, forward on the curves

15-20 minutes of stretching and mobility
Mobility Exercises:
1. Squat with rotational reach: 6-10x ea
2. Mountain climber stretch: 6-10x ea
3. PVC (pole) shoulder drills: 10x ea
4. Prone pec mobilization (scorpion): 5x10s hold ea
5. Open Book Stretch: 5x10s holds ea
6. Kneeling thoracic rotation (hand behind head) 6-10x ea
7. Child's Pose (2 arm or Single Arm) 5x10s hold
8. Downward Dog: 5x10s hold
9. Cobra/Press-up: 5x10-15s holds
10. Cat/Cow: 5x5s holds ea
11. Banded Lat Stretch: 5x10s hold
12. Rolling Hamstring Stretch- roll onto back, come forward into a seated ham stretch
13. Inch-worm: 6-10x
14. Half Kneeling Stretch (Hip flexors/quads): 6-10x 5s hold
15. Half Kneeling Stretch (extend front foot forward-hamstring/calves) 6x 10s hold
16. Pigeon Pose: 3x20s holds
17. Pigeon Pose with Rotation: 6-10x ea
18. 90-90 seated exercise (hips) 6-8x ea
19. Shoulder CARs: 3x ea
20. Hip CARs: 3x ea

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Tuesday, March 17, 2019

Tuesday, March 17, 2019 - COVID 19 Training Block

Note: Since no known pools are open, we will carry on with just our body weight, and what is available outside. If you can, parks are an excellent place to find playgrounds that can act as pullup bars, TRX bands (swings), and other things to jump over and jump up to. Be creative!

5-10 minutes of:
light jogging, jumping jacks, jump rope, dynamic stretching
Some great dynamic stretches include:
High knee pull
Standing quad stretch (pull foot to butt)
Hamstring stretch (place right heal forward, opposite hand to opposite toe, switch)
Arm circles
monkey arms/Michael Phelps arms
Thoracic mobility (on hands and knees, line elbows and shoulders up)
many more.......

Main Workout
3 rounds of 9 minutes (45 on/15 off) with 1 minute extra rest between rounds
1. Surfer Squats (body squat with 180 degree jump)
2. Plank on hands/toes, alt. shoulder touch
3. High Knees to Burpee (10 high knees to Burpee)
4. Pushup (Down - 2 - 3 - 4 - up)
5. walking lunge
6. Pushup + body roll
7. Shuffle Squat
8. Seated Static Hold (45 degrees)
9. Running lines (10-25 yards apart, back and forth as fast as you can)

Monday, March 16, 2020

Monday, March 16, 2020

Monday, March 16, 2020 - COVID -19 training block
Faith isn't figuring out what we're able to do, it's deciding what we're going to do - even when we think we can't. - BG

Starting this week, I will be posting 3-4 week training blocks. Each week will have a flow to the workout plan and each workout will compliment the next. You these as you like and feel free to improvise. Remember to stretch before and after, mobility is a key component to success.

Pool Workout (Calvin is still open M-F 12-4)

General Conditioning - short rest, sustained effort, HR25

300 EZ Swim
200 Casual Kick
3 X 100 @ :15R FRIM-FRIM-IM

Main Set (42 minutes)
4 X 25 @ 30
6 X 50 Kick @ 50
8 X 75 Indy IM @ 1:15
3 X 200 FR @ 2:30-45
8 X 75 Indy IM @ 1:15
6 X 50 Kick @ 50
4 X 25 @ 30

Notes: Sustained effort from start to finish, adjust sendoff if needed, should be consistent :15-20R at most.

Land workout: most gyms aren't open, so sticking with body weight.

General Conditioning - keep it moving, short rest, sustained effort, HR25

8 minutes:
30 Body Squats + 10-30 Pushups + 30 Lunges (15 each leg) + 30 uppercuts + 30 high knees + 30 alt. pike ups

12 minutes:
find a space from 25-100 yards
BKWD Run - jog back
shuffle - jog back
grapevine - jog back
power skip - jog back
FAST RUN - jog back

8 minutes: same as above

Notes: keep moving, work hard, HR25