Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Sometimes God lets us lose hope for a moment, so we'll retrace our steps and find Him all over again. - Bob Goff

Warmup (same as yesterday, find a pattern that works for you)
5-10 minutes of:
light jogging, jumping jacks, jump rope, dynamic stretching
Some great dynamic stretches include:
High knee pull
Standing quad stretch (pull foot to butt)
Hamstring stretch (place right heal forward, opposite hand to opposite toe, switch)
Arm circles
monkey arms/Michael Phelps arms
Thoracic mobility (on hands and knees, line elbows and shoulders up)
many more.......

Main Workout
Yesterday was a body weight strength day, today is some aerobic activity plus some mobility.
Choose One of the following:
20-30 minutes of running: 3-4 miles
60 minute strong walk
45-90 minute bike (10-20 miles)
30 minutes on the track - run backwards (good for kicking) on the straightaways, forward on the curves

15-20 minutes of stretching and mobility
Mobility Exercises:
1. Squat with rotational reach: 6-10x ea
2. Mountain climber stretch: 6-10x ea
3. PVC (pole) shoulder drills: 10x ea
4. Prone pec mobilization (scorpion): 5x10s hold ea
5. Open Book Stretch: 5x10s holds ea
6. Kneeling thoracic rotation (hand behind head) 6-10x ea
7. Child's Pose (2 arm or Single Arm) 5x10s hold
8. Downward Dog: 5x10s hold
9. Cobra/Press-up: 5x10-15s holds
10. Cat/Cow: 5x5s holds ea
11. Banded Lat Stretch: 5x10s hold
12. Rolling Hamstring Stretch- roll onto back, come forward into a seated ham stretch
13. Inch-worm: 6-10x
14. Half Kneeling Stretch (Hip flexors/quads): 6-10x 5s hold
15. Half Kneeling Stretch (extend front foot forward-hamstring/calves) 6x 10s hold
16. Pigeon Pose: 3x20s holds
17. Pigeon Pose with Rotation: 6-10x ea
18. 90-90 seated exercise (hips) 6-8x ea
19. Shoulder CARs: 3x ea
20. Hip CARs: 3x ea

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