Tuesday, March 17, 2019 - COVID 19 Training Block
Note: Since no known pools are open, we will carry on with just our body weight, and what is available outside. If you can, parks are an excellent place to find playgrounds that can act as pullup bars, TRX bands (swings), and other things to jump over and jump up to. Be creative!
5-10 minutes of:
light jogging, jumping jacks, jump rope, dynamic stretching
Some great dynamic stretches include:
High knee pull
Standing quad stretch (pull foot to butt)
Hamstring stretch (place right heal forward, opposite hand to opposite toe, switch)
Arm circles
monkey arms/Michael Phelps arms
Thoracic mobility (on hands and knees, line elbows and shoulders up)
many more.......
Main Workout
3 rounds of 9 minutes (45 on/15 off) with 1 minute extra rest between rounds
1. Surfer Squats (body squat with 180 degree jump)
2. Plank on hands/toes, alt. shoulder touch
3. High Knees to Burpee (10 high knees to Burpee)
4. Pushup (Down - 2 - 3 - 4 - up)
5. walking lunge
6. Pushup + body roll
7. Shuffle Squat
8. Seated Static Hold (45 degrees)
9. Running lines (10-25 yards apart, back and forth as fast as you can)
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