Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Tuesday, March 24, 2020 - COVID-19 training block
"I think God sometimes uses the completely inexplicable events in our lives to point us towards Him. We get to decide each time whether we will lean in towards what is unfolding and say yes or back away." - Love Does

same as Monday, be consistent with the start of your workout, treat it with respect

Move and Mobility Day
Use the following ways to move:
60+ Minute Walk/Hike (in a hurry)
30-45 minute run
45-90 minute Bike
60 minutes of Active Play (soccer, basketball....)
*within your time pick 5 spots to do a :15-20 second sprint

15-20 minutes of stretching and mobility
Mobility Exercises:
1. Squat with rotational reach: 6-10x ea
2. Mountain climber stretch: 6-10x ea
3. PVC (pole) shoulder drills: 10x ea
4. Prone pec mobilization (scorpion): 5x10s hold ea
5. Open Book Stretch: 5x10s holds ea
6. Kneeling thoracic rotation (hand behind head) 6-10x ea
7. Child's Pose (2 arm or Single Arm) 5x10s hold
8. Downward Dog: 5x10s hold
9. Cobra/Press-up: 5x10-15s holds
10. Cat/Cow: 5x5s holds ea
11. Banded Lat Stretch: 5x10s hold
12. Rolling Hamstring Stretch- roll onto back, come forward into a seated ham stretch
13. Inch-worm: 6-10x
14. Half Kneeling Stretch (Hip flexors/quads): 6-10x 5s hold
15. Half Kneeling Stretch (extend front foot forward-hamstring/calves) 6x 10s hold
16. Pigeon Pose: 3x20s holds
17. Pigeon Pose with Rotation: 6-10x ea
18. 90-90 seated exercise (hips) 6-8x ea
19. Shoulder CARs: 3x ea
20. Hip CARs: 3x ea

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