Monday, March 16, 2020

Monday, March 16, 2020

Monday, March 16, 2020 - COVID -19 training block
Faith isn't figuring out what we're able to do, it's deciding what we're going to do - even when we think we can't. - BG

Starting this week, I will be posting 3-4 week training blocks. Each week will have a flow to the workout plan and each workout will compliment the next. You these as you like and feel free to improvise. Remember to stretch before and after, mobility is a key component to success.

Pool Workout (Calvin is still open M-F 12-4)

General Conditioning - short rest, sustained effort, HR25

300 EZ Swim
200 Casual Kick
3 X 100 @ :15R FRIM-FRIM-IM

Main Set (42 minutes)
4 X 25 @ 30
6 X 50 Kick @ 50
8 X 75 Indy IM @ 1:15
3 X 200 FR @ 2:30-45
8 X 75 Indy IM @ 1:15
6 X 50 Kick @ 50
4 X 25 @ 30

Notes: Sustained effort from start to finish, adjust sendoff if needed, should be consistent :15-20R at most.

Land workout: most gyms aren't open, so sticking with body weight.

General Conditioning - keep it moving, short rest, sustained effort, HR25

8 minutes:
30 Body Squats + 10-30 Pushups + 30 Lunges (15 each leg) + 30 uppercuts + 30 high knees + 30 alt. pike ups

12 minutes:
find a space from 25-100 yards
BKWD Run - jog back
shuffle - jog back
grapevine - jog back
power skip - jog back
FAST RUN - jog back

8 minutes: same as above

Notes: keep moving, work hard, HR25

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