Thursday, June 6, 2019
Summer Training Block
10 minutes of dry, dynamic stretching
32 X 25
8 EZ w/ long uh2o's @ 30
8 Kick @ 35
8 skills/drills @ 40
8 variable sprint pattern @ 45
Main Set
3 rounds of:
4 X [2 X 25 + 50] @ 30/90
Round 1 = Kick - 1st 25 BLAST to far flags, 2nd 25 build 12 1/2, BLAST 12 1/2, 50 is EZ w/ head down, no snorkle, as few breaths as possible
Round 2 = Swim - 1st 25 BLAST to far flags, 2nd 25 buils 12 1/2, BLAST 12 1/2, 50 is with fewest strokes and fewest breaths
Round 3 = Fins & Paddles, same pattern as round 2
4 X [4 X 25 + 100] @ 25/2:20
25's are BLAST!!! 100 is fewest strokes, breathing 5's
4 X [2 X 25 + 50 + 100] @ 25/40/2:20
25's & 50 is BLAST!!! 100 is fewest strokes, breathing 5's
4 X [2 X 50 + 100] @ 40/2:20
50's are BLAST 100 is fewest strokes, breathing 5's
Notes: BLAST = swimming at highest velocity, both groups are getting small doses of swimming at speeds that are as fast or faster than their shortest races. Today you are going to contrast the high velocity swimming with some long strokes.