Wedneseday, June 5, 2013
Technique: FLY Today! I have chosen this
video as it's hard not to use the best butterfly-er in the world to demonstrate his stroke. This is probably a classic video from Michael Phelps and Coach Bowman that will take you through a great build of the butterfly stroke.
Warmup on your own (1000 yards):
You may add or subtract fins at any point during this drill progression.
5-10 X 100 Kick @ 30R (25 on left side, 25 on right side, 25 on back hands extended, 25 on back with hands at side) *all these are seen in the video.
10 Shooters with your own body weight
10 Shooters with a weight bell or dumbell
*try to get 2-3 kicks at the peak of the shooter
8-12 X 75 drill progression: feel free to use any combination from the video, I would choose this:
Odd's - 25 single arm (half straight, half bent), 25 3's, 25 2 right/2left
Even's - 25 single/double, 25 triple kick, 25 swim
*pay attention to the timing of the kicks, there is a kick when the hands enter the water, and a big kick when hands exit the water.
16 X 25 streamline underwater @ 1:00R
#1 - distance per kick, as few kicks as possible
#2 - small, fast kicks, high tempo
#3 - somewhere in the middle, stay relaxed, not all out
#4 - all out, go for time.