Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Spring Training Block

Warmup: 10 minutes on land + 15-20 in the water

Main Set
9 X [100Kick + 3 X 25] @ 1:45/45
100's are Kick w/ a board holding best effort/avg.
25's are different by round as follows:
Rd. 1 - underwater kicking - full 25
Rd. 2 - swim w/ uh2o to 15M
Rd. 3 - :15 seconds of shooters (from bottom) on :45

Notes: working on the legs today! follow instructions, work hard, and get good results

Monday, April 29, 2019

Monday, April 29, 2019

Monday, April 29, 2019
Spring Training Block

Warmup: 10 minutes on land + 15-20 minutes in water

Main Set
6 X [100 + 75] @ 1:20
*100 is swim, 75 is kick

6 + [75 + 75] @ 1:20
*stroke, IM or combo

6 + [50 + 75] @ 1:20
*50 FAST, 75 is last 25 FAST

Notes: follow instructions, work hard, get some good results 

Friday, April 26, 2019

Friday, April 26, 2019

Friday, April 26, 2019 - Long Course
Spring Training Block

Warmup: 10 minutes on land + 15-20 minutes in the water

Main Set
10 X 100 @ 3:00
SPRINT 1st 50 from Dive, use 2nd 50 to recover

6 X 50 @ 60
6 X 50 @ 55
6 X 50 @ 50
6 X 50 @ 45
6 X 50 @ 40
6 X 50 @ 60
*descend your avg. by :01 per round, i.e., first 6 holding 33, last 6 holding 28's

Notes: Sprint group is putting the pedal down for the some fast 50's, while the Distance crew has a descending effort

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Thursday, April 25, 2019 - Long Course
Spring Training Block

Warmup as needed: 10 minutes on land + 15-20 minutes in the water

Main Set
6 X 50 FR @ 1:05
200 EZ @ 5:00
6 X 50 Kick @ 1:10
200 EZ @ 5:00
6 X 50 Stroke @ 1:15
200 EZ @ 5:00
6 X 50 F + P @ 1:20
200 EZ @ 5:00

Notes: Simple set for a Long Course session. Keep the reps short, but strong. Hold your best avg. on the 50's, stretch it out on the 200's.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Spring Training Block

Warmup as needed: 10 minutes on land + 15-20 minutes in the water

Main Set
4 X 75 @ 1:15 1st 25 FAST
1 X 400 @ 5:30
4 X 75 @ 1:15 middle 25 FAST
3 X 50 Kick @ 55 desc. 1-3
4 X 75 @ 1:15 last 25 FAST
1 X 500 @ 7
4 X 75 @ 1:15 1st 50 FAST
3 X 50 Kick @ 55 desc. 1-3
4 X 75 @ 1:15 last 50 FAST
1 X 600 @ 8
4 X 75 @ 1:15 FAST

Notes: The 75's are the backbone of the workout as you are always coming back to them. You alternate going up to a longer swim (400-500-600) with a short dose of kick's (3 X 50's) in which you will spike the HR on the 3rd 50. For the longer swims think about DPS and maintaining your stroke count.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Spring Training Block

Warmup as needed: 10 minutes on land + 15-20 minutes in water

Main Set
4 X [100 Kick + 2 X 25 stroke specific uh2o] @ 1:45/45
*descend 100's 1-4, 25's underwater skills

Extra 60

4 X [100 Kick + 2 X 25 stroke specific uh2o] @ 2-1:45-1:30-1:15/60
*best avg. on 100's as rest comes down, 25's underwater skills

Extra 60

1 X 200 Kick for time @ 4
6 X 25 uh2o skills @ 90 FAST!!

Notes: 100's and last 200 are kick with a board. Freestylers do flip turns with 3 uh2o dolphins off walls. Descend 1-4 on the first round, hold best avg. on 2nd round, and go for it on the 200. The 25's are all FAST uh2o swimming. FL/BK going uh2o to the 15M and finish out the 25 with fast swimming. FR uh2o wall take off, head down. BR should only kick BR on last 12 1/2 of every 25. 25's should be pull outs.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Monday, April 22, 2019

Monday, April 22, 2019
Spring Training Block

Warmup as you wish: 10 minutes on land + 15-20 minutes in the water

Main Set
1 X 100  + 100 Kick @ :10-15R
1 X 100 + 2 X 100 Kick @ :10-15R
1 X 100 + 3 X 100 Kick @ :10-15R
1 X 100 + 4 X 100 Kick @ :10-15R
4 X 100 Swim + 100 Kick @ :10-15R
3 X 100 Swim + 100 Kick @ :10-15R
2 X 100 Swim + 100 Kick @ :10-15R
100 Swim + 100 Kick @ :10-15R

Notes: This should be done as an strong aerobic set in which you maintain a strong effort from start to finish with a consistent 10-15R throughout. Choose the right sendoff that allows you to accomplish the goal. You may mix in some stroke/IM patterns as you see fit. BR'rs should only be kicking last 12 1/2 of every length BR.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Thursday, April 18, 2019
Spring Training Block

Warmup as you want: 10 minutes on land, 15-20 minutes in the water

Main Set
Sprint High Velocity
8 X wall to flags w/ chute @ 90
8 X 25 Kick @ 90
8 X 25 w/ F + P @ 90
*all at fastest velocity possible.

Distance High Velocity
30 X 25 @ 30
24 X 25 @ 35
12 X 25 @ 40
6 X 25 @ 45
*all under P500

Notes: Taking meaningful strokes today!

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Spring Training Block

Warmup as needed: 10 minutes on land + 15-20 minutes in the water

Main Set
4 X [6 X 25 + 6 X 50]
Rd. 1 FR @ 25/45
Rd 2 Kick @ 35/55
Rd 3 IM/Stroke @ 30/50 (choose IM or stroke pattern)
Rd. 4 F+P @ 25/40

3 X 100 + 300 @ 1:15/4:15
3 X 100 + 400 @ 1:15/5:15
3 X 100 + 500 @ 1:15/--
*IM can do 100's as 100IM's or 100 FL-BK-BR, lots of combinations you could make a great IM set of this, rest interval should be :05-:10 for 100's and :30-60 for 300-500's

Note: Both sets have the same goal, just set up a little differently. The goal is to put together a nice sustained effort from start to finish. Sprint should go straight through the set, stopping only to add fins and paddles at the end, but keep it short. Distance has some longer repeats, but the same goal. Adjust sendoff's as needed to keep integrity of the practice.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Spring Training Block

Warmup as you wish: 10 minutes on land, 15-20 minutes in the water

Main Set
4 X [3 X 25 + 50] @ 40/2
3 X [3 X 25 + 75] @ 35/2:15
2 X [3 X 25 + 100] @ 30/2:30
*tie the bungy around lane line at MP and keep pushing the uh2o's
*adjust sendoff's if needed to keep the integrity and quality of what the set is asking for.

4 X [3 X 20 + 50] 40/2
3 X [3 X 20 + 100] @ 45/3
2 X [3 X 20 + 150] @ 50/4
*20's are from wall to flags w/ bungy tied to blocks
*50-100-150 are swim

4 X [3 X 50 Kick + 3 X 50 Swim] @ 50
take extra :30-:60
3 X [3 X 50 Kick + 3 X 100 Swim] @ 50/1:20
take extra :30-:60
2 X [3 X 50 Kick + 3 X 150 Swim] @ 50/2:00
*50's are kick w/ board with uh2o takeoff's and flip turns
*50-100-150's are strong, working on consistent takeoff's the wall, 3 uh2o dolphins off every wall, leaving the wall at the right angle, transitioning to swimming done breathing away from first stroke.
*adjust sendoff's if needed to keep the integrity and quality of what the set is asking for.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Monday, April 15, 2019

Monday, April 15, 2019
Spring Training Block

Warmup as you wish: 10 minutes on land, 15-20 minutes in the water

Main Set
6 X 100 @ 1:20 FR
4 X 100 Kick @ 1:40
2 X 100 Stroke @ 2:00
6 X 75 @ 1:20 Alt. 1st/last 25 FAST
4 X 75 Kick @ 1:30 desc. 1-4
2 X 75 Stroke @ 1:40
6 X 50 @ 1:20 FR P200
4 X 50 @ 1:20 Kick FAST
2 X 50 @ 1:20 Stroke FAST

Notes: The set starts with some strong, steady swimming, and then slowly add's some speed in a pattern and sendoff that should allow you to execute the game plan.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Friday, April 12, 2019

Friday, April 12, 2019
Spring Training Block

Warmup as you need: 10 minutes on land, 15-20 minutes in the water

Main Set
6 X [4 X 25 @ 25] @ 6:00
*1st 25 from a dive.

3 X [25 + 50 + 75] @ 1:00
300 EZ @ 5
2 X [25 + 50 + 75] @ 1:00
300 EZ @ 5]
25 + 50 + 75 @ 1:00
300 EZ @ 5

Notes: Purple Set, Lactate, Big swims for a Friday! Distance everything is on a 1:00

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Thursday, April 11, 2019
Spring Training Block

Warmup as you wish: 10 minutes on land + 15-20 minute in the water

Main Set
Sprint (High Velocity)
10 X Sprint to Far Flags w/ chute @ 90
5 X 25 Sprint @ 90
5 X 25 Sprint w/ Equipment @ 90

*Swimming at your highest velocity for short amounts of time.

Distance (High Velocity)
20 X 50 @ 90 holding under P200

Notes: Both groups accomplishing the same objective. Swim at your highest velocities in your shortest events in small doses. When done right, it add's up to a lot.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Spring Training block

Warmup as your own: 10 minutes on land + 15-20 minutes in the water

Main Set
3 X's (add fins to last round):
8 X 75 @ 1:15
Odd's Descend 1-4 by :02 seconds
#2 - Sprint Kick 1st 50
#4 - IM w/ no FR
#6 - Sprint Kick 1st 50
#8 - Blast 1st 25 Swim, choice stroke

Notes: 30 minute progression that takes you through some descends and mixes in some fast Kick and a little stroke. have a good descend pattern, try to target a :02 second drop per 75 and hold yourself to that.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Spring Training Block

Warmup as you wish: 10 minutes on land + 15-20 minutes in the water

Main Set
5 X 100 Kick @ 1:20-40 (strong effort w/ :10R)
*BR - do 12 1/2 Flutter, 12 1/2 BR throughout
*use flip turns w/ boards
20 X 25 under bungy
8 @ 45, 6 @ 40, 4 @ 35, 2 @ 30
*BR tie bungy to block and go from MP to far wall on same sendoff's
5 X 100 @ 1:45 Desc. 1-5 to big finish

Notes: Good Leg day, 1st 5 100's are strong with short rest, then transition to some underwater swimming and then finish with a big descend.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Monday, April 8, 2019

Monday, April 8, 2019
Spring Training Block

Warmup as you want: 10 minutes on land, 15-20 minutes in the water

Main Set
4 X 75 alt. Fl-BK-BR, BK-BR-FR @ 1:15
4 X 100 K/S @ 1:30
4 X 125 desc. 1-4 @ 2:00
Double Up's
3 X [25 + 50] @ 40/1:00
2 X [50 + 100] @ 50/1:30
1 X [100 + 200] @ 2/--

Notes: First part of the set is some general conditioning with some strokes, kick/swims, and descending swims. When you get to the double ups, the goal is to go the same speed on the 25's as the 50's, for example if you go 13 on the 25, you go 26 on the 50,.... A little speed control, hold the fastest you can.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Friday, April 5, 2019

Friday, April 5, 2019
Spring Training Block

Warmup as you wish: 10 minutes on land, 15-20 minutes in the water

Main Set
6 X 50-75-100 @ 5:00
*same distance for all 6 swims

6 X 100-200-300 @ 5:00
*same distance for all 6 swims

Notes: Put some big swims in today and enjoy the recovery over the weekend!

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Thursday, April 4, 2019
Spring Training Block

Warmup as you wish: 10 minutes on land, 15-20 minutes in the water

Main Set
SPRINT - High Velocity
20 Swim @ 90
5 from wall to far flags
5 from flags to wall (20 yards, no wall takeoff)
5 full 25's w/ fins & paddles
5 from block to far flags

MID-LONG DISTANCE - Rainbow, descending efforts
6 X 50 @ 50 desc. P200+5,+4,+3,+2,+1,+0
4 X 50 Kick @ 1:15 Desc. 1-4 to max. effort
3 X 100 @ 1:30 desc. P500 +6, +3, +0
4 X 50 Kick @ 1:15 Desc. 1-4 to max. effort
12 X 25 @ 25 Desc. P100+3,+2,+1,+0

Notes: You have two options so you can be event specific today, the SPRINT option only works if you accumulate take the type of strokes you take in your 50/100, you should be swimming at your highest velocities for short amounts of time. The second option is a nice descending effort set in witch you will bring it down to one swim at P200, P500, and P100. Both sets take 30 minutes to complete, so if you do both, you have a nice hour of very purposeful practice.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Wednesday, April 3, 2019
Spring Training Block

Warmup as you need: 10 minutes on land, 15-20 minute in the the water

Main Set
20 X 100 as follows
1 FAST - 1 EZ @ 1:15
2 FAST - 2 EZ @ 1:20
3 FAST - 3 EZ @ 1:40
4 FAST - 4 EZ @ 2:00

Notes: Good Threshold Set, equal parts work to rest, you may swim stroke, IM, or Kick on the fast 100's if you wish. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Tuesday, April 2, 2019
Spring Training Block

Warmup as needed: 10 minutes on land - 15-20 minutes in the water

Main Set:
Under the Bungy Cord Set:
3 X's:
2 X 25 @ 60
3 X 25 @ 50
4 X 25 @ 45
6 X 25 @ 40
take and extra 60 before rounds 2-3

Notes: string a bungy cord across lane lines at mid pool (MP), go uh2o past bungy cord on every 25 and maintain best avg., feel free to add fins as needed.

FREE = Kick the above set w/ snorkle, uh2o take off's w/ board, animal Kick style, All Out!!
BREAST = do the same pattern except with a bungy cord tied to the block, you will race to the far flags or to the wall depending on the cord and your body size.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Monday, April 1, 2019

Monday, April 1, 2019
Spring Training Block

Warmup as needed: 10 minutes on land, 15-20 minutes in the water

Main Set
3 X's 
100 + 3 X 50 @ 1:20/50
150 + 2 X 50 @ 2:00/50
200 + 1 X 50 @ 2:40/50
Rd. 1 = 100-200 is FREE, 50's are Stroke/FR IMO
Rd. 2 = 100-200 is FREE, 50's are Kick
Rd. 3 = 100-200 is FREE, 50's are 1st 3 Fast/EZ, next 2 are EZ/FAST, last 50 is FAST

Notes: Straight through, no breaks, strong swimming from start to finish, with a little bit of speed at the finish.