Thursday, April 4, 2019
Spring Training Block
Warmup as you wish: 10 minutes on land, 15-20 minutes in the water
Main Set
SPRINT - High Velocity
20 Swim @ 90
5 from wall to far flags
5 from flags to wall (20 yards, no wall takeoff)
5 full 25's w/ fins & paddles
5 from block to far flags
MID-LONG DISTANCE - Rainbow, descending efforts
6 X 50 @ 50 desc. P200+5,+4,+3,+2,+1,+0
4 X 50 Kick @ 1:15 Desc. 1-4 to max. effort
3 X 100 @ 1:30 desc. P500 +6, +3, +0
4 X 50 Kick @ 1:15 Desc. 1-4 to max. effort
12 X 25 @ 25 Desc. P100+3,+2,+1,+0
Notes: You have two options so you can be event specific today, the SPRINT option only works if you accumulate take the type of strokes you take in your 50/100, you should be swimming at your highest velocities for short amounts of time. The second option is a nice descending effort set in witch you will bring it down to one swim at P200, P500, and P100. Both sets take 30 minutes to complete, so if you do both, you have a nice hour of very purposeful practice.