Friday, September 12, 2014

Friday, September 12, 2014

Friday, September 12, 2014
Challenge Day

Warmup: 400 + 4 X 100 alt. K/S, D/S + 4 X 50 variable sprints

Main Set:
1 X 25 @ 3:00
1 X 50 @ 3:00
1 X 75 @ 3:00
1 X 100 @ 3:00
1 X 150 @ 3:00

Notes: Simple - Be FAST!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thursday, September 11, 2014
Aerobic Endurance

Warmup: 400 + 300pull + 200 Kick + 100 IM

Main Set:
40 X 50 @ 45

Notes: Steady, consistent from start to finish, rest should be no longer than :15 seconds, need to keep HR around 25(:10) to get results you want.  If you want to add some length, do 75's with the same pattern.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Wednesday, Sept. 10, 2014

Warmup: 400 + 12 X 50 alt. K/S, S/K 

Main Set:
1 X 400 @ 6 (kick every 4th 25)
8 X Shooter from bottom @ 1 every :20
1 X 300 @ 4:30 (kick every 3rd 25)
8 X 25 @ 60 underwater, may use fins
1 X 200 @ 3 (kick every other)
8 X 25 @ 30 hold best average
2:00 to rest and swim ez
1 X 100 @ 1:30 all out

Notes:  When doing the shooters from the bottom and any time you leave the wall, don't under estimate the value of your take off position from the wall.  

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Fast - EZ

Warmup: 400 + 4 X 100 alt. K/S, D/S + 4 X 50 variable sprints

Main Set:
6 rounds:
2 X 25 @ 35
1 X 50 @ 35
1 X 25 @ 35
1 X 125 EZ

Rd 2 @ 40, Rd 3 @ 45, Rd 4 @ 50, Rd 5 @ 55, Rd 6 @ 60

Notes: You get to add rest to each round as you continue to maintain the speed. Each round starts out fast and realistic, the challenge will be to carry your starting speed through the 50, and then into the last 25 on the short rest.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Monday, Sept. 8, 2014

Monday, September 8, 2014
Aerobic Endurance

Warmup: 400 + 300 pull + 200 Kick + 100IM

Main Set
8 X 50 FR @ 40/45
6 X 75 @ 1:20 (25K/50S)
8 X 50 stroke @ 50
6 X 75 @ 1:20 (alt. 50K/25S, 25S/50K)
8 X 50 FR @ 40/45
6 X 75 Kick @ ? 

Notes: Strong, consistent, effort from start to finish, sendoff's should give you 10-20 seconds of rest throughout and HR stays around 25 +/- 

Friday, September 5, 2014

Friday, September 5, 2014

Friday, September 5, 2014
FAST Friday

Warmup: 400 + 4 X 100 alt. K/S, D/S + 4 X 50 variable sprints

Main Set:
5 X 50 - 300 @ 3:00

Notes: 5 swims, you pick the distance(same distance each swim), sendoff stay's the same. The length of the swim changes the tone of the set, but no matter what you choose, make it fast.  15 minutes of your best swimming and you are done!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Thursday, Sept. 4, 2014

Thursday, Sept. 4, 2014

Warmup: 400 + 12 X 50 alt. K/S, S/K

Main Set:
4 X's:
1 X 75 Kick @ 1:15 Best Effort
1 X 50 EZ Swim @ 60

1 X 400 Kick @ 7:00

4 X's:
1 X 50 Kick @ 45 Best Effort
1 X 50 EZ swim @ 60

1 X 300 Kick @ 5:00

4 X's 
1 X 25 Kick @ 30 Best Effort
1 X 50 EZ swim @ 60

1 X 200 Kick @ 3:30

1 X 100 Kick for Time

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Tuesday, September 3, 2014

Tuesday, September 3, 2014

Warmup: 400 + 4 X 100 alt. K/S, D/S + 4 X 50 variable sprints

Main Set:
60 X 25 @ 30
2 EZ
4 EZ
6 EZ
8 EZ
finish with 2 FAST/2EZ for the last 20

Notes: When looking at this set on paper, it doesn't look intimidating or even very hard, 10 X 200+ looks way tougher on the eyes.  Remember swimming fast is much different than swimming far, don't just try hard, swim fast, your body responds differently to that effort and needs to be practiced.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Monday, September 2, 2014

Monday, September 2, 2014
Aerobic Endurance

Warmup: 400 + 300pull + 200 Kick + 100 IM

Main Set:
3 rounds of:
3 X 150 Pull @ 2:00
3 X 50 kick @ 50
1 EZ - 1 FAST - 1 EZ
6 X 25 Choice @ :30 Swum very well including leaving the walls
3 X 50 Kick @ 50
1 EZ - 1 FAST - 1 EZ

Notes: Go straight through all 3 rounds, no breaks, we want to keep the HR up above 22-25 for the entire workout, not just 5-10 minutes at a time.  Sendoff's aren't the hardest, just swim well, work hard, and follow the pattern.  You should be able to swim the 25's pretty fast without trying too hard.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday, August 29, 2014
Challenge Day

Warmup: 400 + 4 X 100 alt. k/s, d/s + 4 X 50 variable sprints

Main Set
10 X 100 @ 60 as fast as possible

Notes: Goal is to swim your best 1000 yards of the week, take exactly 60 seconds between each 100, for example, you come in on the :04, you will leave on the next :04.  Subtract 9 minutes from your total time and you will have your swimming time.  Use a great 20 minute effort to finish out the week.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Thursday, August 28, 2014
Aerobic Endurance

Warmup: 400 + 300 pull + 200 Kick + 100IM

Main Set:
10 X 250
#1 - 3 =  kick middle 50, 2nd 100 is :05 faster than first @ 3:30-4
#4-7 = IM as 25FL-50BK-75BR-100FR @ 3:30-4
#8-10 = FR swim strong @ 3:00-3:30

Notes: strong, consistent, not many directions, follow the instructions and keep rest to :20 sec at most.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Warmup: 400 + 12 X 50 K/S, S/K

Main Set
3 X 100 @ 1:30 (1st 25 underwater)
3 X 50 @ 50 (1st 25 underwater)
3 X 25 @ 45 (underwater)

25 minute kick as follows:
1:00 - deep Kick, no splash
2:00 - Vertical Board every other :15
3:00 - Shooters from bottom (3 every :20 seconds)
4:00 - Kick for distance, strong, steady, no buddy kicking
5:00 Fast EZ (2 X 10F/20E, 3 X 20F/20E, 1 X 40F/20EZ, 1 X 60F)
*then returen back to the 4-3-2-1 and follow same directions

3 X 25 @ 45 (underwater)
3 X 50 @ 50 (1st 25 underwater)
3 X 100 @ 1:30 1st 25 underwater)

Notes: work on underwater kicking on the first and last sets.  The middle set is a straight 25 minutes with no breaks.  Follow the instructions by the minutes.  The 5 minute Fast EZ progression add's up to 5 minutes.  Vertical Board is kicking with the board so that is is perpendicular to the bottom, you won't go very far:) 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Warmup 400 + 4 X 100 K/S, D/S, + 4 X 50 variable sprints

Main Set
6 X 50 @ 60 1st 15M FAST
6 X 75 @ 90 1st 25 FAST
12 X 25 FAST @ 30
12 X 25 EZ @ 30
6 X 75 @ 90 last 25 FAST
6 X 50 @ 60 build last 25 so last 12 1/2 is FAST, 

Notes: Work on leaving the wall on the first 50's, extend the speed to the 25 on the 75's, you should have plenty of recovery to maintain speed.  6 minutes of speed in the middle followed by 6 minutes to recover, then work on finishing.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday, August 25, 2014
Aerobic Endurance

Warmup: 400 + 300 Pull + 200 Kick + 100 IM

Main Set:
40 X 50 @ :10-20Rest
8 FR
8 Stroke/FR
8 Kick
8 Stroke/FR
8 FR

Notes: Pretty Simple - no stopping, use an interval that gives you no less than :10, no more than :20 and don't stop between groups of 8. HR should be around 25 give or take.  The HR has to elevated to receive the benefits, if you stop between groups of 8 and let it rest, you don't force any adaption to take place.  Feel free to do 50 in groups of 10 or 60 in groups of 12.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Friday, August 22, 2014

Friday, August 22, 2014

Warmup: 400 + 4 X 100 alt. k/s, d/s + 4 X 50 variable sprints

Main Set
15 Minutes
30 X 25 @ 30 or 15 X 50/75 @ 60

Notes:  How well can you put it together for 15 minutes.  Choose 25's, 50's, or 75's, each one changes the difficulty in different ways.  If you stick with the 25's, they better be rocket fast.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Thursday, August 21, 2014
Aerobic Endurance

Warmup: 400 + 300 pull + 200 Kick + 100IM

Main Set
1 X 400 Pull @ 5:30
4 X 75 FR @ 60 
1 X 400 Pull @ 5:30
4 X 75 stroke, IMO, or IM with no FR @ 70
1 X 400 Pull @ 5:30
4 X 75 Kick @ 80

Notes: Swim the 400's slow, quiet, smooth, with a breathing pattern of 4-6's or use a snorkel.  Keep the neck long, head down, use your eyes to watch the formarms and make sure they get an early vertical forearm. Pick up the effort on the 75's.  If you want to make the set longer, add some reps to the 75's or some length to the pulls.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Warmup: 400 + 12 X 50 alt. K/S, S/K

Main Set
4 Rounds
16 X 25 Kick @ 30 Odd - Fast, Even - EZ
200 swim ez
10 X 50 Kick @ 2 Fast, 2 EZ,....
200 swim EZ
5 X 100 Kick @ 1:45 2 Fast, 1 EZ, 2 Fast
200 swim EZ
1 X 400 Kick for Time!
200 swim EZ

Notes: A progression that starts with short, managable efforts, and time to recover.  Make sure you start fast and aggressive with the 25's.  The set slowly extends the length of the kick and takes away your time to recover.  Fight through it and put up some good kick times.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Warmup: 400 + 4 X 100 alt. K/S, D/S + 4 X 50 variable sprints

Main Set
2 rounds:
2 X 25 Kick @ 30 Fast
2 X 25 EZ @ 30
2 X 25 Kick @ 30 Fast
1 X 50 Kick @ 50 Fast
4 X 25 EZ @ 30
2 X 25 Kick @ 30 Fast
1 X 50 Kick @ 50 FAst
4 X 25 IMO @ 30 FAST
8 X 25 EZ @ 45
2 X 25 Kick @ 30 Fast
1 X 50 Kick @ 50 Fast
4 X 25 IMO @ 30 FAST
2 X 50 FR @ 40 FAST
1 X 300 EZ Swim

Notes: you will build up to 300 yards of fast swimming.  The fast swimming has a variation of kick/stroke/fr on purpose.  Trying to force some change and getting the body to respond to it.  The FAST is FAST, not just trying hard, big difference!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Monday, August 18, 2014

Monday, August 18, 2014
Aerobic Endurance

Warmup: 400 + 300pull + 200 Kick + 100 IM

Main Set:
4 X 75 FR @ 60
3 X 200 IM @ 3:00
4 X 75 FR @ 60
9 X 100 K/S @ 1:30
4 X 75 FR @ 60
3 X 200 IM @ 3:00
4 X 75 FR @ 60

Notes: Pretty simple pattern, stay steady, strong, and consistent throught entire set.  HR 22-25

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Thursday, August 14, 2014
Aerobic Endurance

Warmup: 400 + 300 Pull + 200 Kick + 100 IM

Main Set:
1 X 100 IM @ 1:30...
1 X 200 IM @ 3:00
1 X 300 IM @ 4:30
20 X 100 as follows:
4 FR @ 1:10...
4 Kick @ 1:40...
4 IMO @ 1:30...
4 Kick @ 1:30...
4 FR @ 1:10...
1 X 300 IM @ 4:30
1 X 200 IM @ 3:00
1 X 100 IM @ 1:30

Notes: last long set of the week, as Friday is always short and sweet.  Find a sendoff that gives you 10-20 rest, HR between 25-28, and maintain the effort throughout the entire set. No extra rest.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Warmup: 400 + 12 X 50 alt. K/S, S/K

Main Set:
5 X 50 @ 1:00
*Sprint the first :10 seconds of every swim, ez the rest of the way
9 Minute Kick following this pattern: Odd minutes - strong and steady, good effort and tempo (HR 22-25), Even Minutes - build :30 at 80%, :20 at 90%, :10 at 100% (HR 30+)
18 X 50 Kick @ 1:00
1 EZ - 1 Fast
1 EZ - 2 Fast
1 EZ - 3 Fast
3 EZ - 1 Fast
2 EZ - 1 Fast
1 EZ - 1 Fast
9 minute Kick same as above, this round with fins
5 X 50 @ 1:00
*same as above

Notes: all the explanation you need should be in there, work hard!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Warmup: 400 + 4 X 100 alt. K/S, D/S + 4 X 50 variable sprints

Main Set:
6 X 25 @ 30 FAST
1 X 150 EZ @ 2:30
3 X 50 @ 40 FAST
1 X 150 EZ @ 2:30
2 X 75 @ 60 FAST
1 X 300 EZ @ 5:00
1 X 150 @ 2:00 FAST
1 X 300 EZ @ 5:00
2 X 75 @ 60 FAST
1 X 150 EZ @ 2:30
3 X 50 @ 40 FAST
1 X 150 EZ @ 2:30
6 X 25 @ 30 FAST

Notes: classic pyramid pattern, make the Fast, very Fast, HR 30+, make the EZ, very EZ, make a note of how far your HR comes down.  The more fit you are the more it will come down.  Ideally, you want it coming down beloww 22.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Monday, August, 11, 2014
Aerobic Endurance

Warmup: 400 + 300 pull + 200 kick + 100 IM

Main Set:
6 X 75 @ 60 FR
3 X 100 @ 1:30 (1EZ, 1 build to all out, 1 EZ)
6 X 75 @ 65 (alt. FL-BK-BR and BK-BR-FR)
3 X 100 @ 1:30 (1EZ, 1 build to all out, 1 EZ)
6 X 75 K/S @ 70
3 X 100 @ 1:30 (1EZ, 1 build to all out, 1 EZ)
6 X 75 FR @ 60

Notes: swim strong and consistent on all the 75's, getting 10-15 seconds of rest. Do not take any breaks throughout the set.  The first 100 is EZ, execute a great build to an all out, powerful, last 25, and then take the last 100 EZ, then go right into the next round of 75's.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Friday, August 8, 2014

Friday, August 8, 2014
Challenge Set

Warmup: 400 + 4 X 100 alt. K/S, D/S + 4 X 50 variable sprints

Main Set:
30 X 25 @ 30

Notes: BE FAST! Get momentum going right from the wall, work the underwaters.  What can you hold?

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Thursday, August 7, 2014
Aerobic Endurance

Warmup: 400+ 300 pull + 200 Kick + 100 IM

Main Set:
30 X 75 @ 1:10-20
10 Kick
10 Stroke
10 FR

Notes: Pretty simple, don't try to hold the fastest sendoff, rather hold the best pace, and put yourself on a sendoff that gives you 15-20 seconds rest which studies have shown to be the ideal rest to get the best results.  15-20 seconds of rest allows enough time to get oxygen and evaluate your swim while it is not enough time to allow your HR to come down significantly which allows your body to continue to adapt to the parameters being put on your body.

If you feel the need to go further, do 100's, same concept.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Warmup: 400 + 12 X 50 alt. K/S, S/K

Main Set:
1 X 100 Kick @ 1:30
8 X 25 Fast @ 45
1 X 200 Kick @ 3
8 X 50 EZ/Fast
1 X 300 Kick @ 4:30
8 X 75 Fast/EZ/Fast
1 X 400 Kick @ 6
8 X 25 Fast @ 60

Notes: The 100-400 Kicks are done very strong working on maintaining a solid rythm and tempo from start to finish.  The 25's are done very fast, the extra time on the walls is meant to allow you to get a good take off from the wall and work your 1st 15M underwater and carry your speed into the swimming.  The 50's do the 2nd 25 just like the 25's except you will be going in from a ez swim and turn.  The 75's are the same theme, first and last 25 are explosive from the walls and underwater.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Fast - EZ

Warmup: 400 + 4 X 100 alt. K/S, D/S + 4 X 50 Variable Sprints

Main Set:
10 rounds of 3 minutes:
1st Minute: 10 seconds all out vertical kick (streamline), take :05 to get to wall, 50 all out swim, take :05 (no more) and finish with best underwater effort to 15M
2nd Minute: EZ swimming (maybe a little longer, which would cut into your 3rd minute)
3rd Minute: Rest

Notes: This is a little different way of thinking of a swim set.  At the end of the day, it's 30 minutes of swimming very fast swimming and recovering in between.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Monday, August 4, 2014

Monday, August 4, 2014
Aerobic Endurance

Warmup: 400 + 300 pull + 200 Kick + 100IM

Main Set:
3 X 100 FR @ 1:10....
4 X 200
1 EZ @ 3:00, 3 K/S, IM, or stroke/FR @ 3:00
3 X 100 FR @ 1:10....
3 X 200
1 EZ @ 3:00, 2 K/S, IM, or Stroke/FR @ 3:00
3 X 100 FR @ 1:10...
2 X 200
1 EZ @ 3:00, 1 K/S, IM, or Stroke/FR @ 3:00
3 X 100 FR @ 1:10....
1 X 200 EZ @ 3:00
3 X 100 FR @ 1:10....

Notes: You will do 5 rounds of 3 100's, done really well (HR 25+) on a sendoff that gives you less than :15R.  You will then get a round of 200's in which the first one is always ez, then doing the rest 100K/100S, IM, or 100stroke/100FR, whatever you prefer, just work hard.  The emphasis is on the 100's.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Warmup: 400 + 12 X 50 alt. K/S, S/K

Main Set
4 rounds of 8 X 50's:
Odd - Descend 1-3-5-7 by :03 seconds each @ 60
#2 - 2 X 25 @ 45 underwater
#4 - Vertical Kick - 4 - 6 second bursts w/ hands in streamline on :15
#6 - horizontal eggbeater w/ kick board or paddles as kick board @ 90
#8 - :10 second burst of power, how far can you get, your choice of kick and equipment, kick the rest ez

swim and EZ 100-200 between each round

Notes: Follow directions, make sure you know what is coming up next, and work hard!  This will touch on several keys to good kicking.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Warmup: 400 + 4 X 100 alt. K/S, D/S + 4 X 50 variable sprints

Main Set:
9 X 25 Stroke @ 30 Odd - Fast, Even EZ
8 X 50 Kick @ 60 Odd - Fast, Even EZ
7 X 75 FR @ 90 - Odd - Fast, Even EZ
6 X 25 Stroke @ 30
5 X 50 Kick @ 60
4 X 75 FR @ 90
4 X 25 Stroke @ 30
3 X 50 Kick @ 60
2 X 75 FR @ 90

Notes: Keep the same pattern of odd's Fast, Even's EZ throughout, GO for it the FAST swims, recover on the EZ swims, HR should be 25-30+ on the Fast Swims.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Monday, July 28, 2014

Monday, July 28, 2014
Aerobic Endurance

Warmup: 400choice + 300pull + 200Kick + 100IM

Main Set:
3 X 200 FR @ 2:30....
4 X 75 Kick @ 1:15....
6 X 100IM @ 1:20.....
4 X 75 Kick @ 1:15....
6 X 100 Fast/EZ @ 1:30.... (1st 50, step on it, 2nd 50 ez)
4 X 75 Kick @ 1:15....
3 X 200 FR @ 2:20.....

Notes: Choose a sendoff that gives you 10-20 seconds rest keeping your HR between 22-26.  I want you to increase your HR to 25+ on the 1st 50 of the 2nd round of 100's and the last 3 200's.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Friday, July 18, 2014

Friday, July 18, 2014

Warmup: 400 + 4 X 100 alt. K/S, D/S + 4 X 50 variable sprints

Main Set
20 X 50 @ :30 rest
on a running clock, swim 20 50's as fast as you can, take exactly 30 seconds between 50's so if you come in on the 27, you leave on the 57. Keep track of your total time and subract 9 1/2 minutes to get your 1000 time.  Swimming FAST is much different than swimming FAR!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Thursday, July 17, 2014
Aerobic Endurance

400 Choice + 300 Pull + 200 Kick + 100 IM

Main Set
45 Minutes of Hard Work (choose your path):
15 X 200 @ 3
#1 - 100K/100S
#2 - Stroke or IM
#3 - FR


10 X 300 @ 4:00-30
Odd - Kick middle 100
Even - Choose 300IM, 150Stroke/150FR, or FR, your specialty


8 X 400
3 IM @ 6
2 Kick @ 6:30
3 FR @ 5

Notes: Nothing flashy our ground breaking today, work hard, put your HR between 22-25 and keep it there.  If it occasionally goes above 25, no problem.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Warmup: 400 + 12 X 50 alt. K/S, S/K

Main Set:
Rounds of 4 Minutes:
1st Minute - 45 seconds as far as you can go, :15 sec. ez to closest wall
2nd Minute - 2 X 25's underwater @ 30
3rd Minute  - 1 X 25 Kick w/ vertical board
4th Minute - 30 second vertical Kick all out, hold 10 lb. dumbell if you want, :30 to get ready for next round

1 round
1 X 100 EZ swim @ 2:00
2 rounds straight through
1 X 200 EZ swim @ 3:00
3 rounds straight through
1 X 300 EZ @ 5:00
1 round

Notes: A little different style of set.  you will go 4, 8, 12 minutes of kicking with an ez swim in between followed by 1 last round, all kicks are to be done fast, best effort.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Warmup: 400 + 4 X 100 alt. K/S, D/S, 4 X 50 variable sprints

Main Set:
4 rounds:
3 X 25 @ 30 FAST
3 X 25 EZ @ 45
2 X 50 @ 30 FAST
2 X 50 EZ @ 60
1 X 75 FAST @ 60
1 X 75 EZ @ 90

Notes: Pretty Simple - Make the fast, FAST!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Monday, July 14, 2014

Monday, July 14, 2014
Aerobic Endurance

Warmup: 400choice-300pull-200kick-100IM

Main Set:
12 X 100 @ 1:20-45
rotate FR-Stroke/FR-IM by 100 sendoff's give you 10-15R
3 X 100 Kick @ 1:30-45
3 X 100 FR @ 1:10 (fastest interval)
2 X 100 Kick @ 1:30-45
4 X 100 FR @ 1:10 (fastest interval)
1 X 100 Kick @ 1:30-45
5 X 100 FR @ 1:10 (fastest interval)

Notes:  Start off the first 12 X 100's nice and strong and consistent, get the HR in the 22-25 zone, use sendoff's that give you 10-15R, the 3-2-1 Kicks and 3-4-5 swims, we want you to finish strong, HR at 25+. 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Warmup: 400 + 12 X 50 alt. K/S, S/K

Main Set
3 minute Kick Fast/EZ with big efforts
10 Fast - 10 EZ
10 Fast - 20 EZ
10 Fast - 30 EZ
10 Fast - 10 EZ
20 Fast -10 EZ
30 Fast - 10 EZ
6 X 100 Kick/Swim @ 1:30
3 minute Kick Fast/EZ same as above
12 X 75 w/ fins & pads @ 1:00
25 head up, 25 fl kick on bk, 25 fr w/ 6 beat kick
3 minute Kick Fast/EZ same as above
6 X 100 K/Swim @ 1:30
3 Minute kick Fast/EZ same as above

Notes: keep moving through the workout with little rest.  Follow directions and work hard!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Warmup: 400 + 4 X 100 alt. K/S, D/S + 4 X 50 variable sprints

Main Set:
10 X 25 Very Fast!
4 @ 20, 3 @ 30, 3 @ 40
1 X 250 EZ @ 4:00
5 X 50 Very Fast!
2 @ 40, 2 @ 50, 1 @ 60
1 X 250 EZ @ 4:00
3 X 75 Very Fast
1 @ 50, 1 @ 60, 1 @ 70
1 X 225 EZ @ 4
2 X 125 @ 1:30 Very Fast
1 X 250 EZ

Notes: Each Round is the same distance (250 yards), but you have to hold your speed longer each time.  The sendoff also changes throughout the fast swims as well, so pay attention.  Add/subtract equipment as needed.  Swimming Fast is much different than swimming Far.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Monday, July 7, 2014

Monday, July 7, 2014
Aerobic Endurance

Warmup: 400 choice, 300 pull, 200Kick, 100 IM

Main Set:
3 rounds of:
1 X 300 FR @ 4:00
1 X 100 Kick @ 1:30
6 rounds of
1 X 200 FR @ 2:30-45
1 X 100 IM @ 1:15-30
9 rounds of:
1 X 100 FR @ 1:20
1 X 100 Kick-Stroke-IM @ 1:30

Notes: The 300's, 200's and 100's FR are smooth and strong (HR 22-25), the 100's Kick-IM-Stroke I want you to push it a little bit (HR 25-28).

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Thursday, July 3, 2014
Challenge Day

Warmup: 400 + 4 X 100 alt. K/S, D/S + 4 X 50 variable Sprint

Main Set
5 Swims @ 3:00
Choose from 50's all the way to 300's.


Notes: Choose your distance and be as fast as you possibly can for 15 minutes.  How well can you swim for 15 minutes.  Finish the short week, going into the 4th of July with some fireworks!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Warmup: 400 + 12 X 50 alt. K/S, S/K

Main Set
6 X 100 @ 1:45 alt. ez/Fast by 25
9 minute kick/swim w/ fins
*kick is done on back or side
6 X 100 @ 1:45
*build by 25
9 minute kick/swim w/ fins
*25 underwater, 25 fl kick on back, 25 FR w/ 6 beat kick, 25 EZ
6 X 100 @ 2:00
25 sprint - 75 EZ
50 sprint - 50 EZ
75 sprint - 25 EZ

Notes: never have to do the same thing twice, follow the patterns, and directions, control your energy output and your speed. Work Hard!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Warmup: 400 + 4 X 100 alt. K/S, D/S + 4 X 50 variable sprints

Main Set
6 X 25 @ 20 FAST!
3 X 50 @ 1:00 EZ
6 X 25 @ 25 FAST!
3 X 50 @ 1:00 EZ
6 X 25 @ 30 FAST!
3 X 50 @ 1:00 EZ
3 X 50 @ 40 FAST!
6 X 25 @ 40 EZ
3 X 50 @ 45 FAST!
6 X 25 @ 40 EZ
3 X 50 @ 50 FAST!
6 X 25 @ 40 EZ

Notes: 6 rounds of 150 yards of very fast swimming.  If you are in good form, you should see P200 on the clock, if not, go by HR, where you want your HR 30+ for :10 during the Fast Swims.  Remember, your speed starts from the push off the wall!  Push from an athletic foot position on the wall.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Monday, June 30, 2014

Monday, June 30, 2014
Aerobic Endurance

Sorry for no workouts last week, it was camp week, and we are a little busy.

Warmup: 400choice, 300 pull, 200 kick, 100 IM

Main Set:
4 X 100 @ 1:30
1 X 300 Kick @ 4:30
1 X 100 EZ @ 2:00
4 X 100 @ 1:20
2 X 150 Kick @ 2:30
1 X 100 EZ @ 2:00
4 X 100 @ 1:15
3 X 100 Kick @ 1:40
1 X 100 EZ
4 X 100 @ 1:10
6 X 50 Kick @ 50

Notes: the 400 are meant to be swum with the same strong effort throughout, for example holding 1:00-1:05 no matter what the sendoff, obviously it will become harder as the rest goes away. Go directly into 300 yards of kicking, maintain a strong effort and make the intervals on the kicks, you get an ez 100 after each kick!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Main Set
400 + 12 X 50 alt. K/S, S/K

Main Set
5 X 100 Kick @ 2:00
*1st 25 All Out
12 X 75 @ 60 w/ fins & paddles
25 - Head up Kick, use paddles as kick board, 25 FL kick on BK, 25 6 beat kick
5 X 100 Kick @ 2:00
1st 50 All Out
12 X 75 @ ? w/ fins & paddles
Odd - 25 K/10, 25 K/8, 25 K/6
Even - 25 Kick + 25 FAST w/ 15M underwater, 25 EZ
5 X 100 Kick @ 2:00
*1st 75 All Out

Notes: Good Mix of some 25's - 75's fast kick w/ or w/o a board & some fin and paddle work.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Tuesday, Junde 17, 2014
Fast - EZ

Warmup: 400choice, 300 pull, 200 kick, 4 X 25 variable sprints

Main Set:
9 X 300
3 @ 4:00 (sprint 1st 25 of every 100)
3 @ 5:00 (sprint 1st 50 of every 100)
3 @ 6:00
#1 - 100 Fast, 200 EZ
#2 - 150 Fast, 150 EZ
#3 - 200 Fast, 100 EZ

Notes: Don't just try harder on the Fast swimming, be FAST! On the EZ, keep stroke together, the best know how to swim slow very well.  Finally, KNOW how fast you are swimming! 

Monday, June 16, 2014

Monday, June 16, 2014

Monday, June 16, 2014
Aerobic Endurance

400 + 4 X 100 alt. K/S, D/S + 4 X 50 variable sprints

Main Set
1 X 100 Kick @ 1:45
8 X 100 (2 @ 1:30, 2 @ 1:20, 2 @ 1:15, 2 @ 1:10)
2 X 100 Kick @ 1:45
6 X 100 @ 1:30 descend 1-3, 4-6
3 X 100 Kick @ 1:45
4 X 100 (1 @ 1:20, 1 @ 1:15, 1 @ 1:10, 1 @ 1:05)
4 X 100 Kick @ 1:45
2 X 100 @ 1:30 descend by 25
5 X 100 Kick @ 1:45

Notes: Adjust sendoff's as needed so that the rest in no longer than :15 seconds on any part of the set.  Effort should be steady and consistant throughout the set, although there are a couple factors that will put some stress on you in different ways.  On the rounds of 8 and 4 X 100's, the sendoff will challenge you and give you less rest.  On the rounds of 6 and 2 X 100's, the speed should get faster.  All the 100's kick should be done very well with good effort.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Friday, June 13, 2014

Friday, June 13, 2014

Warmup: 400 + 4 X 100 alt. K/S, D/S, + 4 X 50 variable Sprints

Main Set:
12 X 75 @ 1:00 Rest
*as fast as you can - take exactly 60 seconds rest, keep track of total time.

Notes: Choose your stroke, keep it the same throughout. Best effort, take exaclty 60 seconds between efforts no matter what.  For example, you come in on the 48, you leave on the 48. when finished you will subtract 11 minutes to get your total swim time.  Typical Friday, main set takes less than 20 minutes, make it count!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Thursday, June 12, 2014
Aerobic Endurance

Warmup: 400choice, 300 pull, 200Kick, 4 X 25 Variable Sprints

Main Set:
4 X 300 FRIM @ 4:00.....
6 X 150 S-K-S @ 2:00......
8 X 100 FR @ 1:10...... (FL/FR for IM)

Notes: Very efficient set, work hard for 40-45 minutes, low rest, adjust sendoff's as needed, but rest should stay under :15 seconds, so the HR stays up there.  Sustained effort throughout.  FRIM = IM with FR in place of FL.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Warmup: 400 + 12 X 50 alt. K/S, S/K

Main Set
24 X 150 as follows:
6 Kick @ 2:30....
6 100K/50S @ 2:15....
6 50K/100S @ 2:00....
6 Swim @ 1:45

Notes:  This is the not a very complicated set, especially if you compare it to most Wednesday's.  Today is about a nice long, sustained effort with the legs as you transition into more swimming as the set moves along.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Warmup: 400 + 4 X 100 alt. K/S, D/S + 4 X 50 variable sprints

Main Set
4 Rounds:
6 X 25 @ 30
Odd - Fast , Even - EZ
4 X 50 @ 60
Odd - Fast, Even - EZ
2 X 75 @ 1:30
Odd - Fast, Even - EZ

Distance - same concept except 2 rounds with 100's, 200's, 300's

Notes: Pretty simple set, 40 minutes of fast-ez swimming, what makes this set work is the value you put on speed, tempo, body position, and if you are swimming short course, WALLS!  Training is much different than trying hard

Monday, June 9, 2014

Monday, June 9, 2014

Monday, June 9, 2014
Aerobic Endurance

Warmup: 400choice-300pull-200kick-100IM

Main Set
3 X 100 @ 1:10.....
2 X 200 @ 2:20....
1 X 300 @ 3:30......
200 EZ @ 3:00
200 Kick @ 4:00
200 EZ @ 3:00
3 X 75 @ 1:00
2 X 150 @ 1:50...
1 X 225 @ 2:30...
100 EZ @ 1:30
100 Kick @ 2:00
100 EZ @ 1:30
3 X 50 @ 40
2 X 100 @ 1:10...
1 X 150 @ 1:50


Notes: the rounds of 3-2-1 are meant to start off strong with shorter distances, and then extend the effort as the distance extends.  the 1st 100's, 75's, 50's should be swum at the same speed regardless of how long the swim is.  For example, the first 100 of the 300 should be swum at the same speed as the 3 X 100.  Don't start slower just because it is a longer swim.

You may swim this IM, but I would encourage you to swim FRIM's unless your fitness level is high enough that you can swim the FL without hurting the rest of the IM

Friday, June 6, 2014

Friday, June 6, 2014

Friday, June 6, 2014
Challenge Day

Warmup: 400 + 4 X 100 alt. K/S, D/S + 4 X 50 variable sprints

Main Set
3 rounds:
1 X 25 @ 60
1 X 50 @ 60
1 X 75 @ 60

200 EZ

2 Rounds:
1 X 25 @ 60
1 X 50 @ 60
1 X 75 @ 60

200 EZ

1 Round
1 X 25 @ 60
1 X 50 @ 60
1 X 75 @ 60


Notes: This is one of my favorite fast swimming sets.  You will accumulate 900 yards of very fast swimming and very high HR's.  When you do the rounds of 2 & 3, you go right into the 2nd and 3rd rounds.  The idea is to start off fast with the 25, and maintain the speed through the 50 & 75.  As is the norm on Friday, make it count, and Be Fast!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Thursday, June 5, 2014
Aerobic Endurance

400choice-300pull-200kick-4 X 25 variable sprints

Main Set
10 X 75 Kick @ 1:20
5 X 100 Swim @ 1:20
8 X 75 K/S @ 1:15 (alt. 50K/25S, 25S/50K)
4 X 100 @ 1:15
6 X 75 K/S @ 1:10 (25K/50S)
3 X 100 @ 1:10
4 X 75 FL-BK-BR @ 1:05
2 X 100 FR @ 1:05
2 X 75 FR @ 1:00
1 X 100 under 1:00

Notes: This is about a 50 minute effort, the rest is more available at the beginning of the set, but don't start off lazy and "save" up for the end.  Start off strong and maintain as the set moves along and the rest becomes less.  Make sure you know what the pattern is so you don't have to stop for 2 minutes to figure it out.  You need to keep the HR in right zone the entire 50 minutes.  

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Wednesday, June 4, 2014
*sorry for not posting Mon-Tues, I was out of town.

Warmup: 400 + 12 X 50 alt. K/S, S/K

Main Set:
3 X 200 Kick @ 3:30
2 X 200 Kick no board @ 4:00 (alt. 25 underwater/25 on BK)
1 X 200 Kick for time @ 3:00
1 X 200 EZ @ 4:00
3 X 100 Kick @ 1:40
2 X 100 Kick no board @ 2:00 (alt. 25 underwater/25 on BK)
1 X 100 Kick for Time @ 1:30
1 X 100 EZ @ 2:00
3 X 50 Kick @ 50
2 X 50 Kick no board @ 60 (25 underwater/25 on BK)
1 X 50 Kick for Time
50 EZ

Notes: The 1st 3 reps of 200's, 100's and 50's are meant to be done really strong, with short rest, so adjust sendoff as needed, the 2 reps of 200's, 100's and 50's have some underwater kicking and I have given you some more rest to accomodate the oxygen debt, and the last 200, 100, and 50 are meant to be very quick!

Friday, May 30, 2014

Friday, May 30, 2014

Friday, May 30, 2014

Warmup: 400choice-300pull-200kick-4 X 25 variable sprints

Main Set:
3 X 200-300-400 @ 5:00
*Best Effort, Go For it!

Notes:  Short and sweet, great Friday challenge set!  Add to the warmup if you need to, make sure you are ready to go.  Also make sure you do a good warmdown.  Choose your distance from 200-400, the sendoff stays the same no matter what.  15 minutes and you are done!  Make it count, Be Fast, Be Tough! Finish the week with a great effort.  Remember Swimming Fast is much different than swimming Far.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Warmup: 400 + 12 X 50 alt. K/S, S/K @ 50

Main Set
1:00 Vert. Kick + 50 Kick for time/50 EZ
2:00 Kick + 75 Kick for time/75EZ
3:00 Kick + 100 Kick for time/100EZ
4:00 Kick @ 150 Kick for time/150EZ
3:00 Kick @ 100 Kick for time/100EZ
2:00 Kick @ 75 Kick for time/75EZ
1:00 Vert. Kick + 50 kick for time/50EZ

Notes: The 1:00 Kicks are Vertical, hands on shoulders, body position at attention, no bending at the waste. The 2:00-4:00 kicks are straight kicking holding strong effort, use tempo trainer, pace or HR to keep yourself accountable, or add shoes if you want some strength.  After the 1:00-4:00 Kick, kick ez to the nearest wall and go right into a timed kick, followed by an ez swim of the same distance.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Warmup: 400 + 4 X 100 alt. K/S, D/S, + 4 X 50 variable sprints

Main Set:
4 rounds of 6 X 75 @ 1:20 as follows
#1 - 1st 25 Fast
#2 - 2nd 25 Fast
#3 - 3rd 25 Fast
#4 - 1st 50 Fast
#5 - last 50 Fast
#6 - 75 Fast

Notes: Fast means best effort, go for it, when it is not fast, you can assume you can go as slow as you need to as long as you don't get sloppy.  Do first and last rounds FR, do the 2nd round stroke, do the 3rd round kick.  You may add/subtract equipment as you feel necessary, BE FAST!!  Finally feel free to do an EZ 200+ between rounds.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Monday, May 27, 2014

Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Aerobic Endurance

Warmup: 400choice-300pull-200kick-100IM

Main Set:
500-400-300-200-100 Pull @ :30 Rest between swims
400-300-200-100 alt. 50K/50S @ :30Rest between swims
300-200-100 all IM @ :30Rest between swims
200-100 Kick @ :30Rest between kicks
100 finish with a bang!

Notes: Swim with purpose, stay consistent, steady, strong, not lazy, no more than :30 seconds rest or less through entire workout!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Friday, May 23, 2014

Friday, May 23, 2014
Challenge Day!

400 + 4 X 100 alt. K/S, D/S + 4 X 50 variable sprints

Main Set
Compete as many reps/lengths as possible in 20 minutes:
50 Swim (2 lengths/reps)
4 Burpees (chest has to touch floor + feet have to leave ground)
150 Swim (6 lengths/reps)
8 Streamline jumps (both hands have to touch ground before each jump, jump as high as possible in streamline position)

Notes:  This is a crossfit style workout. Each round has 20 reps if you count one length as 1 rep, see how many rounds you can complete in 20 minutes.  It is done in 20 minutes no matter what, how many reps can you get?

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Thursday, May 22, 2014
Aerobic Endurance


Main Set
1 X 300 @ 4:30
1 X 325 @ 4:30
1 X 350 @ 4:30
1 X 375 @ 4:30
1 X 400 @ 4:30
*repeat 400 and go back down

Notes:  This will pack some volume into the 45 minutes, stay strong at the front and back of the set when the rest is on your side and stick with it through the middle when the rest is less.  You may adjust the interval depending on your fitness level and this would be a good set to do IM as well.  I would suggest doing it FRIM where you do the first 300 as FR-BK-BR by 100, and the last 25-100 will be FR.  That would ensure that your FL doesn't get messy.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Warmup: 400 + 12 X 50 @ 50 alt. K/S, S/K

Main Set
1:00 Kick (45 Fast - 15 EZ)
2:00 Kick (90 Fast - 30 EZ)
3:00 Kick (2:15 Fast - 45 EZ)
4:00 Kick (3:00 Fast - 60 EZ)
12 X 25- 50 - 75 @ 60 (choose what apply's to your event list)
25's - underwater - best avg., may use fins
50's - 25 swim + 25 underwater
75's - alt. 50K/25S, w/ 25S/50K, if you can't make interval, chance it to 25K/50S
4:00 Kick (3:00 Fast - 60 EZ)
3:00 Kick (2:15 Fast - 45 EZ)
2:00 Kick (90 Fast - 30 EZ)
1:00 Kick (45 Fast -15 EZ)

Notes: On the 1:00-4:00 Kicks, keep track of how far you get! Try to double-triple-quadruple the distance.  For the EZ, feel free to do a U-turn to get back to the wall so you can leave on time.  For the middle part of the set, choose the 12:00 that will work what you need to work.  The 25's are pure speed, the 50's are a little more of a lung buster, while the 75's are meant to be a little more endurance.  Go straight through the set to get 32 minutes of legs!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Fast-EZ Swimming

Warmup: 400 + 4 X 100 K/S, D/S + 4 X 50 variable sprints

Main Set
4 X 25 @ 30 Fast
1 X 100 EZ @ 1:45
4 X 50 @ 45 Fast
1 X 200 EZ @ 3:30
4 X 75 @ 1:00 Fast
1 X 300 EZ @ 5:00
4 X 75 @ 1:00 Fast
1 X 200 EZ @ 3:30
4 X 50 @ 45 Fast
1 X 100 EZ @ 1:45
4 X 25 @ 30 Fast


Notes: just about a quarter mile of really good swimming.  You are welcome to change the fast swims to kick or stroke, but keep the same pattern.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Friday, May 16, 2014

Friday, May 16, 2014
Challenge Day

Warmup: 400 + 4 X 100 alt. K/S, D/S + 4 X 50 variable spring

Main Set
10 X 100 @ :30R best effort, go for fastest 1000 time possible

Notes: This is a little different strategy than most sets in that sendoff is not fixed at 1:10-20-30 while you try to hold the same time.  I want you to take exactly :30 rest after each 100, so if you come in on the :06, you will leave on the :36, and so on.  Go for your total 1000 time, so you will subract 4.5 minutes off the total time to get your swimming time.  This is a great 15 minute challenge to end the week!  Make it count!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Thursday, May 15, 2014
Aerobic Endurance

Warmup: 400choice-300pull-200kick-4 X 25 Variable sprints

Main Set
4 X 100 FR @ 1:30
5 X 100 @ 1:25
3 X 100 @ 1:40
6 X 100 @ 1:20
2 X 100 @ 1:45
7 X 100 @ 1:15
1 X 100 @ 2:00
8 X 100 @ 1:10

Notes: This is a good 40-45 minutes of work where you should aim to hold the same pace, while the rest interval gets faster and slower.  Adjust the starting interval if need be, but follow the same pattern!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Kick Set

Warmup: 200 + 12 X 50 alt. K/S, S/K @ 55

Main Set:
3 X 100 Kick @ 1:30 or fastest interval
1 X 300 Kick @ 5:00
3 X 100 K/S @ 1:15
4 X 50 Kick @ 40 or fastest interval, no board
1 X 200 Kick @ 3:30
4 X 50 Kick/S @ 45 no board, underwater on 1st 25
4 X 25 Kick @ 30 best avg.
1 X 100 Kick @ 1:45
4 X 25 sprint swim @ 45 with emphasis on kick outs

Notes: each round starts off with a fast interval, followed by a little endurance an a little slower interval, although it should keep you honest, then finish with some fast kick/swim

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Warmup: 400choice-300pull-200kick-4 X 25 variable sprints

Main Set
4 rounds of 6 X 75 @ 1:20
Follow this pattern:
#1 - 1st 25 FAST!
#2 - 2nd 25 FAST!
#3 -3rd 25 FAST!
#4 - 1st 50 FAST!
#5 - last 50 FAST!
#6 - 75 FAST!

Take 100-200 EZ between rounds:

Notes: Know how fast you are swimming feel free to stop for :05 or less to leave on an even number so you can get times.  Feel free to mix in kick and stroke, but stay the same during each round.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Monday, May 12, 2014

Monday, May 12, 2014
Aerobic Endurance

Warmup: 400 + 4 X 100 K/S,  D/S, 4 X 50 variable sprints

Main Set:
3 rounds of:
3 X 25 @ 30
2 X 75 @ 60
1 X 125 @ 1:30

1 X 200 @ 3:00

2 rounds of:
3 X 25 @ 30
2 X 75 @ 60
1 X 125 @ 1:30

1 X 200 @ 3:00

1 round of:
3 X 25 @ 30
2 X 75 @ 60
1 X 125 @ 1:30

Notes: keep the effort and speed strong steady throughout, while the 200 is meant to be able to catch your breath a little, you still go straight through the entire set.  Feel free to mix in strokes.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Friday, May 9, 2014

Friday, May 9, 2014
Challenge Day

Warmup: 400 + 4 X 100 alt. K/S, D/S, 4 X 50 variable Sprints

Main Set:
15 X 25-75 @ 1:00 Best Avg.

Notes: Great 15 minute challenge on a Friday afternoon.  15 Minutes of your best.  Choose 25, 50, or 75's, depending on what you choose, will determine the energy system being used.  Any route you take is good and very valuable!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Thursday, May 8, 2014
Aerobic Endurance

Warmup: 400choice-300pull-200Kick-100IM

Main Set:
3 rounds of:
1 X 50 + 1 X 100 + 1 X 150 @ 40/1:20/2:00
1 X 400 Kick @ 7
2 rounds of:
1 X 50 + 1 X 100 + 1 X 150 @ 40/120/2:00
1 X 200 Kick @ 4
1 round of:
1 X 50 + 1 X 100 + 1 X 150 @ 40/120/2:00
1 X 100 Kick

Notes: Consistent, hard work throughout, adjust strokes and sendoff's to fit event lineup.  Rest has to be short to work on endurance.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Warmup: 200 + 12 X 50 alt. K/S, S/K @ 55

Main Set
900 K/S w/ fins
50 K - 50 S
100 K - 50 S
150 K - 50 S
150 K - 50 S
100 K - 50 S
50 K - 50 S
*Kick is on back or side, swim is with 6 beat kick

6 X 150 K/S @ short rest interval
*50K/100S or alt/ 100K/50S w/ 50S/100K

9 Minute Kick As follows:
:10 Fast - :50 EZ
:20 Fast - :40 EZ
:40 Fast - :20 EZ

Notes: 1st two sections should be done with steady, consistent hard work.  The last 9 minutes should be very fast.  Start with :10 seconds and extend yor speed to :20 and :40 seconds.  Recommendation for BR on this set, is to do eggbeater as most BR kickers don't get the HR up.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Warmup: 400choice-300pull-200Kick-100IM

Main Set
24 X 100 @ 1:45-2:00
Even - all EZ
Odd as follows:
#1 - fast through 33 Meters
#3 - fast through 66 Meters
#5 - Fast

Notes:  Our pool is set up in Long Course this week, so if you are following along from a 25 yard pool, adjust the progression to 50-75-100 or something along those lines.

* swimming fast has to be incorporated in your weekly plan.  Rest and Recovery are an essential part of this workout.  Remember Swimming Fast is much different than swimming Far!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Monday, May 5, 2014

Monday, May 5, 2014
Aerobic Endurance

Warmup: 400 choice, 4 X 100 alt. K/S, D/S, 4 X 50 variable sprints

Main Set
3 X 50 @ :40...
3 X 150 @ 1:50...
3 X 250 @ 3:00...
2 X 50 
2 X 150
2 X 250
1 X 50
1 X 150
1 X 250

Notes:  Remember the key to building aerobic endurance is sustained effort, short rest.  If you make the sendoff's too fast, you get outside the aerobic zone, if there is too much rest and stops, your HR will drop and you will not receive the desired results.  Feel free to add a stroke pattern that works for your event list, or a Kick/Swim pattern that fits, but keep the effort strong, and the rest low.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Friday, May 2, 2014

Friday, May 2, 2014
Challenge Day

Warmup: 300choice, 300 FR (K/D/S), 300 pull, 300 IM (K/D/S), 12 X 25 variable sprints

Main Set
5 X 50-300 @ 4:00

Notes: 5 Great swims today! Everything is on 4:00 no matter what distance or stroke you choose. Make it the best 20 minutes of the week!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Thursday, May 1, 2014
Aerobic Endurance


Main Set
55 X 50's done as follows:
10 FR @ 50
9 Kick/swim @ 50
8 FR @ 45
7 Stroke @ 55
6 FR @ 40
5 scull/swim @ 60
4 FR @ 35
3 FL - BK - BR @ 65
2 FR @ 30
1 EZ

Notes: No stopping, swim strong throughout, don't start off lazy just because the rest is in your favor. Use the rest to maintain strong swimming, not to swim slow.  Be smart down the stretch to make the sendoff's.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Warmup: 5 minutes of med balls + 200 EZ + 12 X 50 @ 55 alt. K/S, S/K

Main Set
4 X 25 Kick @ 30 Very Fast (w/ or w/o board, underwater?)
4 X 50 Kick @ 45-55 w/ board FL or FR
4 X 75 Swim @ 1:15 (1st 25 AO, emphasis on wall + underwater, last 50 EZ
4 X 25 @ 30 Very Fast (2/ or w/o board, underwater?)
4 X 75 Kick @ 1:05-15 w/ board FL/ or FR
3 X 100 Swim @ 1:15 (1st 50 AO, emphasis on walls + underwaters, last 50 EZ
4 X 25 Kick @ 30 Very Fast (w/ or w/o board, underwater?)
4 X 100 Kick @ 1:30-45 w/ board FL or FR
2 X 200 Swim @ 3:00 (1st 100 AO, emphasis on walls + underwater, last 100 EZ)


4 X 25 are very fast, FL and BK should do underwater, they are with low rest and are meant to be fast and get the HR way up. The 4 X 50-100's are meant to be more endurance, I want you to use a board so you can breath, and make the fastest interval you can make.  The 4 X 75-200 are meant to combine a really good effort off the walls and carry it into some strokes, along with time to loosen up before the next round.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Warmup: 5 minutes of med balls, 400 choice, 200 Kick, 8 X 50 variable sprints

Main Set
16 X 25 @ 30 Fast
200 EZ
1 X 50 Fast
200 EZ
12 X 25 @ 30 FAst
200 EZ
1 X 100 Fast
200 EZ
8 X 25 @ 30 FAst
200 EZ
1 X 150 Fast
200 EZ
4 X 25 @ 30 Fast
1 X 200 Fast

Get a good Warmdown

Monday, April 28, 2014

Monday, April 28, 2014

Monday, April 28, 2014
Aerobic Endurance


Main Set
Sendoff's are average, I want you to contol your speed today.  The more fit you are the more gears you have in your arsenal.
Here is a guide to gears:
1st Gear - ez, float, warmup
2nd Gear - smooth, slow, quiet, long
3rd Gear - Working Hard, in control, on the brink of uncomfortable
4th Gear - moving, uncomfortable, yet still one gear to go.
5th Gear - Your Best.....

10 X 200,300, or 400's @ 1:30/100 interval
#1 - 1st 1/2 2nd Gear, 2nd 1/2 4th gear
#2 - 3rd Gear
#3 - descend 2nd - 5th
#4 - 3rd Gear
#5 - 1st 4th - 5th Gear, then 1st Gear
#6 - 3rd Gear
#7 - alt. 2nd/4th Gear by 25 or 50
#8 - 3rd Gear
#9 - last 25 of every 100 - 5th gear
#10 - 4th Gear until last 25-50, then 5th gear
